List of dialling codes in Brazil

Country Code: +55
International Call Prefix: 00 then Carrier Code
Trunk Prefix: 0 then Carrier Code
This page contains a list of area codes in Brazil for telephone dialling. The area codes are distributed geographically, citing the main cities in each area.
Local phone numbers in Brazil observe an eight-digit pattern for landlines and nine digits for mobile phones. Mobile numbers share the same geographic area codes as landlines, but the first digit differentiates them. Landline numbers start with digits 2 through 5. Initial digits 6 through 9 are reserved for mobile numbers, but as of 2017 all mobile numbers in Brazil start with the digit 9.
Area codes have two digits, and are often notated between parentheses: nnnn-nnnn. For long-distance calls within Brazil, a zero must be dialed first, then a carrier selection code, then the two-digit area code, then the local number. For example, to call the number 2222-2222 in Fortaleza using Oi as the chosen carrier, one would dial 0 31 85 2222 2222.
For international calls to Brazil, the international access code used in the calling country must be dialed, then Brazil's country code 55, then the two-digit area code, then the local eight- or nine-digit number. For example, to call the number 3333-3333 in Rio de Janeiro from Europe, one would dial 00 55 21 3333 3333.

''1'' State of São Paulo">São Paulo (state)">São Paulo

Rio de Janeiro">Rio de Janeiro (state)">Rio de Janeiro (21, 22 and 24)

Paraná">Paraná (state)">Paraná (41–46)

Federal District">Federal District (Brazil)">Federal District (part of 61)

[Bahia] (71, 73–75, 77)

[Pernambuco] (81 and 87)

[Pará] (91, 93 and 94)

In a few exceptional cases, some area codes span state borders to cater for tightly integrated interstate communities: