List of most massive exoplanets

This is a list of most massive exoplanets so far discovered, arranged by decreasing Jupiter mass. The exoplanets with mass higher than 10 are included. Please note that as techniques improve, and astronomers revise their estimates, this list will change, and no mass is certain, partly because of how hard it is to discover exoplanets in the first place, and, furthermore, how much harder it is to accurately measure an exoplanet’s mass.


HR 2562 b30±150.0286
DENIS-P J082303.1-491201 b28.5±1.90.0271
HIP 74865 b28−10+370.0268
KELT-1 b27.230.0263
nu Oph c270.0259
USco1612-1800 b260.0249
TWA 5 b25−20+1200.0239
2MASS J01225093-243950524.50.0235
HD 203030 b24.090.0231
nu Oph b240.0230
HIP 78530 b23.04±40.0221
HIP 73990 c220.0210
WISE 1217+16A b22±20.0210
HD 180314 b220.0210
CoRoT-3 b21.66±10.0209
GQ Lupi b21.5±20.50.0206
BD20 2457 b21.40.0206
HIP 73990 b210.0201
Oph 11 b21±30.0201
tau Gem b20.60.0198
1SWASP J1407 b20±60.0192
HIP 97233 b20±0.40.0192
HIP 77900 b200.0192
USco1610-1913 b200.0192
2M 2140+16 b200.0192
NGC 4349 No 127 b19.80.0190
11 Com b19.40.0186
HD 211847 b19.20.0184
HD 41004 B b18.40.0176
WISE 1711+3500 b180.0172
HD 38529 c17.7-1.4+1.70.0170
HD 100546 b17.50.0167
HD 202206 b17.40.0167
GSC 6214-210 b170.0163
CT Cha b170.0163
ROXs 12 b160.0153
HN Peg b160.0153
Kepler-53 c15.750.0151
HIP 5158 c15.040.0144
FU Tau b150.0144
HD 162020 b14.40.0138
HW Vir b14.30.0137
HAT-P-13 c14.280.0137
HD 13189 b140.0134
1RXS 1609 b140.0134
UScoCTIO 108 b140.0134
kappa And b140.0134
2M 0219-3925 b13.90.0133
HD 22781 b13.650.0131
OGLE-2013-BLG-0102L b13.60.0130
AB Pic b13.5±0.50.0129
WISE 0458+6434 b130.0125
2M 0103 b130.0125
SR 12 AB c130.0125
HD 217786 b130.0125
Beta Pictoris b12.9
BD20 2457 c12.470.0120
HD 87883 b12.10.0120
CHXR 73 b120.0115
2M 0122-2439 b120.0115
XO-3 b11.790.0113
OTS 4411.50.011
Ross 458 c11.30.0108
VHS 1256-1257 b11.20.0107
HD 220074 b11.10.0106
HD 110014 b11.090.0106
GU Psc b110.0105
HD 106906 b110.0105
HD 106270 b110.0105
DH Tau b110.0105
HD 114762 b10.980.0104
HD 38801 b10.70.0103
NGC 2423 3 b10.60.0102
11 UMi b10.50.0101
WASP-18 b10.430.01
Kepler-52 c10.410.01
CoRoT-27 b10.390.01
HD 219077 b10.390.01
18 Del b10.30.0098
HD 39091 b10.30.0098
ups And d10.190.0097
TYC+1422-614-1 c10.10.0097
FW Tau b100.0096
HR 8799 d100.0096
HR 8799 c100.0096
Jupiter 10.00096