List of dreams

On several occasions throughout history dreams have been credited for causing very important events. This includes problem-solving, decision-making, and apparent precognition while dreaming. These phenomena have been interpreted in various ways.

Notable dreams

Abraham Lincoln

Three days prior to his assassination Abraham Lincoln related a prophetic dream he had to his wife and a few friends foreshadowing his death. According to the recollection of his loyal friend and confidant Ward Hill Lamon, President Abraham Lincoln dreams on this night in 1865 of “the subdued sobs of mourners". Walking from room to room he noticed a corpse lying on a catafalque in the White House East Room. In the dream, Lincoln asked a soldier standing guard “Who is dead in the White House?” to which the soldier replied, “The President. He was killed by an assassin.” Lincoln jumped out of bed at that point on April 11. Three days after his vivid nightmare, Lincoln was shot dead at point blank range by an assassin John Wilkes Booth while attending the theater.


's Frankenstein was inspired by a dream:

Kubla Khan

wrote Kubla Khan upon awakening from an opium-influenced dream. In a preface to the work, he described having the poem come to him, fully formed, in his dream. When he woke, he immediately set to writing it down, but was interrupted by a visitor and could not remember the final lines. For this reason, he kept it unpublished for many years.

The sewing machine

invented the sewing machine in 1845. He had the idea of a machine with a needle which would go through a piece of cloth but he couldn't figure out exactly how it would work. In his dream, cannibals were preparing to cook him and they were dancing around the fire waving their spears. Howe noticed at the head of each spear there was a small hole through the shaft and the up-and-down motion of the spears and the hole remained with him when he woke. The idea of passing the thread through the needle close to the point, not at the other end, was a major innovation in making mechanical sewing possible.

The Terminator

Director James Cameron said the titular character in The Terminator was inspired by a dream he had under the influence of a soaring fever. It was a vivid dream where a gleaming figure of doom emerged from fire; a metallic, skeletal monster with a rictus smile and burning red eyes, dragging itself across the floor with kitchen knives. He states: "I was sick and dead broke in Rome, Italy, with a fever of 102, doing the final cut of Piranha II. That's when I thought of Terminator. I guess it was a fever dream."

Descartes' new science

claimed that the dreams that he had on November 10, 1619, revealed to him the basis of a new philosophy, the scientific method.


The scientist Friedrich August Kekulé discovered the seemingly impossible chemical structure of benzene when he had a dream of a group of snakes swallowing their tails.

Double Helix structure of DNA

Nobel laureate James Watson opens TED 2005 with the frank and funny story of how he and his research partner, Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA. James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, reported stumbling upon the double helix image for the DNA chain through his dream of a spiral staircase.


claimed to have dreamed the melody to his song Yesterday. After he woke up, he thought it was just a vague memory of some song he heard when he was younger. As it turned out that he had completely thought up this song all by himself, he recorded it and it became the most often covered pop song in the world.

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

claimed to have dreamed the riff to the song Satisfaction. He ran through it once before falling asleep. He said when he listened back to it in the morning, there was about two minutes of acoustic guitar before you could hear him drop the pick and "then me snoring for the next forty minutes".

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

dreamed the plot for his famous novel.

Tintin in Tibet

The Belgian comics artist Hergé was plagued by nightmares in which he was chased by a white skeleton, whereupon the entire environment turned white. A psychiatrist advised him to stop making comics and take a rest, but Hergé drew an entire story set in a white environment: the snowy mountaintops of Tibet. Tintin in Tibet not only stopped his nightmares and worked as a therapeutic experience, but the work is also regarded as one of his masterpieces.

Over the Garden Wall - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of the series, "Mad Love", was inspired by a dream show creator Patrick McHale had. In the events of the dream, Pat was house hunting and came across a secret library in one of the houses. As he explored further, he realized that he had entered someone else's home. In the episode, the character Quincy Endicott explores his mansion, and discovers that he has entered the mansion of his neighbour.

Prophetic dreams

Several historical people have experienced dreams which they believed to be warnings that they were to die after they woke up.
New York lawyer Isaac Frauenthal had a dream before boarding the RMS Titanic. “It seemed to me that I was on a big steamship that suddenly crashed into something and began to go down.” He had the dream again when on board the Titanic, and was alert to the danger when he heard about the iceberg collision. Frauenthal survived the sinking.

Niels Bohr's structure of the atom

won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 for his discovery of the structure of the atom. He recalled that the electrons revolving around the nucleus, like the solar system, came to him in a dream. Upon testing his "dream" hypothesis, he was able to discover that the atomic structure was, in fact, similar to it.

Mendeleev's Periodic Table

, who created the periodic table foundational to our understanding of chemistry, claimed to have envisioned the complete arrangement of the elements in a dream. While struggling to correctly orient the elements he recalls seeing them in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, he immediately wrote them down on a piece of paper, only in one place did a correction later seem necessary.

Xerxes I's Invasion of Greece

, Persian king, invaded Greece after being inspired to do so by a recurring dream.


As divination

A way of understanding this phenomenon is that some dreams are messages from a god, or the future. This belief has been held by many military leaders who planned battles from dreams, and Descartes, who changed the course of his life after his scientific dream. According to Carl Jung, psychic energy might be operative.
An early—and perhaps the first formal—inquiry into this phenomenon was done by Aristotle in his On Divination in Sleep. His criticism of these claims appeals to the fact that "the sender of such dreams should be God", and "the fact that those to whom he sends them are not the best and wisest, but merely commonplace persons." Thus "Most dreams are, however, to be classed as mere coincidences".


The psychological role that dreams play is not fully understood. These events have been interpreted as evidence that dreams play some sort of organizing function, sorting out thoughts had during the day.
This theory suggests that dreaming is an "unlearning process" in which our brains bring up material to be thrown out like a computer attempting to clean itself of things we do not need to remember. That is, the subconscious organizes things, solves these problems, and then communicates them to the individual via a dream. The hypnagogic state is sometimes proposed as a specific explanation of experiences such as alien abduction, apparitions, or visions.

As coincidence

Another way to describe this phenomenon is to claim that dreams are random, but the individuals have been lucky enough to interpret their dreams in an allegorical way relevant to a problem they need to solve.
Dream researcher Ernest Hartman comments on current dream theories proposed by biologists. One such theory suggests that dreams are basically random nonsense and are the product of a poorly functioning brain during sleep. If there is any meaning to dreams, it is added on later as our brains try to make the best of a bad job.
Thus the predictive value of dreams is moot.
Dreams which appear to be precognitive may in fact be the result of the "Law of Large Numbers". Robert Todd Carroll, author of The Skeptic's Dictionary put it this way:
In his book The Interpretation of Dreams, first published at the end of the 19th century, Sigmund Freud argued that the foundation of all dream content is the fulfillment of wishes, conscious or not and devoid of psychic content. Some of Freud's patients and their strange dreams have become well-known case studies in psychotherapy, like Irma's injection, Wolf Man, and Dora. In his discussions with Carl Jung, Freud referred to parapsychology and precognition as "nonsensical."