List of minor Greek mythological figures
This list contains persons named in Greek mythology of minor notability, about whom either nothing or very little is known, aside from any family connections.
- Echion — The name of several mythological figures.
- Echetlus — an Athenian mythical hero fought in the Battle of Marathon.
- Eioneus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Electryone — A daughter of Helios and Rhode.
- Eleius — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eleusis, eponymous hero of the town of Eleusis
- Eleuther — The name of several mythological figures.
- Elpenor — A crew member of Odysseus, who died in an accident; his shade approached Odysseus in the Underworld to beg him for a proper burial.
- Elymus — Progenitor of the Elymians.
- Emathion — The name of several mythological figures.
- Enalus — a man from Lesbos
- Enarete — wife of Aeolus.
- Endeïs — Daughter of Chiron.
- Endymion — eternally sleeping lover of the moon goddess Selene.
- Enyeus — The name of several mythological characters.
- Epeius — The name of several mythological figures.
- Epicasta — The name of several mythological figures.
- Epidaurus — eponymous hero of the city Epidaurus.
- Epipole — A woman that went to Trojan War in disguise of a man.
- Epirus — Daughter of Agave and Echion, after whom the region of Epirus was named.
- Epistrophus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Epochus — The name of several mythological characters.
- Ereuthalion — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eribotes — one of the Argonauts.
- Eriopis — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eriphyle — mother of Alcmaeon and wife of Amphiaraus.
- Erymanthus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Erythras — The name of several mythological figures.
- Euippe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Euchenor — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eulimene — A Cretan girl who was put to death after having an affair with a man other than her betrothed.
- Eumaeus — Odysseus' loyal swineherd.
- Eumedes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eunostus, a Boeotian hero
- Euphorion — The son of Achilles and Helen.
- Europs — The name of several mythological figures.
- Euryalus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Euryanassa — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurybates — herald of the Greek armies and squire to Odysseus during the Trojan War.
- Eurycleia — The wet-nurse of Odysseus.
- Eurycyda — A lover of Poseidon.
- Eurydamas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurydice — The wife of Orpheus.
- Eurylochus — The second-in-command of Odysseus' ship during the return to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
- Eurymachus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurymedon — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurymedousa — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurypyle — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurypylus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Euryte — Daughter of Hippodamas.
- Eurythemis — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurythemista — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurytion — The name of several mythological figures.
- Eurytus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Evaechme — The name of several mythological figures.
- Evippus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Galanthis — Servant and friend of Alcmene, who foiled Hera's plan to prevent Heracles' birth and was transformed into a weasel in punishment.
- Gerana — A Pygmy queen changed into a crane.
- Golgos — Son of Adonis and Aphrodite
- Gorge — The name of several mythological figures.
- Gorgophone — Daughter of Perseus and Andromeda.
- Guneus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Haemon — Son of Creon and Eurydice.
- Halaesus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Halirrhothius — A son of Poseidon who was killed by Ares.
- Harpalion — The name of several mythological figures.
- Harpalyce — The name of several mythological figures.
- Harpalycus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hecamede — Daughter of Arsinoös who was captured and given to Nestor as a servant.
- Heleus — A son of Perseus and Andromeda.
- Hemithea — princess of the Island of Naxos who leapt into the sea to escape her father's wrath; Apollo transformed her into demi-goddess.
- Henioche — The name of several mythological figures.
- Herippe — A woman from Miletus, abducted by the Gauls.
- Hermippe — wife of Orchomeus and mother of Minyas by Poseidon.
- Hero and Leander — Star-crossed lovers.
- Hilaera — one of the Leucippides, wife of Castor.
- Hippocoön — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hippodamas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hippodamia — wife of Pelops.
- Hippolytus — A son of Theseus.
- Hippotes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hippothoe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hippothous — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hodites — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hodoedocus — Son of Cynus, father of Oileus.
- Hyacinthus — A lover of Apollo changed into a flower.
- Hyacinthus of Lacedaemon — father of four daughters who were sacrificed to avert plague.
- Hyamus — maternal grandfather of Delphus.
- Hyettus — An Argive, reputedly the first person to ever commit murder over adultery.
- Hylas — Arms bearer to Heracles.
- Hyllus — Son of Heracles and Deianira.
- Hyperbius — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hyperenor — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hyperes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hyperippe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hypermnestra — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hyperochus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hyperphas — father of Euryganeia and Euryanassa.
- Hypsenor — The name of several mythological figures.
- Hyrmine — The wife of Phorbas.
- Hyrnetho — The wife of Deiphontes.
- Ialmenus — A son of Ares who sailed with the Argonauts.
- Iasus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Icarius — The name of several mythological figures.
- Icarus — The son of Daedalus, who fell to his death.
- Ilione — Daughter of Priam and wife of Polymestor.
- Ilioneus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Imbrius — A son-in-law of Priam.
- Ino — a Theban princess who became the sea goddess Leucothea
- Iodame — Daughter of Itonus, turned to stone by Athena.
- Iolaus, nephew of Heracles who aided his uncle in one of his Labors
- Iole — Daughter of Eurytus.
- Ion — Son of Apollo and Creusa, wife of Xuthus.
- Iphianassa — The name of several mythological figures.
- Iphianeira — The name of several mythological figures.
- Iphicles — The name of several mythological figures.
- Iphidamas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Iphimedeia — A lover of Poseidon.
- Iphinoe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Iphitus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Iphthime — The name of several mythological figures.
- Itonus — Son of Amphictyon and founder of a shrine to Athena.
- Lamedon — A son of Coronus of Sicyon.
- Lampus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Laodamas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Laodamia — The name of several mythological figures.
- Laodice — A daughter of Priam.
- Laonome — The name of several mythological figures.
- Laophoon — A Paeonian ally of the Trojans in the Trojan War.
- Laothoe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Lapithes — eponym of the Lapiths.
- Leitus — A leader of the Achaean forces during the Trojan War.
- Leos — name of two Attic heroes.
- Lepreus — A grandson of Poseidon and an enemy of Heracles.
- Lethaea — A woman turned into stone for her vanity.
- Leucippus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Leucon — The name of several mythological figures.
- Leuconoe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Leucophrye — Daughter of Mandrolytus; she betrayed her city for the love of a man.
- Leucus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Lityerses — A son of Midas killed by Heracles, and eponym of a kind of reaping songs.
- Lophis — The young son of a Boeotian king.
- Lupa — The minor goddess of wolves.
- Lycaon of Troy — A son of Priam, killed by Achilles.
- Lycaste — The name of several mythological figures.
- Lycastus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Lycorus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Lycurgus of Thrace — A king of the Edoni in Thrace.
- Lysianassa — The name of several mythological figures.
- Lysimache — The name of several mythological figures.
- Lysippe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Machaon — A physician and son of Asclepius who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War.
- Maeon — The name of several mythological figures.
- Magnes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Mantius — A son of Melampus and father of Cleitus.
- Mariandynus — Eponymous hero of the Mariandyni.
- Mecisteus — Son of Talaus who participated in the war of the Seven Against Thebes.
- Meda — The name of several mythological figures.
- Medôn — The name of several mythological figures.
- Megapenthes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Melanippus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Melantho — A disloyal servant of Penelope.
- Melas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Meliboea — The name of several mythological figures.
- Melicertes — Son of Athamas and Ino who was transformed into the marine god Palaemon.
- Melite — An eponymous heroine of a deme in Attica.
- Memphis — eponym of Memphis, Egypt.
- Menippe — A daughter of Orion who was transformed into a comet.
- Messene — An ambitious Argive princess for whom Messenia was named.
- Metaneira — wife of Celeus, king of Eleusis.
- Metioche — A daughter of Orion who was transformed into a comet.
- Mestor — The name of several mythological figures.
- Mestra — Daughter of Erysichthon who possessed the gift of shape-shifting.
- Miletus — A son of Apollo and founder of the city Miletus.
- Minyas — founder of Orchomenus in Boeotia.
- Molurus — The man killed by Hyettus.
- Munichus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Myrina — The name of several mythological figures.
- Myrmidon — eponymous progenitor of the Myrmidons.
- Myrmidone — The name of several mythological figures.
- Myrrha — The mother of Adonis.
- Myrtilus — charioteer of Oenomaus.
- Myrto — The name of several mythological figures.
- Mysius — An Argive who offered hospitality to Demeter.
- Mytilene — The name of several mythological figures.
- Narcissus — A young man who fell in love with his own reflection.
- Naubolus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Nausicaa — A Phaeacian princess who aided Odysseus.
- Nausithous — The name of several mythological figures.
- Neoptolemus — A son of Achilles.
- Nicippe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Nireus — An Achaean leader during the Trojan War, renowned for his beauty.
- Nyctimene — A woman transformed by Athena into an owl.
- Nyctimus — A son of Lycaon who was killed and served up as a meal to Zeus.
- Nemesis — Goddess of revenge.
- Oenoe — The name of several mythological characters.
- Oenone — The first wife of Paris, whom he abandoned in favour of Helen.
- Oenotrus — A son of Lycaon.
- Olenus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Omphale — A queen of Lydia to whom Heracles was required to become a slave for the period of a year.
- Oncius — A son of Apollo and eponymous hero of Oncium, Arcadia.
- Orchomenus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Orestheus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Orion — A hunter whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.
- Orithyia — an Athenian princess abducted by Boreas and made the goddess of cold, gusty mountain winds
- Ormenus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Ornytion — A son of Sisyphus and ruler over Corinth.
- Ornytus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Orsilochus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Othryoneus — A suitor of Cassandra.
- Oxylus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Paeon — A Paeonian, father of Agastrophus and Laophoon.
- Paeon — A Messenian noble.
- Paeon — Eponym of Paeonia.
- Paeon — By Helle, sister of Phrixus.
- Palaemon — a Theban prince, made into a sea god along with his mother, Ino
- Pallene — The name of several mythological figures.
- Pandaie — A daughter of Heracles in India.
- Pandareus — A friend of Tantalus who got involved into the latter's impious deeds.
- Pandarus — A Trojan archer who fought in the Trojan War.
- Pandora II — A daughter of Deucalion and Pyrrha.
- Panopeus — A son of Phocus.
- Panthous — An elder of Troy.
- Paris — A son of Priam whose abduction of Helen resulted in the Trojan War.
- Parthenos — princess of the Island of Naxos who leapt into the sea to escape her father's wrath; Apollo transformed her into demi-goddess.
- Parthenopeus — one of the Seven Against Thebes.
- Patroclus — A comrade of Achilles who was killed by Hector during the Trojan War.
- Peirous — A Thracian ally of the Trojans.
- Peisenor — The name of several mythological figures.
- Peisidice — The name of several mythological figures.
- Peisistratus — The youngest son of Nestor.
- Pelopia — The name of several mythological figures.
- Peneleos — An Achaean soldier in the Trojan War.
- Penthilus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Periboea — The name of several mythological figures.
- Perigune — Daughter of Sinis and lover of Theseus.
- Perileos — The name of several mythological figures.
- Perimede — The name of several mythological figures.
- Perimedes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Periphas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Periphetes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Peristhenes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Phaenops — The name of several mythological figures.
- Phaëton — A son of Helios who lost control of his father's sun chariot and was struck down by Zeus to prevent disaster.
- Phalanthus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Phalerus — A son of Alcon who sailed with the Argonauts.
- Pharis — A son of Hermes and founder of Pharae in Messene.
- Phemius — An Ithacan poet who performs in the house of Odysseus.
- Phialo — A lover of Heracles.
- Philemon — A virtuous old man who was rewarded by Zeus.
- Philoctetes — A famed archer who participated in the Trojan War.
- Phlias — A son of Dionysus who sailed with the Argonauts.
- Phocus — the name of several mythological figures.
- Phoebe — the name of several mythological figures.
- Phoenix — one of the Myrmidons who participated in the Trojan War.
- Phorbas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Phorcys — A Phrygian ally of Priam in the Trojan War.
- Phrastor — The name of several mythological figures.
- Phrixus — A son of Athamas and Nephele, rescued by Chrysomallus, the ram with the golden fleece.
- Phrontis — A son of Phrixus who sailed with the Argonauts.
- Phylacus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Phylas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Phyleus — Son of Augeas.
- Phyllis — wife of Demophon of Athens.
- Phylonoe, daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, made immortal by Artemis
- Physadeia — The name of several mythological figures.
- Physcoa — member of the Sixteen Women and lover of Dionysus.
- Phytalus — An Attic hero encountered by Demeter.
- Pleuron — eponym of Pleuron, Aetolia.
- Plexippus — The name of several mythological characters.
- Podalirius — A healer and son of Asclepius who participated in the Trojan War.
- Polites — The name of several mythological figures.
- Polyboea — The name of several mythological figures.
- Polycaon — The name of several mythological figures.
- Polycaste — The name of several mythological figures.
- Polydorus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Polymele — The name of several mythological figures.
- Polypheides — The name of several mythological figures.
- Polystratus — A youth of Dyme, Achaea.
- Polyxenus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Polyxo — The name of several mythological figures.
- Praxithea — The name of several mythological figures.
- Presbon — The name of several mythological figures.
- Proclia — Daughter of Laomedon, sister of Priam and wife of Cycnus.
- Procrustes — A rogue smith and bandit from Attica who attacked people.
- Promedon — Possibly a follower of Orpheus.
- Pronax — A brother of Adrastus.
- Prosymnus — A shepherd who aided Dionysus in rescuing Semele from Hades.
- Protesilaus — The first Greek soldier to die at Troy.
- Prothoenor — one of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War.
- Psophis — The name of several mythological figures.
- Pterelaos — The name of several mythological figures.
- Ptous — eponym of Mount Ptous in Boeotia.
- Pygmalion — A sculptor who fell in love with his own creation.
- Pylaeus — A Pelasgian ally of the Trojans.
- Pylaemenes — An Enetian ally of the Trojans.
- Pyraechmes — A Paeonian ally of the Trojans.
- Pyramus — Tragic lover of Thisbe, on whom Shakespeare's Romeo is based.
- Pyrrha — Wife of Deucalion.
- Rarus — A possible father of Triptolemus.
- Rhadine and Leontichus — Star-crossed lovers.
- Rhoeo — A lover of Apollo.
- Saon — The name of several mythological figures.
- Schedius — The name of several mythological figures.
- Schoeneus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Scylaceus — A Lycian ally of the Trojans. Though wounded by Ajax the Lesser he survived and returned home after the Fall of Troy only to subsequently be stoned to death by several women of Lycia when he told them how their husbands and sons had all died in the war. At the urging of Apollo a monument to Scylaceus was built to make amends for this crime and he was subsequently worshipped as a minor god.
- Selemnus — A man who loved the sea nymph Argyra.
- Selene — The goddess of the moon.
- Sidero — Stepmother of Tyro.
- Socus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Solymus — Ancestral hero of the Solymi tribe in Lycia.
- Sostratus — A beloved of Heracles.
- Sparta — wife of Lacedaemon for whom the city of Sparta was named.
- Staphylus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Stentor — A herald of the Greek forces during the Trojan War.
- Stheneboea — Daughter of Iobates and consort of Proteus.
- Sthenele — The name of several mythological figures.
- Sthenelus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Stratonice — The name of several mythological figures.
- Strophius — The name of several mythological figures.
- Stymphalus — A son of Elatus.
- Syleus — A Lydian who forced people to dig his vineyard and was killed by Heracles.
- Syme — Eponym of the island Syme.
- Sciron — son of Poseidon, bandit
- Teuthras — a native of Magnesia, who fought at Troy and was killed by Hector and Ares.
- Teuthras — an Athenian, founder and eponym of Teuthrone in Laconia.
- Teuthras — Brother of Tyres and one of the companions of Aeneas.
- Teuthras — a young man of Argos, son of Iphiclus; he was shot to death by the Amazon Hippolyta during the Parthian War.
- Tecmessa — The name of several mythological figures.
- Tegeates — founder of Tegea.
- Telecleia — A daughter of Ilus and wife of Cisseus.
- Telegonus — Son of Circe and Odysseus.
- Telemachus — Son of Odysseus and Penelope, and a central character in the Odyssey.
- Teleon — father of Butes and Eribotes.
- Telephassa — wife of Agenor and mother of Cadmus.
- Tenes — eponymous hero of Tenedos.
- Termerus — A bandit killed by Heracles.
- Theiodamas — The name of several mythological figures.
- Themiste — A daughter of Ilus and mother of Anchises.
- Themisto — Third wife of Athamas.
- Theobule — The name of several mythological figures.
- Theonoe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Theophane — A lover of Poseidon, changed into an ewe.
- Thero — The name of several mythological figures.
- Thersander — The name of several mythological figures.
- Thersites — A soldier of the Greek army during the Trojan War.
- Thespius — founder-king of Thespiae Boeotia.
- Thestius — father of Iphicles.
- Thestor — The name of several mythological figures.
- Thisbe — Tragic lover of Pyramus, on whom Shakespeare's Juliet is based.
- Thoas — A leader of the Aetolian armies during the Trojan War.
- Thoön — The name of several mythological figures.
- Thrace, the daughter of Oceanus and Parthenope, and sister of Europa
- Thrasymedes — Soldier who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War.
- Thymoetes — The name of several mythological figures.
- Timandra — Daughter of Leda and Tyndareus.
- Tithonus — lover of Eos, granted immortality but not eternal youth.
- Tlepolemus — A son of Heracles who fought in the Trojan War of the side of the Greeks.
- Toxeus — The name of several mythological characters.
- Trambelus — A son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax.
- Trochilus — Possible inventor of the chariot linked to cults of Hera and Demeter.
- Troezen — A son of Pelops and eponym of the city Troezen.
- Trophonius — An architect, brother of Agamedes.
- Tydeus — father of Diomedes and one of the Seven Against Thebes.
- Tyres, a companion of Aeneas along with his brother Teuthras.
- Tyres, a warrior in the army of Perses who fought and died in the war between Perses and Aeetes.
- Tyro — Daughter of Salmoneus.
- Ucalegon — An elder of Troy.
- Xanthippe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Xanthius — A descendant of Bellerophon and father of Leucippus.
- Xanthus — The name of several mythological figures.
- Xuthus — A son of Hellen and Orseis and father of Ion and Achaeus.
- Zarex — A son of Carystus and founder of the town Zarex in Laconia.
- Zetes — An Argonaut and son of Boreas.
- Zeuxippe — The name of several mythological figures.
- Zeuxippus — The name of several mythological figures.