List of ghost towns in Utah
This is an incomplete list of ghost towns in Utah, a state of the United States.
Ghost towns are listed by name, and also by county.Listed by name
Beaver">Beaver County, Utah">Beaver
- Frisco
- Newhouse
- Sulphurdale
Box Elder">Box Elder County, Utah">Box Elder
- Blue Creek
- Cedar Creek
- Golden
- Hardup
- Jackson
- Kelton
- Lucin
- Matlin
- Russian Settlement
- Terrace
- Vipont
- Washakie
Cache">Cache County, Utah">Cache
- La Plata
Carbon">Carbon County, Utah">Carbon
- Castle Gate
- Coal City
- Consumers
- Hale
- Harper
- Hiawatha
- Kiz
- Latuda
- Mutual
- National
- Peerless
- Rains
- Royal
- Spring Canyon
- Standardville
- Stewart
- Sweet
- Wattis
- Winter Quarters
Daggett">Daggett County, Utah">Daggett
- Bridgeport
- Greendale
- Linwood
Duchesne">Duchesne County, Utah">Duchesne
- Harper
Emery">Emery County, Utah">Emery
- Connellsville
- Desert Lake
- Mohrland
- Victor
- Woodside
Garfield">Garfield County, Utah">Garfield
- Asay
- Eagle City
- Hillsdale
- Hite
- Loseeville
- Widtsoe
Grand">Grand County, Utah">Grand
- Castleton
- Cisco
- Dewey
- Elgin
- Miners Basin
- Richardson
- Sego
- Valley City
- Westwater
Iron">Iron County, Utah">Iron
- Iron City
- Stateline
Juab">Juab County, Utah">Juab
- Chicken Creek
- Diamond
- Fish Springs
- Goshute
- Joy
- Knight
- Knightsville
- Mammoth
- Silver City
Kane">Kane County, Utah">Kane
- Georgetown
- Johnson
- Paria
- Upper Kanab
Millard">Millard County, Utah">Millard
- Black Rock
- Clear Lake
- Hatton
- McCornick
- Woodrow
Piute">Piute County, Utah">Piute
- Alunite
- Bullion
- Kimberly
Rich">Rich County, Utah">Rich
- Argyle
- Round Valley
- Sage Creek
Salt Lake">Salt Lake County, Utah">Salt Lake
- Bacchus
- Bingham Canyon
- Garfield
- Lark
- Mountain Dell
San Juan">San Juan County, Utah">San Juan
- Home of Truth
- Fry Canyon
- Verdure
Sanpete">Sanpete County, Utah">Sanpete
- Clarion
- Dover
Sevier">Sevier County, Utah">Sevier
- Prattville
Summit">Summit County, Utah">Summit
- Blacks Fork
- Castle Rock
- Grass Creek
- Rockport
- Wahsatch
Tooele">Tooele County, Utah">Tooele
- Ajax
- Aragonite
- Benmore
- Delle
- Gold Hill
- Iosepa
- Low
- Mercur
- Salduro
- Scranton
- Sunshine
Uintah">Uintah County, Utah">Uintah
- Bullionville
- Dragon
- Rainbow
- Watson
Utah">Utah County, Utah">Utah
- Colton
- Dividend
- Forest City
- Homansville
- Mill Fork
- Mosida
- Thistle
- Tucker
Wasatch">Wasatch County, Utah">Wasatch
- Hailstone
- Jordanelle
- Keetley
- Soldier Summit
Washington">Washington County, Utah">Washington
- Adventure
- Duncan's Retreat
- Grafton
- Hamblin
- Harrisburg
- Hebron
- Northrop
- Price City
- Silver Reef
- Tonaquint
Wayne">Wayne County, Utah">Wayne
- Caineville
- Fruita
- Giles
- Notom