List of company registers

A company register is a register of organizations in the jurisdiction they operate under. The following is an incomplete list of company registers by country:


AcreCommercial Registry of Acre
AlagoasCommercial Registry of Alagoas
AmapáCommercial Registry of Amapá
AmazonasCommercial Registry of Amazonas
BahiaCommercial Registry of Bahia
CearáCommercial Registry of Ceará
Distrito FederalCommercial Registry of Distrito Federal
Espírito SantoCommercial Registry of Espírito Santo
GoiásCommercial Registry of Goiás
MaranhãoCommercial Registry of Maranhão
Mato GrossoCommercial Registry of Mato Grosso
Mato Grosso do SulCommercial Registry of Mato Grosso do Sul
Minas GeraisCommercial Registry of Minas Gerais
ParáCommercial Registry of Pará
ParaíbaCommercial Registry of Paraíba
ParanáCommercial Registry of Paraná
PernambucoCommercial Registry of Pernambuco
PiauíCommercial Registry of Piauí
Rio de JaneiroCommercial Registry of Rio de Janeiro
Rio Grande do NorteCommercial Registry of Rio Grande do Norte
Rio Grande do SulCommercial Registry of Rio Grande do Sul
RondôniaCommercial Registry of Rondônia
RoraimaCommercial Registry of Roraima
Santa CatarinaCommercial Registry of Santa Catarina
São PauloCommercial Registry of São Paulo
SergipeCommercial Registry of Sergipe
TocantinsCommercial Registry of Tocantins

British Virgin Islands

Cape Verde


Micronesia, Federated States of

District/Territorial registries