List of encyclopedias by date
This is a list of encyclopedias, arranged by time period. For other arrangements, see Lists of encyclopedias.
Encyclopedias before 1700
- Nine Books of Disciplines by Marcus Terentius Varro
- Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder ; highly influential through the Middle Ages, the oldest encyclopedia for which there is an extant copy
- De verborum significatu by Sextus Pompeius Festus
- Onomasticon by Julius Pollux
- The Emperor's Mirror, Wei dynasty, Chinese
- De compendiosa doctrina, by Nonius Marcellus
5th century
- Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae, introduced the division in seven liberal arts
6th century
- Cassiodorus' Institutiones, AD 560; first Christian encyclopedia
7th century
- Yiwen Leiju, Tang dynasty, Chinese
- St. Isidore of Seville's Etymologiae, AD 636; Christian encyclopedia, most influential encyclopedia of the early Middle Ages
- Fa yüan chu lin, AD 668, a Buddhist encyclopedia of 100 volumes, compiled by Tao-shih
8th century
- Venerable Beda, De natura rerum
9th century
- Adab al-katib by Ibn Qutayba ; the earliest Arabic work that could be called an encyclopedia
- Bibliotheke by Patriarch Photius, the earliest Byzantine work that could be called an encyclopedia
- Hrabanus Maurus, 842. De rerum naturis , derived from Isidore's text
- De Administrando Imperio, a domestic and foreign policy manual by emperor Constantine VII
10th century
- Suda
- Four Great Books of Song , Song dynasty, Chinese
- Wamyō Ruijushō
11th century
- De omnifaria doctrina, by Michael Psellos
- Speculum universale, by Radulfus Ardens
12th century
- De diversis artibus, compiled 1100-1120 by Theophilus Presbyter
- Liber Floridus, compiled in 1120 by Lambert of St. Omer
- Imago mundi, treaty of cosmography and history by Honorius Augustodunensis, about 1110
- Didascalicon, by Hugues de Saint-Victor, proposal of a new classification of sciences and a new method of lecture of the Bible
- Hortus deliciarum, written by Herrade of Landsberg, the first woman to write an encyclopedia, between 1159 and 1175
13th century
- Otia Imperialia by Gervase of Tilbury, 1214
- Guillaume d'Auvergne, De universo creaturarum, 1231.
- Gautier de Metz L’Image du monde, 1246, in Lorrain dialect, based on Honorius Augustodunensis
- Bartholomeus Anglicus, De proprietatibus rerum, 1240; the most widely read and quoted encyclopedia in the late-medieval period.
- Thomas of Cantimpré, Liber de natura rerum, 1256.
- Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Majus, 1260, the most ambitious encyclopedia in the late-medieval period, with over 3 million words
- Brunetto Latini, Li Livres dou Trésor, in French
14th century
- Al-Nuwayri, The Ultimate Ambition in the Arts of Erudition
- Ranulf Higden, Polychronicon
- Conrad of Megenberg, Buch der Natur
- James le Palmer, Omne Bonum
- Moses ben Judah, Love in Delights
15th century
- Ming Dynasty Chinese, Yongle Encyclopedia, 1403–08
- Domenico Bandini of Arezzo, Fons memorabilium universi, early 15th century
- Werner Rolevinck, Fasciculus temporum, 1474
- Alfonso de la Torre, Visio delectable, c.1484
- Jacob Meydenbach, Hortus Sanitatis, 1491
16th century
- Giorgio Valla, De expetendis et fugiendis rebus, 1501
- Domenico Nani Mirabelli, Polyanthea nova, 1503
- Gregor Reisch, Margarita philosophica, 1503
- Johannes Aventinus, Encyclopedia orbisque doctrinarum, hoc est omnium artium, scientiarum, ipsius philosophiae index ac divisio, 1517
- Juan Luis Vives, De disciplinis libri XX, 1531
- Joachim Sterck van Ringelbergh, Lucubrationes vel potius absolutissima kyklopaideia, 1541
- Conrad Gessner, Historia animalium , 1551–58, 1587.
- Charles Estienne, Dictionarium historicum, geographicum et poeticum, 1553.
- Pal Skalic, philosopher born in Zagreb, first to use the term encyclopedia in the current sense. Encyclopediae seu orbis disciplinarum tam sacrarum quam profanarum epistemon, 1559, 1571
- Theodor Zwinger, Theatrum Vitae Humanae, 1588
- Bernardino de Sahagún: La Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva España, 1545-1590
- Antonio Possevino, Bibliotheca selecta, 1593
- Bencao Gangmu , Ming dynasty, Chinese
17th century
- Sancai Tuhui, compiled by Wang Qi and Wang Siyi
- Song Yingxing, Tiangong Kaiwu, 1637
- Ivan Belostenec, Gazophylacium, seu Latino-illyiricorum onomatum aerarium, c. 1674, published in 1740
- Sir Thomas Browne: Pseudodoxia Epidemica 1646-1672
- John Dunton: The ladies dictionary..., 1694
- Dictionnaire théologique, historique, poétique, cosmographique et chronologique by :fr:Daniel de Juigné-Broissinière|Daniel de Juigné-Broissinière an adaptation of Charles Estienne's
- Le portrait de la sagesse universelle, avec l'idée générale des sçiances et leur plan représenté en cent tables by :fr:Léon de Saint-Jean|Léon de Saint-Jean an extract in French of the authors Latin Enciclopaediae praemessum
- by Saunier
- La science universelle by Jean Magnon
- Louis Moréri Le Grand Dictionnaire historique, 1671
- Antoine Furetière, Dictionnaire universel contenant généralement tous les mots françois, tant vieux que modernes, et les termes de toutes les sciences et des arts 1690.
- Pierre Bayle: Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, 1695
- Antonio Zara: Anatomia ingeniorum et scientiarum, 1615
- Johann Heinrich Alsted: Encyclopaedia septem tomi distincta 1630
- Laurentius Beyerlinck, Magnum Theatrum Vitae Humanae, 1631
- Peter Lauremberg, Pansophia, 1633
- Athanasius Kircher, Ars magna sciendi, 1669
- Michael Pexenfelder, Apparatus eruditionis tam rerum quam verborum per omnes artes et scientias, 1670
- Johann Jacob Hofmann, Lexicon universale, historico-geographico-chronologico-poetico-phîlologicum‘, Basel, 1677
- Johann Christoph Wagenseil: Pera librorum iuvenilium, 1695
- János Apáczai Csere: Magyar encyclopaedia, c. 1655
Encyclopedias published 1700–1800
American encyclopedias
- Dobson's Encyclopædia
British encyclopedias
- The great historical, geographical, genealogical and poetical dictionary by Jeremy Collier
- An Universal, Historical, Geographical, Chronological and Poetical Dictionary
- Lexicon Technicum
- Chambers's Cyclopaedia, or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences
- An Universal History of Arts and Sciences by Dennis de Coetlogon
- Encyclopædia Britannica
- Chemical Dictionary by William Nicholson
- Encyclopædia Perthensis
Chinese encyclopedias
- Gujin Tushu Jicheng, Qing dynasty
- Siku Quanshu, Qing dynasty
French encyclopedias
- Dictionnaire de Trévoux
- Encyclopédie, by Diderot and D'Alembert
- Descriptions des Arts et Métiers
- Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire universel raisonné des connaissances humaines, Yverdon,
- Encyclopédie Méthodique by Charles-Joseph Panckoucke
German encyclopedias
- Reales Staats- und Zeitungs-Lexicon by Philipp Balthasar Sinold von Schütz
- Curieuses Natur- Kunst- Gewerk- und Handlungs-Lexicon by Paul Jacob Marperger
- Allgemeines lexikon der Künste und Wißenschaften by Johann Theodor Jablonski
- Musicalisches Lexicon by Johann Gottfried Walther
- Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon by Christian Gottlieb Jöcher
- Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon by Johann Heinrich Zedler
- Oekonomische Encyklopädie by Johann Georg Krünitz
- Deutschen Encyclopädie
- Historisch-biographisches Lexikon der Tonküstler by Ernst Ludwig Gerber
- Conversations-Lexikon mit vorzüglicher Rücksicht auf die gegenwärtigen Zeiten
Italian encyclopedias
- Vincenzo Coronelli Biblioteca Universale Sacro-Profana
- Gianfrancesco Pivati Nuovo dizionario scientifico e curioso, sacroprofano
- Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro Idea dell'Universo
Japanese encyclopedias
- Wakan Sansai Zue
Polish encyclopedias
- Nowe Ateny
- Zbiór potrzebniejszych wiadomości
Encyclopedias published 1800–1900
American encyclopedias
- Minor Encyclopedia, edited by Thaddeus M. Harris, copies much of Kendal's Pocket Encyclopedia
- Domestic Encyclopedia, first American edition, expanded to 5 volumes ; second American edition 1821
- Low's Encyclopaedia, the first true American encyclopedia
- Encyclopaedia Americana, 13 volumes, editor Francis Lieber.
- New American Cyclopaedia, 16 volumes, editors George Ripley and Charles A. Dana
- American Cyclopaedia, the retitled New American Cyclopaedia
- Johnson's New Universal Cyclopaedia, 4 volumes; editors Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard and Arnold Henry Guyot
- Cyclopedia of Universal History, world history
- The Complete Compendium of Universal Knowledge
- Ridpath's Universal History, world history
- Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia, the retitled Johnson's New Universal Cyclopaedia, edited by Charles Kendall Adams.
- Alden's Library of Universal Knowledge, a reprint of Chambers's Encyclopaedia with American additions
- International Cyclopaedia, initially largely a reprint of Alden's Library of Universal Knowledge, but later editions were improved by editors Harry Thurston Peck, Selim Peabody, Frank Moore Colby, and Daniel Coit Gilman
- People's Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge, 3 volumes, 700 pages each, editor W. H. De Puy. Contains much from Chambers's Encyclopaedia. The 1898 title was The New People's Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge.
Arabic encyclopedias
- Al-Muhit al Muhit, Butrus al-Bustani
British encyclopedias
- Encyclopaedia Londinensis
- English Encyclopaedia
- Domestic Encyclopedia
- Kendal's Pocket Encyclopedia
- Rees's Cyclopædia
- Encyclopædia Perthensis
- Encyclopædia Britannica
- Edinburgh Encyclopædia
- British Encyclopedia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences
- Encyclopædia Edinensis
- Pantologia
- Encyclopædia Metropolitana
- Penny Cyclopaedia
- English Cyclopaedia
- Chambers's Encyclopaedia
- Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
- Dictionary of Political Economy, by Inglis Palgrave
- Pears Cyclopaedia, originally named Pears' Shilling Cyclopaedia
- The People's Select Cyclopedia, by Charles Nisbett
- Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible
Czech encyclopedias
- Riegrův slovník naučný
- Otto's encyclopedia
Danish encyclopedias
- Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon
- ''Den Store Danske Leksikon - several editions, up to 26 volumes
Dutch encyclopedias
- Winkler Prins Geïllustreerde Encyclopaedie
French encyclopedias
- - a bibliography of French encyclopedias up to Larousse
- Encyclopédie Méthodique,
- Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie générale de la musique, François-Joseph Fétis
- Encyclopédie nouvelle
- Petite Encyclopédie du jeune âge, Larousse
- Nouvelle Biographie Générale, Ferdinand Hoefer
- Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle by Pierre Larousse, really an encyclopedia despite its name
- Dictionnaire de chimie pure et appliquée, Charles-Adolphe Wurtz
- Dictionnaire de botanique, Henri Ernest Baillon
- La Grande Encyclopédie'', general secretaries of the editorial board: Ferdinand-Camille Dreyfus and André Berthelot
German encyclopedias
- Oekonomische Encyklopädie , Editor Johann Georg Krünitz
- Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse, G. F. W. Hegel
- Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste
- Brockhaus
- Pierers Universal-Lexikon
- Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft, "Pauly-Wissowa"
- Meyers Konversations-Lexikon
- Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche, Johann Jakob Herzog
- Herders Konversations-Lexikon
- Handbuch der Organischen Chemie, Friedrich Konrad Beilstein
- Lexikon der gesamten Technik, Otto Lueger
- Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Felix Klein
Hungarian encyclopedias
- Fejér György: A tudományok encyclopaediája rövid rajzolatban, Pest
- Lánghy István: A tudományok ismeretére tanító könyv, Pest
- Nyiry István: A tudományok öszvessége, Sárospatak
- Közhasznú Esmeretek Tára, Pest
- Ifjúsági ismeretek, Bécs
- Vállas Antal: Nemzeti encyclopaedia, Pest
- Ujabb kori ismeretek tára, Pest
- Ismerettár. Nélkülözhetetlen segédkönyv a történelem, természet s egyéb tudományok köréből, Pest
- Egyetemes magyar encyclopaedia
- Magyar lexikon, Budapest
- A Pallas Nagy Lexikona
Japanese encyclopedias
- Koji Ruien
Polish encyclopedias
- Encyklopedia Powszechna or Encyklopedia Orgelbranda
- Encyyklopedia Kościelna
Romanian encyclopedias
- Enciclopedia română
Russian encyclopedias
- Plyushar's Encyclopedic Lexicon
- Military Encyclopedic Lexicon
- Starchevsky's Spravochny entsiklopedichesky slovar
- Encyclopedia of Military and Marine Sciences
- Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
- Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary
Spanish encyclopedias
- Enciclopedia moderna, Francisco de P. Mellado
- Diccionario geográfico, estadístico, histórico, de la isla de Cuba
Swedish encyclopedias
- Conversations-lexicon, a translation of the German Brockhaus 2nd edition
- Svenskt konversationslexikon, by Per Gustaf Berg
- Nordisk familjebok first edition 20 volumes 1876-1899
- Nordisk familjebok second edition 38 volumes 1904-1926
- Nordisk familjebok third edition 26 volumes 1924-1939
- Nordisk familjebok third edition 26 volumes, second printing, including not so few coloured posters and a huge number of full page black and white portraits. These The additional pages are not enumerated. 1942-1944. The second printing also got a new binder, but not even errors are corrected inside the work. Still a notable enough difference when compared to the first printing.
- Nordisk familjebok fourth edition 22 volumes 1951-1955.
- Svensk Uppslagsbok first edition 30 volumes 1929-1937
- Svensk Uppslagsbok second edition 32 volumes 1947-1955
- Bonniers Lexikon 15 volumes 1961-1967. Known as "Äpplet", "The Apple". Perhaps the most widely spread encyclopedia ever, written in the Swedish language. Looks nice on the shelf.
- Reflex 4 volumes for children age 10 and older. 1968-1971. A regular inventory in many Swedish class rooms during the 1970's.
- The new Bonniers Lexikon 24 volumes, 1993-1998.
- Nationalencyklopedin or NE 20 volumes, 1989-1996. DVD versions in 1996 and 2000. Online today.
Turkish encyclopedias
- Kamus-ül-Ulûm ve’l-Maarif Editor Ali Suavi,1870
- Lûgaat-i Tarihiye ve Coğrafiye Editor Ahmet Rıfat Efendi, 1881
- Sicil-i Osmani Editor Mehmet Süreyya Bey, 1890
- Kamus-ül-Alam Editor » : Şemsettin Sami, 1899
Religious encyclopedias
- The Coptic Encyclopedia
- Jewish Encyclopedia
- Encyclopaedia Judaica
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- Schaff–Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
- St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India
- Encyclopedia of Mormonism
- Orthodox Encyclopedia
- Encyclopaedia of Islam
- Hastings, James: Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics
- Unitarian-Universalist Encyclopedia
Specialist encyclopedias
- The Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopaedia
- Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts and Manufactures
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
- Cyclopaedia of Political Science - Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States by the Best American and European Writers], John J. Lalor
- ''The Cyclopedia of New Zealand