List of mammals of Niue
This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Niue. There are ten mammal species in Niue, none of which are known to be at risk.
The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature:
DD | Data deficient | There is inadequate information to make an assessment of the risks to this species. |
Some species were assessed using an earlier set of criteria. Species assessed using this system have the following instead of near threatened and least concern categories:
LR/cd | Lower risk/conservation dependent | Species which were the focus of conservation programmes and may have moved into a higher risk category if that programme was discontinued. |
LR/nt | Lower risk/near threatened | Species which are close to being classified as vulnerable but are not the subject of conservation programmes. |
LR/lc | Lower risk/least concern | Species for which there are no identifiable risks. |
Subclass: [Theria]
Infraclass: [Eutheria]
Order: [Chiroptera] (bats)
----The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.
- Family: Pteropodidae
- *Subfamily: Pteropodinae
- **Genus: Pteropus
- *** Insular flying-fox, Pteropus tonganus LR/lc
Order: [Cetacea] (whales)
The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater.
- Suborder: Mysticeti
- *Family: Balaenopteridae
- **Subfamily: Megapterinae
- ***Genus: Megaptera
- **** Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae VU
- **Subfamily: Balaenopterinae
- ***Genus: Balaenoptera
- **** Minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata LR/nt
- Suborder: Odontoceti
- *Family: Physeteridae
- **Genus: Physeter
- *** Sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus VU
- *Superfamily: Platanistoidea
- **Family: Ziphidae
- ***Subfamily: Hyperoodontinae
- ****Genus: Mesoplodon
- ***** Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Mesoplodon ginkgodens DD
- **Family: Delphinidae
- ***Genus: Lagenodelphis
- **** Fraser's dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei DD
- ***Genus: Stenella
- **** Spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris LR/cd
- ***Genus: Globicephala
- **** Short-finned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus LR/cd
- ***Genus: Feresa
- **** Pygmy killer whale, Feresa attenuata DD
- ***Genus: Orcinus
- **** Orca, Orcinus orca LR/cd