List of calques
A calque or loan translation is a word or phrase borrowed from another language by literal, word-for-word or word-for-word translation. This list contains examples of calques in various languages.
From Chinese
- Running dog calques.
- brainwashing calques – usage via U.S. military during Korean War.
- Chop chop calques Cantonese, via Chinese Pidgin English
- Look-see calques or
- lose face calques
- Paper tiger calques
- Potsticker calques
- Long time no see calques.
From French
- Adam's apple calques pomme d'Adam
- Bushmeat calques viande de brousse
- deaf-mute calques French sourd-muet
- By heart calques French par cœur
- Governor-General calques Gouverneur Général
- Free verse calques vers libre
- Old guard calques Vieille Garde
- Flea market calques marché aux puces
- Marriage of convenience calques French mariage de convenance
- New Wave calques Nouvelle Vague
- rhinestone calques caillou du Rhin "Rhine pebble"
- ' calques l'esprit de l'escalier
- that goes without saying calques cela va sans dire
- ' calques
- Forget-me-not calques ne m'oubliez pas
- crime of passion from crime passionnel
- J. R. R. Tolkien used the name "Bag End" as a calque of "cul-de-sac", to poke fun at the British use of French terms.
From German or Dutch
- Masterpiece: probably translation of Dutch meesterstuk or German Meisterstück: Dutch meester and German Meister, master + Dutch stuk and German Stück, piece of work.
From Dutch
- Superconductor calques Dutch supergeleider
- Pineapple calques Dutch pijnappel, which calques French pomme de pin
- Cookie calques Dutch koekje
From German
- Antibody calques Antikörper
- "Assault Rifle" calques "Sturmgewehr"
- Ball lightning calques Kugelblitz
- Bavarian Motor Works calques German Bayerische Motoren Werke
- Beer garden calques Biergarten
- Concertmaster and concertmeister calque Konzertmeister
- Earworm calques Ohrwurm
- Flamethrower calques Flammenwerfer
- Foreword perhaps calques Vorwort, which itself calques Latin præfatio "preface"
- Heroic tenor calques Heldentenor
- Intelligence quotient calques Intelligenzquotient
- Loan translation calques Lehnübersetzung
- Loanword calques Lehnwort
- Overman and superman calque Übermensch
- Power politics calques Machtpolitik
- Rainforest calques Regenwald
- Standpoint calques Standpunkt
- Superego calques Überich "over-I"
- Stormtroopers calques Sturmtruppen
- Subliminal calques unterschwellig, "beneath the threshold"
- Thought experiment calques Gedankenexperiment
- Watershed calques Wasserscheide
- Worldview calques German Weltanschauung
From Hebrew
- Scapegoat is a calque of עזאזל as ez ozel. This neologism is attributed to Tyndale's 1530 Bible translation.
From Latin
- Commonplace calques locus commūnis, which itself is a calque of Greek koinos topos
- Devil's advocate calques advocātus diabolī, referring to an official appointed to present arguments against a proposed canonization or beatification in the Catholic Church
- Wisdom tooth calques dēns sapientiae, which in turn calques Arabic aḍrāsu 'lḥikmi, which calques Greek σωϕρονιστῆρες, used by Hippocrates.
- Milky Way calques via lactea
- Rest in Peace calques requiescat in pace
- In a nutshell calques in nuce
From Spanish
- Blue-blood calques sangre azul
- Fifth column calques quinta columna
- Killer whale from ballena asesina
- Moment of truth calques el momento de la verdad, the final sword thrust in a bullfight.
From other languages
- Gospel calques Greek εὐαγγέλιον 'good news'
- Hotdish calques Scandinavian varmrett/varmrätt
- ground nut calques Tamil நிலக்கடலை
- The Littlejohn adaptor calques the Czech name of the inventor František Janeček
- Many words and phrases [|calqued by Latin from Greek] have been borrowed by English.
From Greek
Latin calques many terms from Greek, many of which have been borrowed by English.- compassio calques συμπάθεια "sympathy"
- deus ex machina calques ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεός
- insectus calques ἔντομον
- locus communis calques κοινὸς τόπος, and was later calqued in English as commonplace
- musculus "muscle" calques μῦς "muscle"
- magnanimus calques μεγαλόψυχος
- quinta essentia calques πέμπτη οὐσία.
- quod erat demonstrandum 'which was to be demonstrated' is a calque of ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι 'what needed to be has been shown'.
- Many grammatical terms: participium 'participle' from μετοχή, declinationem 'declension' from κλίσις, etc.
Romance languages
- French lune de miel, Catalan lluna de mel, Spanish luna de miel, Portuguese lua-de-mel, Italian luna di miele and Romanian luna de miere calque English honeymoon
- French gratte-ciel, Catalan gratacels, Spanish rascacielos, Portuguese arranha-céus, Romanian zgârie-nori and Italian grattacielo calque English skyscraper
- French sabot de Denver calques English Denver boot
- French jardin d'enfants, Spanish jardín de infancia and Portuguese Jardim de infância calque German Kindergarten
- Spanish baloncesto and Italian pallacanestro calque English basketball
- Spanish balonvolea and Italian pallavolo calque English volleyball
- French courriel calques English email
- French disque dur calques English hard disk
- French carte mère calques English motherboard
- French eau de vie calques Latin aqua vitae
- French en ligne calques English online
- French hors-ligne calques English offline
- French haute résolution calques English high resolution
- French haute tension calques English high voltage
- French disque compact calques English compact disc
- French haute fidélité calques English hi-fi
- French large bande calques English broadband
- French modulation de fréquence calques English frequency modulation
- French média de masse calques English mass media
- French seconde main calques English second hand
- French sortir du placard calques English to come out of the closet
- French surhomme calques German Übermensch
- French souris calques English mouse
- French OVNI calques English UFO
- In some dialects of French, the English term "weekend" becomes la fin de semaine, a calque, but in some it is left untranslated as le week-end, a loanword.
- French cor anglais is a near-calque of English French horn. In English cor anglais refers to a completely different musical instrument.
- Spanish escuela alta calques English high school
- Spanish grado calques English grade
- Spanish manzana de Adán calques English Adam's apple, which in turn is a calque of French pomme d'Adam
- Spanish rascacielos calques English skyscraper
- Spanish tarjeta de crédito calques English credit card
- Spanish alta tecnología calques English high technology
- Spanish disco compacto calques English compact disc
- Spanish correo electrónico calques English electronic mail
- Spanish alta resolución calques English high resolution
- Spanish enlace calques English link
- Spanish ratón calques English mouse
- Spanish nave espacial calques English spaceship
- Spanish en un momento dado calques Dutch op een gegeven moment
- Spanish Red Mundial calques English World Wide Web
- Spanish videograbadora calques English VCR
- Italian aria condizionata calques English air conditioned
- Italian fine settimana calques English week-end
- Italian ferrovia calques French Chemin de fer or the German Eisenbahn
Germanic languages
Afrikaans and Dutch
- Afrikaans aartappel and Dutch aardappel calque French pomme de terre
- Afrikaans besigheid calques English business
- Afrikaans e-pos calques English e-mail
- Afrikaans hardeskyf and Dutch harde schijf calque English hard disk
- Afrikaans klankbaan calques English sound track
- Afrikaans kleurskuifie calques English colour slide
- Afrikaans sleutelbord calques English keyboard
- Afrikaans tuisblad calques English homepage
- Afrikaans wolkekrabber and Dutch wolkenkrabber calque German Wolkenkratzer.
- Afrikaans melkskommel calques English milkshake
- Fußball calques English "football", referring specifically to association football
- Teddybär calques English teddy bear
- Wolkenkratzer calques English skyscraper
- Flutlicht calques English floodlight
- Datenverarbeitung calques English data processing
- Großmutter and Großvater calques French grand-mère and grand-père
- Rundreise calques French tournée
- Fernsehen calques English television
- Fernsprecher calques English telephone
- Löwenzahn calques French dent-de-lion
- Überleben calques Latin supervivo
- Treppenwitz calques French l'esprit de l'escalier
- Icelandic rafmagn, "electricity", is a half-calqued coinage that literally means "amber power".
- * raf translates the Greek root ηλεκτρον, which means "amber"
- * magn, "power", is descriptive of electricity's nature but not a direct calque from the source word "electricity"
- Samviska.
- One of the early suggestions for an Icelandic translation of helicopter was þyrilvængja, twirling wings, a calque of the Greek helico-pteron. This was later replaced with þyrla.
- Danish børnehave and Norwegian barnehage calque German Kindergarten: barne = børne = Kinder = children; hage = have = Garten = garden
- hjemmeside calques English home page.
- Danish hjerneflugt and Norwegian hjerneflukt calque English brain drain.
- Danish idiotsikker calques English "foolproof".
- loppemarked calques French marché aux puces.
- mandag, from Old Norse mánadagr calques Latin dies lunæ.
- Danish overhoved and Norwegian overhode calques German Oberhaupt.
- Danish samvittighed and Norwegian samvittighet calques Latin conscientia.
- * From sam- and vittig
- Norwegian tenåring calques English teenager: femten = fifteen, åring = annual harvest
- skyskrapa calques skyscraper.
- tonåring calques English teen-ager: femton = fifteen, åring = annual harvest
Slavic languages
- Serbian 'misliti izvan kutije' calques English 'to think outside of the box':
- * Sr. 'misliti' = Eng. 'to think'
- * Sr. 'izvan' = Eng. 'outside'
- * Sr. 'kutija' = Eng. 'box'
- Macedonian ракопис calques Latin-derived 'manuscript' and 'handwriting':
- * Mac. root рака = Lat. manus = 'hand'
- * Mac. root пис- = Lat. scribo = 'to write'
- Macedonian правопис calques Greek-derived 'orthography':
- * Mac. root право = Gr. ορθός = 'correct';
- * Mac. root пис- = Gr. γράφειν = 'to write'
- Macedonian православие calques Greek-derived 'orthodoxy':
- * Mac. root право = Gr. ορθός = 'correct';
- * Mac. root славие = Gr. δοξα = 'glorification'
- Macedonian натчовек = calques German-derived 'overman'
- * Mac. root над- = Ger. über = 'over'
- * Mac. root човек = Ger. mensch = 'people'
- Macedonian облакодер = calques English skyscraper:
- * Mac. root облак
- * Mac. root дере
- Macedonian клучен збор = calques English keyword:
- * Mac. root клуч
- * Mac. root збор
The poet Aleksandr Pushkin was perhaps the most influential among the Russian literary figures who would transform the modern Russian language and vastly expand its ability to handle abstract and scientific concepts by importing the sophisticated vocabulary of Western intellectuals.Although some Western vocabulary entered the language as loanwords – e.g., Italian salvietta, "napkin", was simply Russified in sound and spelling to салфетка – Pushkin and those he influenced most often preferred to render foreign borrowings into Russian by calquing. Compound words were broken down to their component roots, which were then translated piece-by-piece to their Slavic equivalents. But not all of the coinages caught on and became permanent additions to the lexicon; for example, любомудрие was promoted by 19th-century Russian intellectuals as a calque of "philosophy", but the word eventually fell out of fashion, and modern Russian instead uses the loanword философия.
- Russian любомудрие calqued Greek-derived 'philosophy':
- * Russ. root любить = Gr. φιλεῖν = 'to love';
- * Russ. root мудрость = Gr. σοφία = 'wisdom'
- Russian зависимость calques Latin-derived 'dependence':
- * Russ. root за = Lat. de = 'down from'
- * Russ. root висеть = Lat. pendere = 'to hang; to dangle'
- Russian совпадение calques Latin-derived 'coincidence':
- * Russ. prefix со- = Lat. co- = 'in; with; together'
- * Russ. prefix в- = Lat. in- = 'in; into'
- * Russ. root падать = Lat. cidere = 'to fall'
- Russian полуостров calques Latin-derived 'peninsula':
- * Russ. root полу- = Ger. halb = 'half; semi-'
- * Russ. root остров = Ger. Insel = 'island'
- Russian детский сад calques German ''Kindergarten
- Διαδίκτυο from English Internet
- Γύρος from Turkish döner
- Ποδόσφαιρο from English football, referring specifically to association football
- Τηλεόραση from television
- uisce beatha calques Latin aqua vitae – The English word whiskey is actually derived from this phrase
- from Greek: sarvikuono,
- from Latin: viisaudenhammas,
- from English: jalkapallo,
- from English: koripallo,
- from English: kovalevy,
- from French: kirpputori,
- from German: lastentarha,
- from German: panssarivaunu,
- from Swedish: pesukarhu,
- from Swedish: moottoritie,
- from Chinese: aivopesu,
- from Spanish: siniverinen
Modern Hebrew
- mesilat barzel from German Eisenbahn ; "sach-rachok" from German "Fernsprecher"
- "zarkor" from German "Scheinwerfer"
- iton from German and Yiddish Zeitung
- tappuach adamah from French pomme-de-terre
- gan yeladim from German Kindergarten
- kaduregel from English football; "kadursal" ; "kaduryad" ;...
- "kelev yam" from German "Seehund"
- "karnaf" from Greek rhinoceros, possibly via German Nashorn
- names of many chemical elements are calqued from German and/or Greek: "meiman" from Wasserstoff, "pachman" from Kohlstoff, "chankan" from Stickstoff, "chamtzan" from Sauerstoff, zarkhan from Greek,... Some others are derived from Biblical or Mishnaic Hebrew words: kesef, barzel, nechoshet, zahav, oferet, ashlagan,
- many computing terms are calqued from English: "luach em", "me`abed", "natav", akhbar, cartis reshet, sapak koach, mat`en,... Other terms are loanwords: "disq",... Yet others are 'native' Hebrew words, either newly coined or adapted from earlier usage: "mikledet", "madpeset", "reshet", ...
Modern Malayalam is replete with calques from English. The calques manifest themselves as idioms and expressions and many have gone on to become clichés. However standalone words are very few. The following is a list of commonly used calque phrases/expressions.All of these are exact translations of the corresponding English phrases.- Simha bhagam - Lion's share
- Varikalkidayil vaayikuka reading between the lines
- Chuvarazhuthu the writing on the wall
- Moola kallu cornerstone
- Naazhikakallu milestone
- Ooshmala varavelppu warm welcome
- Thanuppan prathikaranam cold response
- Sheetayuddham Cold war
- Hridayabhedakam Heart rending/breaking
- Chekuttaanum kadalinumidayilbetween the devil and the sea
- vazhivittu sahaayikkuka go out of one's way
- kuthira kachavadam horse trading
- mrigeeya bhooripaksham monstrous majority
- kavya neethi poetic justice.
- ambara chumbikal skyscrapers literally skykissers