List of buildings in the Johnson Space Center

The buildings in the Johnson Space Center house facilities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's human spaceflight activities. The center consists of a complex of 100 buildings constructed on located in southeast Houston, Texas.
A typical building at Johnson Space Center is numbered and not named. A partial listing of building numbers and what is contained in them follows:
1Headquarters of JSC, including the offices of senior management and the JSC director1963
2Public Affairs Office, Media briefing room, video production, and audio processing facilities.1963
3Main cafeteria and JSC Exchange Store1963
4-NMission Operations support offices including Flight Director's Office1963
4-SMission Operations support offices and Flight Crew Operations Division
5Space Mission Simulation Facility 1966
7Crew and Thermal Systems Division, including the vacuum chambers and space suit testing facilities, including the Environmental Test Article Shuttle airlock vacuum chamber and the Space Station Airlock Test Article vacuum chamber.1963
8Photographic Laboratory and Multimedia Operations Facility1963
9Space Vehicle Mockup Facility, including full-scale International Space Station module mockups and MPCV Orion developmental mockups. The Space Shuttle training mockups have been donated to outside organizations at the conclusion of the Space Shuttle Program, and have been removed.1966/1967
10Engineering fabrication facility and machine shop1963
11Satellite cafeteria and JSC Exchange Store1966
12Office of Education, Human Resources Office, Language Lab, and Financial Management Division1963
13Structures and Mechanics Laboratory1963
14Electromagnetic compliance studies building1966
15Human and Environmental Factors offices1966?
16 and 16AShuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory, where software and hardware changes are tested to insure they function well with the whole vehicle in a simulated flight environment. Also houses the Shuttle Engineering Simulator.1963
17Space Food Systems Laboratory. Offices for Space Exploration.
18Morpheus Command Center
20Safety and Mission Assurance, Office of Procurement
21Human Health and Performance Laboratory2017
26Columbia Center2010
29Crew Exploration Vehicle Avionics Integration Laboratory; will be used to perform integrated avionics and flight software requirements verification. Originally served as the Weightless Environment Training Facility before the larger Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory was constructed to the north of the Johnson Space Center. The round portion of the building used to house a centrifuge which was used for astronaut training during the Gemini and Apollo eras.1966
30-AMission Operations Directorate functional offices The A in the building designation stands for Admin.1965
30-MChristopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center - the historic Mission Control Center. This building is home to FCR1 which is the flight control room for International Space Station, FCR2 which is known as the Historic Apollo Control Room, as well as multiple controller consoles and the training flight control room. The M in the building designation stands for Main building.1965
30-SMission Control Center Space Station White FCR, Blue FCR, as well as flight consoles and data facilities. The S in the building designation stands for Space Station as the entire building, especially the White Flight Control Room, was originally built-out for use by Space Station Freedom. During the build-out decisions were made to share resources between the Space Shuttle, station, and the White FCR, was changed to Shuttle during this process.1993?
31Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science1966
31-NLunar Sample Laboratory Facility
32Space Environment Simulation Laboratory; two very large thermal-vacuum chambers for testing flight hardware, designated as a National Historic Landmark1966
33Space Environment Simulation Test Facility with several small thermal-vacuum chambers for testing flight hardware1966
35Guidance and Navigation Simulation Facility -
37Life Sciences Laboratory; formerly the Lunar Receiving Laboratory
41Plant Operations Administration; formerly the Hypo/Hyperbaric Training Facility and Physiological Training Facility. Demolished on December 18, 2013.1970
44Communications and Tracking Division; formerly the Communications and Tracking Development Laboratory, Electronics Systems Test Laboratory and Audio Development Laboratory1966
45Project Engineering; also housed the Mission Evaluation Room1966
45-NOccupational Clinic; formerly the Technical Library1966
48Mission Control Power Plant
49Vibration and Acoustic Test Facility
110Security headquarters just outside the NASA gates by the employee entrance. Security issues badges for employees, contractors, and visitors.
111Industry Assistance Office
222Atmospheric Reentry Materials and Structures Evaluation Facility; demolished in 2017.1966
225Administrative Support Facility Annex; formerly the Space Science Interim Facility; demolished on August 14, 2014.1968
226Administrative Support Facility Annex; first building constructed at JSC. Demolished on November 14, 2014.1963
259Astronaut Selection and Isolation Quarters1967
260Water Immersion Facility
263Health Physics Laboratory
268APlanetary Analog Test Site, also known as the "Rock Yard". Simulates features of the lunar and Martian surface terrain, used for testing vehicle and spacesuit design