List of maritime features in the Spratly Islands

This page features a series of lists of maritime features in the Spratly Islands:
Of the hundreds of maritime features in the Spratly Islands, relatively few have land permanently above sea-level that is larger than protruding rocks. There are only 13 islands and cays with a natural area above sea-level larger than one hectare. With the exception of Swallow Reef, prior to 2014 there had been no large-scale land reclamation beyond building breakwaters and piers, and extending runways.
This changed dramatically in 2014 with the PRC embarking on large-scale reclamations of the lagoons of Johnson South Reef and Fiery Cross Reef, and other reclamations of then unknown extent at the Gaven Reefs and Cuarteron Reef. Reports of the extent of land reclaimed on Swallow Reef vary. The PRC land reclamations have continued on a total of seven sites. In 2015, Subi Reef, Hughes Reef and Mischief Reef were added. Refer to the table below for the most recently available data. In summary, there have been reclamations of very large areas at three sites by the PRC, reclamations of large areas at 8 sites and reclamations of lesser areas at a number of sites. There does not appear to have been any reclamation of Philippine occupied areas. There have been small Taiwanese reclamations at Itu Aba, very small but functionally significant reclamations at six Malaysian sites, and a number small but significant reclamations at Vietnamese sites in 2016, most particularly at Spratly Island where the runway has been extended and a sheltered harbour added.
The following table contains the 16 largest "natural" features,, plus the features with significant amounts of reclaimed land:
#Featurein Atoll"Natural" AreaLocationCurrently occupied byReclaimed Area
1Itu Aba IslandTizard BankROC ~
2Thitu IslandThitu ReefsPhilippines
3West York IslandWest York IslandPhilippines
4Spratly IslandSpratly IslandVietnam ~
5Northeast CayNorth Danger ReefPhilippines
6Southwest CayNorth Danger ReefVietnam ~
7Sin Cowe IslandUnion BanksVietnam ~
8Nanshan IslandLoaita BankPhilippines
9Sand CayTizard BankVietnam ~
10Loaita IslandLoaita BankPhilippines
11Swallow ReefSwallow ReefMalaysia ~
12Namyit IslandTizard BankVietnam
13Amboyna CayAmboyna CayVietnam
Grierson ReefUnion BanksVietnam ~
West ReefLondon ReefsVietnam ~
Central ReefLondon ReefsVietnam ~
14Flat IslandLoaita BankPhilippines
15Loaita CayLoaita BankPhilippines
16Lankiam CayLoaita BankPhilippines
Mischief ReefMischief Reef00.00PRC~
Subi ReefThitu Reefs00.00PRC~
Fiery Cross ReefFiery Cross Reef00.00PRC~
Cuarteron ReefLondon Reefs00.00PRC~
Gaven ReefsTizard Bank00.00PRC~
Johnson South ReefUnion Banks00.00PRC~
Hughes ReefUnion Banks00.00PRC~
Pearson ReefSW Dangerous Ground00.00Vietnam ~
Cornwallis South ReefSW Dangerous Ground00.00Vietnam ~

Features by major reef / bank / etc.

The boundaries of the Spratly Islands are not firmly defined. West-to-east, the islands range from the coastal waters of Vietnam to the east of Dangerous Ground and the Palawan Passage, and south-to-north from the coastal waters of Borneo and the southern South China Sea to the north of Dangerous Ground and the Reed Bank.
The major feature of the area is Dangerous Ground, an oblong area approximately SW-NE, at its widest, with an area of about 52,000 nm². It lies approximately between 7.5–12°N, 113–117°E, and US NGA literatureetc. seems to consider its centre as. The remainder of the Spratly Islands are mainly to the west and south of Dangerous Ground, with some features to the east.
The Spratly Islands can be roughly divided into seven sub-areas relative to Dangerous Ground:
Within these sub-areas there are a number of major reefs and banks, as well as ungrouped maritime features.
Starting in the NW, and progressing in a generally SW direction, the features include:
NWNorth Reef; Northeast Cay; Shira Islet; Southwest Cay; Jenkins Patches; South Reef; Sabine Patches; Farquharson Patches; Day Shoal; Iroquois Ridge
NWTrident & LysTrident Shoal, Lys Shoal
NWThitu ReefsThitu Island; Thitu Reef; Sandy Cay
NW'Subi Reef
NWLoaita BanksLankiam Cay; Loaita Cay; Loaita Nan; Loaita Island
NW'Menzies Reef, Irving Reef, West York Island
NWTizard BanksBan Than Reef ; Eldad Reef; Gaven Reefs; Namyit Island; Petley Reef; Sand Cay; Taiping Island
NW'Western Reef, Discovery Great Reef, Discovery Small Reef
W'Fiery Cross Reef, Dhaulle Reef, Coronation Bank
SWUnion BanksCollins Reef ; Edmund Reef; Empire Reef; Grierson Reef; Hallett Reef; Higgins Reef; Holiday Reef; Hughes Reef; Johnson South Reef; Jones Reef; Lansdowne / Landsdown / etc. Reef; Loveless Reef; Kennan / McKennan Reef; Sin Cowe Island; Sin Cowe East; Whitson Reef; Zhangxi Jiao
NEReed TablemountReed Bank; Nares Bank; Marie Louise Bank
NENE Dangerous GroundJackson Atoll, Nanshan Island, Flat Island, Third Thomas Shoal, Hopkins Reef, Amy Douglas, Hirane Shoal, Hardy Reef, Sandy Shoal, Lord Auckland Shoal, Carnatic Shoal
NEHopps Reef; Livock Reef
ESeahorse Shoal/Seashore Shoal/Routh Shoal, Bombay Shoal, Royal Captain Shoal, Half Moon Shoal, Viper Shoal
SESE Dangerous GroundSabina Shoal, Boxall Reef, Second Thomas Shoal, Mischief Reef, First Thomas Shoal, Alicia Annie Reef, Commodore Reef, North Viper Shoal, Northeast Shea, Director Reef, Glasgow Bank, Investigator Northeast Shoal, Sand Cay
SWSW Dangerous GroundBittern Reef, Allison Reef, Cornwallis South Reef, Pearson Reef, Pigeon Reef, Investigator Shoal, Ardasier Reef, Ardasier Bank, Erica Reef, Mariveles Reef, Dallas Reef, Barque Canada Reef
WLondon ReefsCentral London Reef; Cuarteron Reef; East London Reef; West London Reef
W'Spratly Island, Ladd Reef, Jubilee Seamount
W'Scawfell Shoal, Charlotte Bank, Vanguard Bank, Julia Shoal, Royal Bishop Shoal
WSouthwest BankAlexandra Bank; Grainger Bank; Prince of Wales Bank; Prince Consort Bank
WRifleman BankBombay Castle ; Johnson Patch ; Kingston Shoal ; Orleana Shoal, Bãi Ráng Chiều, bãi Ngũ Sắc, bãi Xà Cừ, bãi Vũ Tích
SAmboyna Cay; Swallow Reef; Louisa Reef
SLuconia ShoalsNorth Luconia Shoals: Friendship Shoal, Hardie Reef, Aitken Reef, Buck Reef, Moody Reef, Seahorse Breakers, Tripp Reef, Hayes Reef
South Luconia Shoals: Stigant Reef, Connell Reef, Herald Reef, Comus Shoal, Richmond Reef, Luconia Breakers

Features by name

Features by occupier and/or claimant

A feature is occupied by a country if one of the following is true:
The effective visible distance of horizon from a 15-meter height above sea-level is. This makes features occupied by the second condition to be also labeled as "occupied" since they can be guarded far away. However, not all features within the radius can be considered as absolutely occupied. This is especially true for features that lie between and within of two or more features occupied by different countries.


Occupied features

Republic of China (Taiwan)

People's Republic of China

Republic of the Philippines

Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Note that the Royal Malaysian Navy have established 5 Offshore naval stations on reclaimed land:
Int'l NameLocal NamesDescriptionArea Reclaimed area
Swallow Reef/ Island CelerioThe eleventh largest Spratly island. Treeless cay and rocks up to 3 m high surround a lagoon. Malaysia has drawn territorial seas around this and Amboyna Cay. Some 70 plus soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Lima". Has a 1.4 km airstrip, jetty and dive resort. Occupied since 1983.6.2~35ha
Swallow Reef/ Island 弹丸礁


Danwan Jiao
The eleventh largest Spratly island. Treeless cay and rocks up to 3 m high surround a lagoon. Malaysia has drawn territorial seas around this and Amboyna Cay. Some 70 plus soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Lima". Has a 1.4 km airstrip, jetty and dive resort. Occupied since 1983.6.2~35ha
Swallow Reef/ Island Đá Hoa LauThe eleventh largest Spratly island. Treeless cay and rocks up to 3 m high surround a lagoon. Malaysia has drawn territorial seas around this and Amboyna Cay. Some 70 plus soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Lima". Has a 1.4 km airstrip, jetty and dive resort. Occupied since 1983.6.2~35ha
Swallow Reef/ Island Terumbu Layang LayangThe eleventh largest Spratly island. Treeless cay and rocks up to 3 m high surround a lagoon. Malaysia has drawn territorial seas around this and Amboyna Cay. Some 70 plus soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Lima". Has a 1.4 km airstrip, jetty and dive resort. Occupied since 1983.6.2~35ha
Ardasier Reef Antonio Luna
Naturally above water only at low tide. Encloses a lagoon. Has a few sandy patches. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Uniform". Occupied since 1986.
Ardasier Reef 光星仔礁


Guangxingzai Jiao

Naturally above water only at low tide. Encloses a lagoon. Has a few sandy patches. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Uniform". Occupied since 1986.
Ardasier Reef Bãi Kiêu Ngựa
Naturally above water only at low tide. Encloses a lagoon. Has a few sandy patches. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Uniform". Occupied since 1986.
Ardasier Reef Terumbu Ubi
Naturally above water only at low tide. Encloses a lagoon. Has a few sandy patches. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Uniform". Occupied since 1986.
Dallas Reef Rajah MatandaNaturally above water only at low tide. Encloses a lagoon. Several soldiers stationed. Malaysia is also using this reef for tourism.0-
Dallas Reef 光星礁 Guangxing JiaoNaturally above water only at low tide. Encloses a lagoon. Several soldiers stationed. Malaysia is also using this reef for tourism.0-
Dallas Reef Đá Suối CátNaturally above water only at low tide. Encloses a lagoon. Several soldiers stationed. Malaysia is also using this reef for tourism.0-
Dallas Reef Terumbu LayaNaturally above water only at low tide. Encloses a lagoon. Several soldiers stationed. Malaysia is also using this reef for tourism.0-
Erica Reef / Enloa Reef Gabriela SilangAbove water only at low tide. Some isolated rocks on the eastern edge stand above high water. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Sierra". Occupied since 1999.0-
Erica Reef / Enloa Reef 簸箕礁


Boji Jiao
Above water only at low tide. Some isolated rocks on the eastern edge stand above high water. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Sierra". Occupied since 1999.0-
Erica Reef / Enloa Reef Đá Én CaAbove water only at low tide. Some isolated rocks on the eastern edge stand above high water. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Sierra". Occupied since 1999.0-
Erica Reef / Enloa Reef Terumbu SiputAbove water only at low tide. Some isolated rocks on the eastern edge stand above high water. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Sierra". Occupied since 1999.0-
Investigator Shoal PawikanAbove water only at low tide. Some large rocks at the western end are visible at high water. Encloses a lagoon. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Papa". Occupied since 1999.0-
Investigator Shoal 榆亚暗沙


Yuya Ansha
Above water only at low tide. Some large rocks at the western end are visible at high water. Encloses a lagoon. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Papa". Occupied since 1999.0-
Investigator Shoal Bãi Thám HiểmAbove water only at low tide. Some large rocks at the western end are visible at high water. Encloses a lagoon. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Papa". Occupied since 1999.0-
Investigator Shoal Terumbu PeninjauAbove water only at low tide. Some large rocks at the western end are visible at high water. Encloses a lagoon. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Papa". Occupied since 1999.0-
Louisa Reef 南通礁


Nantong Jiao
Rocks 1 m high. Malaysia operates a lighthouse here.0-
Louisa Reef Terumbu Semarang / Barat KecilRocks 1 m high. Malaysia operates a lighthouse here.0-
Mariveles Reef MarivelesA sand cay, 1.5–2 m high, surrounded by two lagoons, parts of which are above water at high tide. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Mike". Occupied since 1986.0-
Mariveles Reef 南海礁


Nanhai Jiao
A sand cay, 1.5–2 m high, surrounded by two lagoons, parts of which are above water at high tide. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Mike". Occupied since 1986.0-
Mariveles Reef Đá Kỳ VânA sand cay, 1.5–2 m high, surrounded by two lagoons, parts of which are above water at high tide. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Mike". Occupied since 1986.0-
Mariveles Reef Terumbu MantananiA sand cay, 1.5–2 m high, surrounded by two lagoons, parts of which are above water at high tide. Several soldiers stationed at Royal Malaysian Navy offshore EEZ station "Mike". Occupied since 1986.0-
Total1 island, 5 reefs, 1 shoal6.2-

Unoccupied features

Claimed features by country but occupied by other country
