List of general topology topics
This is a list of general topology topics, by Wikipedia page.
Basic concepts
- Topological space
- Topological property
- Open set, closed set
- *Clopen set
- *Closure
- *Boundary
- *Dense
- *G-delta set, F-sigma set
- *closeness
- *neighbourhood
- Continuity
- *Homeomorphism
- *Local homeomorphism
- *Open and closed maps
- *Germ
- Base, subbase
- Open cover
- Covering space
- Atlas
- Limit point
- Net
- Filter
- Ultrafilter
[Topological properties]
- Baire category theorem
- *Nowhere dense
- *Baire space
- *Banach–Mazur game
- *Meagre set
- *Comeagre set
Compactness and countability
- Compact space
- *Relatively compact subspace
- *Heine–Borel theorem
- *Tychonoff's theorem
- *Finite intersection property
- *Compactification
- *Measure of non-compactness
- Paracompact space
- Locally compact space
- Compactly generated space
- Axiom of countability
- Sequential space
- First-countable space
- Second-countable space
- Separable space
- Lindelöf space
- Sigma-compact space
- Connected space
[Separation axioms]
- T0 space
- T1 space
- Hausdorff space
- *Completely Hausdorff space
- Regular space
- Tychonoff space
- Normal space
- Urysohn's lemma
- Tietze extension theorem
- Paracompact
- Separated sets
Topological constructions
- direct sum and the dual construction product
- subspace and the dual construction quotient
- Topological tensor product
- Discrete space
- *Locally constant function
- Trivial topology
- Cofinite topology
- Finer topology
- Product topology
- *Restricted product
- Quotient space
- Unit interval
- Continuum
- Extended real number line
- Long line
- Sierpinski space
- Cantor set, Cantor space, Cantor cube
- Space-filling curve
- Topologist's sine curve
- Uniform norm
- Weak topology
- Strong topology
- Hilbert cube
- Lower limit topology
- Sorgenfrey plane
- Real tree
- Compact-open topology
- Zariski topology
- Kuratowski closure axioms
- Unicoherent
- Solenoid
[Uniform space]s
- Uniform continuity
- Lipschitz continuity
- Uniform isomorphism
- Uniform property
- Uniformly connected space
[Metric space]s
- Metric topology
- Manhattan distance
- Ultrametric space
- *P-adic numbers, p-adic analysis
- Open ball
- Bounded subset
- Pointwise convergence
- Metrization theorems
- Complete space
- *Cauchy sequence
- *Banach fixed point theorem
- Polish space
- Hausdorff distance
- Intrinsic metric
- Category of metric spaces
Topology and [order theory]
- Stone duality
- *Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras
- Specialization order
- Sober space
- Spectral space
- Alexandrov topology
- Upper topology
- Scott topology
- *Scott continuity
- Lawson topology
[Descriptive set theory]
[Dimension theory]
- Inductive dimension
- Lebesgue covering dimension
- Lebesgue's number lemma
[Combinatorial topology]
- Polytope
- Simplex
- Simplicial complex
- CW complex
- Manifold
- Triangulation
- Barycentric subdivision
- Sperner's lemma
- Simplicial approximation theorem
- Nerve of an open covering
Foundations of [algebraic topology]
- Simply connected
- Semi-locally simply connected
- Path
- Homotopy
- Homotopy lifting property
- Pointed space
- Wedge sum
- smash product
- Cone
- Adjunction space
Topology and algebra
- Topological algebra
- Topological group
- Topological ring
- Topological vector space
- Topological module
- Topological abelian group
- Properly discontinuous
- Sheaf space