List of political career biographies

The following is a list of political career biographies. It is meant to complement the list of political memoirs page, with the key difference being that the books in this list are authored by persons other than the book's subject. This list is sorted by country and by the political position and last name of the book's subject:


Ben Chifley: Prime Minister 1945-1949
Sir Robert Menzies: Prime Minister 1939-1941; 1949-1966
Graham Richardson: Senator 1983-1994
Gough Whitlam: Prime Minister 1972-1975

United Kingdom

United States of America

U.S. Cabinet

Brown, Ron: Secretary of Commerce under President Bill Clinton, 1993-1996
Byrnes, James F.: Secretary of State under President Harry Truman, 1945-1947
Connally, John: Secretary of the Treasury under President Richard Nixon, 1971-1972
Dulles, John Foster: Secretary of Defense under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1959
Forrestal, James: Secretary of Defense under President Harry Truman, 1947-1949
Johnson, Louis: Secretary of Defense under President Harry Truman, 1949-1950
Kissinger, Henry: Secretary of State under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, 1973-1977
Marshall, George C.: Secretary of State, 1947-1949, and Secretary of Defense, 1950-1951, under President Harry Truman
McNamara, Robert: Secretary of Defense under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, 1961-1968
O'Neill, Paul: Secretary of the Treasury under President George W. Bush, 2001-2002
Rumsfeld, Donald: Secretary of Defense under President George W. Bush, 2001-present
Vance, Cyrus: Secretary of State under President Jimmy Carter, 1977-1980

U.S. Supreme Court

Marshall, Thurgood: 96th Supreme Court Justice, 1967-1991
O'Connor, Sandra Day: 102nd Supreme Court Justice, 1981-2006
Scalia, Antonin: 103rd Supreme Court Justice, 1986-present
Souter, David: 105th Supreme Court Justice, 1990-present
Thomas, Clarence: 106th Supreme Court Justice, 1991-present