List of missions to the outer planets

A total of nine spacecraft have been launched on missions that involve visits to the outer planets; all nine missions involve encounters with Jupiter, with four spacecraft also visiting Saturn. One spacecraft, Voyager 2, also visited Uranus and Neptune. The nine missions include two; Ulysses and New Horizons, whose primary objectives are not related to the outer planets, but which flew past Jupiter to gain gravity assists en route to a polar orbit around the Sun, and Pluto—at the time of its launch considered an outer planet—respectively. Cassini–Huygens also flew past Jupiter for a gravity assist on its Mission to explore Saturn.
Only three of the missions to the outer planets have been orbiters: Galileo orbited Jupiter for eight years, while Cassini orbited Saturn for thirteen years. Juno has been orbiting Jupiter since 2016.



Six spacecraft have been launched to explore Jupiter, with spacecraft making gravity-assist flybys.
New Horizons, although eventually targeting planet Pluto, used Jupiter for a gravity assist and had an extensive almost half year observation campaign of Jupiter and its moons.
SpacecraftLaunch DateOperatorMissionOutcomeRemarksCarrier rocket
Pioneer 10NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach at 02:25 UTC on 4 December 1973Atlas SLV-3C Centaur-D
Pioneer 11NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach at 05:22 UTC on 3 December 1974, later flew past Saturn
Voyager 2NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach at 22:29 on 9 July 1979, later flew past Saturn, Uranus and NeptuneTitan IIIE Centaur-D1T
Voyager 1NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach at 12:05 UTC on 5 March 1979, later flew past SaturnTitan IIIE Centaur-D1T
United States
Orbiter/AtmosphericAtmospheric probe entered atmosphere at 22:04 UTC on 7 December 1995 and operated for 57 minutes; main spacecraft entered orbit at 00:27 UTC on 8 December. Spacecraft was deorbited on 21 September 2003, impacting Jupiter's atmosphere at 18:57:18 UTC.
STS-34 / IUS
United States / ESA
Gravity assistFlyby on 8 February 1992 to reach a high-inclination heliocentric orbit. Also made a distant incidental flyby on 4 February 2004
STS-41 / IUS
United States / ESA
Gravity assistFlyby on 30 December 2000 en route to SaturnTitan IVB Centaur-T
New HorizonsNASA
United States
Gravity assist
Major observation campaign from Jan-June
Flyby on 28 February 2007 en route to PlutoAtlas V 551
United States
OrbiterEntered orbit 4 July 2016Atlas V 551


Four spacecraft have visited Saturn; Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 made flybys, while Cassini–Huygens entered orbit, and deployed a probe into the atmosphere of Titan.
SpacecraftLaunch DateOperatorMissionOutcomeRemarksCarrier rocket
Pioneer 11NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach on 1 September 1979 at 16:31 UTC
Voyager 2NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach at 01:21 UTC on 26 August 1981, later flew past Uranus and NeptuneTitan IIIE Centaur-D1T
Voyager 1NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach on 12 November 1980 at 23:45 UTCTitan IIIE Centaur-D1T
United States
OrbiterEntered orbit 1 July 2004; mission concluded on September 15, 2017Titan IVB Centaur-T
Titan landerDeployed from Cassini; landed on Titan at 10:13 UTC on 14 January 2005Titan IVB Centaur-T


Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have visited Uranus, making a single flyby as part of its grand tour of the outer planets.
SpacecraftLaunch DateOperatorMissionOutcomeRemarksCarrier rocket
Voyager 2NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach at 17:59 UTC on 24 January 1986, later flew past NeptuneTitan IIIE Centaur-D1T


Voyager 2 is also the only spacecraft to have visited Neptune, making a single flyby as part of its grand tour of the outer planets.
SpacecraftLaunch DateOperatorMissionOutcomeRemarksCarrier rocket
Voyager 2NASA
United States
FlybyClosest approach at 03:26 UTC on 25 August 1989Titan IIIE Centaur-D1T