List of birds by common name
In this list of birds by common name, a total of 9,722 extant and recently extinct bird species are recognised, belonging to a total of 204 families.
Tinamiformes">Tinamou">Tinamiformes (tinamous)
Tinamidae">Tinamou">Tinamidae (tinamous)
†[Dinornithiformes] (moas)
[Struthioniformes] (ostriches)
[Struthionidae] (ostriches)
- †Asian ostrich
- Common ostrich
- †Giant ostrich
- Somali ostrich
Rheiformes">Rheidae">Rheiformes (rheas)
[Rheidae] (rheas)
- Greater rhea
- Lesser rhea
[Casuariiformes] (cassowaries and emu)
Casuariidae">Cassowary">Casuariidae (cassowaries)
- Dwarf cassowary
- Northern cassowary
- †Pygmy cassowary
- Southern cassowary
[Dromaiidae] (emu)
- Emu
Apterygiformes">Kiwi">Apterygiformes (kiwis)
Apterygidae">Kiwi">Apterygidae (kiwis)
†[Aepyornithidae] (elephant birds)
[Melanopareiidae] (crescentchests)
- Collared crescentchest
- Double-collared crescentchest
- Olive-crowned crescentchest
- Marañón crescentchest
- Elegant crescentchest
[Thamnophilidae] (antbird)
- Rufous-rumped antwren
- Chestnut-shouldered antwren
- Yellow-rumped antwren
- Ash-winged antwren
- Wing-banded antbird
- Spot-winged antshrike
- Russet antshrike
- Rufescent antshrike
- Dot-winged antwren
- Black bushbird
- Recurve-billed bushbird
- Rondônia bushbird
- Checker-throated antwren
- Brown-bellied antwren
- White-eyed antwren
- Stipple-throated antwren
- Rio Madeira antwren
- Foothill antwren
- Ornate antwren
- Rufous-tailed antwren
- Stripe-backed antbird
- Yapacana antbird
- Grey-bellied antbird
- Black-throated antbird
- Moustached antwren
- Pygmy antwren
- Guianan streaked antwren
- Amazonian streaked antwren
- Pacific antwren
- Cherrie's antwren
- Klages's antwren
- Stripe-chested antwren
- Yellow-throated antwren
- Sclater's antwren
- White-flanked antwren
- Silvery-flanked antwren
- Slaty antwren
- Rio Suno antwren
- Salvadori's antwren
- Long-winged antwren
- Band-tailed antwren
- Ihering's antwren
- Rio de Janeiro antwren
- Yungas antwren
- Unicolored antwren
- Alagoas antwren
- Plain-winged antwren
- Grey antwren
- Leaden antwren
- Streak-capped antwren
- Orange-bellied antwren
- Black-and-white antbird
- Narrow-billed antwren
- Black-hooded antwren
- Southern white-fringed antwren
- Northern white-fringed antwren
- Serra antwren
- Black-bellied antwren
- Rusty-backed antwren
- Sincorá antwren
- Marsh antwren
- Banded antbird
- Star-throated antwren
- Rufous-bellied antwren
- Plain-throated antwren
- Dusky-throated antshrike
- Cinereous antshrike
- Saturnine antshrike
- Bluish-slate antshrike
- Pearly antshrike
- Ash-throated antwren
- Creamy-bellied antwren
- Predicted antwren
- Aripuana antwren
- Black-capped antwren
- Caatinga antwren
- Bahia antwren
- Spot-tailed antwren
- Dugand's antwren
- Todd's antwren
- Ancient antwren
- Spot-backed antwren
- Roraiman antwren
- Pectoral antwren
- Large-billed antwren
- Yellow-breasted antwren
- Rufous-winged antwren
- Bicolored antvireo
- Spot-breasted antvireo
- Plain antvireo
- Streak-crowned antvireo
- Spot-crowned antvireo
- Rufous-backed antvireo
- White-streaked antvireo
- Plumbeous antvireo
- Collared antshrike
- Black-backed antshrike
- Band-tailed antshrike
- Barred antshrike
- Chapman's antshrike
- Bar-crested antshrike
- Chestnut-backed antshrike
- Lined antshrike
- Black-hooded antshrike
- Black antshrike
- Cocha antshrike
- Blackish-grey antshrike
- Castelnau's antshrike
- White-shouldered antshrike
- Uniform antshrike
- Upland antshrike
- Plain-winged antshrike
- Mouse-colored antshrike
- Black-crowned antshrike
- Northern slaty antshrike
- Natterer's slaty antshrike
- Bolivian slaty antshrike
- Planalto slaty antshrike
- Sooretama slaty antshrike
- Acre antshrike
- Streak-backed antshrike
- Amazonian antshrike
- Variable antshrike
- Rufous-winged antshrike
- Rufous-capped antshrike
- Black-crested antshrike
- Silvery-cheeked antshrike
- Glossy antshrike
- White-bearded antshrike
- Fasciated antshrike
- Bamboo antshrike
- Great antshrike
- Tufted antshrike
- Large-tailed antshrike
- Black-throated antshrike
- Undulated antshrike
- Fulvous antshrike
- Spot-backed antshrike
- Giant antshrike
- Speckled antshrike
- White-plumed antbird
- White-masked antbird
- Ocellated antbird
- Rufous-throated antbird
- Bicolored antbird
- White-cheeked antbird
- White-throated antbird
- Lunulated antbird
- Bare-eyed antbird
- Harlequin antbird
- White-breasted antbird
- Chestnut-crested antbird
- Hairy-crested antbird
- Reddish-winged bare-eye
- Black-spotted bare-eye
- Pale-faced bare-eye
- Common scale-backed antbird
- Xingu scale-backed antbird
- Ferruginous antbird
- Bertoni's antbird
- Rufous-tailed antbird
- Ochre-rumped antbird
- Dusky-tailed antbird
- Scaled antbird
- Striated antbird
- Santa Marta antbird
- Klages's antbird
- East Andean antbird
- Streak-headed antbird
- Guianan warbling antbird
- Imeri warbling antbird
- Peruvian warbling antbird
- Yellow-breasted warbling antbird
- Rondonia warbling antbird
- Spix's warbling antbird
- Manicoré warbling antbird
- Yellow-browed antbird
- Southern chestnut-tailed antbird
- Northern chestnut-tailed antbird
- Willis's antbird
- Parker's antbird
- Blackish antbird
- Riparian antbird
- Dusky antbird
- Black antbird
- Manu antbird
- Rio de Janeiro antbird
- Grey antbird
- Mato Grosso antbird
- Bananal antbird
- Jet antbird
- Rio Branco antbird
- Ferruginous-backed antbird
- Cordillera Azul antbird
- Scalloped antbird
- White-bibbed antbird
- Squamate antbird
- Black-chinned antbird
- Band-tailed antbird
- Spotted antbird
- Spot-backed antbird
- Dot-backed antbird
- Silvered antbird
- Plumbeous antbird
- Slate-colored antbird
- Spot-winged antbird
- Humaita antbird
- Brownish-headed antbird
- Rufous-faced antbird
- Roraiman antbird
- Caura antbird
- Chestnut-backed antbird
- Grey-headed antbird
- Dull-mantled antbird
- Magdalena antbird
- Esmeraldas antbird
- Stub-tailed antbird
- White-bellied antbird
- White-browed antbird
- Ash-breasted antbird
- Black-tailed antbird
- Black-faced antbird
- White-lined antbird
- Bare-crowned antbird
- Fringe-backed fire-eye
- White-backed fire-eye
- White-shouldered fire-eye
- Slender antbird
- Allpahuayo antbird
- Black-headed antbird
- White-shouldered antbird
- Goeldi's antbird
- Sooty antbird
- Blue-lored antbird
- Zeledon's antbird
[Formicariidae] (ground antbirds)
- Rufous-capped antthrush
- Black-headed antthrush
- Black-faced antthrush
- Mayan antthrush
- Rufous-fronted antthrush
- Rufous-breasted antthrush
- Short-tailed antthrush
- Cryptic antthrush
- Barred antthrush
- Striated antthrush
- Rufous-tailed antthrush
- Schwartz's antthrush
[Grallariidae] (antpittas)
- Undulated antpitta
- Giant antpitta
- Great antpitta
- Variegated antpitta
- Scaled antpitta
- Moustached antpitta
- Táchira antpitta
- Plain-backed antpitta
- Ochre-striped antpitta
- Elusive antpitta
- Santa Marta antpitta
- Chestnut-crowned antpitta
- Cundinamarca antpitta
- Watkins's antpitta
- Stripe-headed antpitta
- Bicolored antpitta
- Chestnut-naped antpitta
- Jocotoco antpitta
- Pale-billed antpitta
- Yellow-breasted antpitta
- White-bellied antpitta
- Rusty-tinged antpitta
- Bay antpitta
- Red-and-white antpitta
- White-throated antpitta
- Grey-naped antpitta
- Rufous antpitta
- Chestnut antpitta
- Rufous-faced antpitta
- Tawny antpitta
- Brown-banded antpitta
- Fenwick's antpitta
- Masked antpitta
- Amazonian antpitta
- Thicket antpitta
- White-lored antpitta
- Spotted antpitta
- Speckle-breasted antpitta
- White-browed antpitta
- Streak-chested antpitta
- Snethlage's antpitta
- Alta Floresta antpitta
- Thrush-like antpitta
- Tapajos antpitta
- Tepui antpitta
- Ochre-breasted antpitta
- Rusty-breasted antpitta
- Rufous-breasted antpitta
- Scallop-breasted antpitta
- Hooded antpitta
- Peruvian antpitta
- Ochre-fronted antpitta
- Slaty-crowned antpitta
- Crescent-faced antpitta
- Sucre antpitta
[Promeropidae] (sugarbirds)
- Gurney's sugarbird
- Cape sugarbird
[Rhinocryptidae] (tapaculos)
- Ocellated tapaculo
- White-breasted tapaculo
- Bahia tapaculo
- Ochre-flanked tapaculo
- Rusty-belted tapaculo
- Stresemann's bristlefront
- Slaty bristlefront
- Ash-colored tapaculo
- Spotted bamboowren
- Chestnut-throated huet-huet
- Black-throated huet-huet
- Moustached turca
- Crested gallito
- White-throated tapaculo
- Chucao tapaculo
- Blackish tapaculo
- Unicolored tapaculo
- Trilling tapaculo
- Mouse-coloured tapaculo
- Planalto tapaculo
- Rock tapaculo
- Diamantina tapaculo
- Brasília tapaculo
- Marsh tapaculo
- Large-footed tapaculo
- Santa Marta tapaculo
- Long-tailed tapaculo
- Rufous-vented tapaculo
- Northern white-crowned tapaculo
- Bolivian white-crowned tapaculo
- Tacarcuna tapaculo
- Silvery-fronted tapaculo
- Chocó tapaculo
- Upper Magdalena tapaculo
- Stiles's tapaculo
- El Oro tapaculo
- Tatama tapaculo
- Nariño tapaculo
- Brown-rumped tapaculo
- Mérida tapaculo
- Perijá tapaculo
- Caracas tapaculo
- Spillmann's tapaculo
- Chusquea tapaculo
- Magellanic tapaculo
- White-winged tapaculo
- Jalca tapaculo
- Ampay tapaculo
- Pale-bellied tapaculo
- Ancash tapaculo
- Tschudi's tapaculo
- Vilcabamba tapaculo
- Puna tapaculo
- Zimmer's tapaculo
- White-browed tapaculo
- Dusky tapaculo
- Paramillo tapaculo
- Paramo tapaculo
- Diademed tapaculo
- Junin tapaculo
- Bahian mouse-colored tapaculo
- Sandy gallito
[Stenostiridae] (fairy flycatchers)
- Yellow-bellied fantail
- Fairy flycatcher
- African blue flycatcher
- White-tailed blue flycatcher
- Dusky crested flycatcher
- White-bellied crested flycatcher
- White-tailed crested flycatcher
- Citrine canary-flycatcher
- Grey-headed canary-flycatcher
[Motacillidae] (wagtails, longclaws and pipits)
- Richard's pipit
- Paddyfield pipit
- Australian pipit
- New Zealand pipit
- African pipit
- Mountain pipit
- Blyth's pipit
- Tawny pipit
- Long-billed pipit
- Nicholson's pipit
- Wood pipit
- Buffy pipit
- Plain-backed pipit
- Long-legged pipit
- Meadow pipit
- Tree pipit
- Olive-backed pipit
- Pechora pipit
- Rosy pipit
- Red-throated pipit
- Buff-bellied pipit
- Water pipit
- Eurasian rock pipit
- Nilgiri pipit
- Upland pipit
- Berthelot's pipit
- Striped pipit
- African rock pipit
- Short-tailed pipit
- Bushveld pipit
- Sokoke pipit
- Malindi pipit
- Yellow-breasted pipit
- Alpine pipit
- Sprague's pipit
- Yellowish pipit
- Peruvian pipit
- Short-billed pipit
- Puna pipit
- Pampas pipit
- Correndera pipit
- South Georgia pipit
- Ochre-breasted pipit
- Hellmayr's pipit
- Paramo pipit
- Madanga
- Sharpe's longclaw
- Abyssinian longclaw
- Fülleborn's longclaw
- Cape longclaw
- Yellow-throated longclaw
- Pangani longclaw
- Rosy-throated longclaw
- Grimwood's longclaw
- Forest wagtail
- Golden pipit
- Western yellow wagtail
- Eastern yellow wagtail
- Citrine wagtail
- Cape wagtail
- Madagascan wagtail
- Grey wagtail
- Mountain wagtail
- White wagtail
- African pied wagtail
- Mekong wagtail
- Japanese wagtail
- White-browed wagtail
- São Tomé shorttail
[Macrosphenidae] (African warblers)
- Cape grassbird
- Rockrunner
- Moustached grass warbler
- Victorin's warbler
- Green crombec
- Lemon-bellied crombec
- White-browed crombec
- Northern crombec
- Philippa's crombec
- Red-capped crombec
- Red-faced crombec
- Somali crombec
- Long-billed crombec
- Kemp's longbill
- Yellow longbill
- Grey longbill
- Pulitzer's longbill
- Kretschmer's longbill
[Phylloscopidae] (leaf warblers)
- Wood warbler
- Western Bonelli's warbler
- Eastern Bonelli's warbler
- Buff-barred warbler
- Ashy-throated warbler
- Hume's leaf warbler
- Yellow-browed warbler
- Brooks's leaf warbler
- Chinese leaf warbler
- Lemon-rumped warbler
- Sichuan leaf warbler
- Gansu leaf warbler
- Pallas's leaf warbler
- Tytler's leaf warbler
- Yellow-streaked warbler
- Radde's warbler
- Sulphur-bellied warbler
- Tickell's leaf warbler
- Alpine leaf warbler
- Smoky warbler
- Dusky warbler
- Plain leaf warbler
- Buff-throated warbler
- Willow warbler
- Mountain chiffchaff
- Canary Islands chiffchaff
- Common chiffchaff
- Iberian chiffchaff
- Eastern crowned warbler
- Ijima's leaf warbler
- Philippine leaf warbler
- Lemon-throated leaf warbler
- Yellow-throated woodland warbler
- Brown woodland warbler
- Red-faced woodland warbler
- Laura's woodland warbler
- Black-capped woodland warbler
- Uganda woodland warbler
- White-spectacled warbler
- Grey-cheeked warbler
- Green-crowned warbler
- Grey-crowned warbler
- Whistler's warbler
- Bianchi's warbler
- Alström's warbler
- Martens's warbler
- Green warbler
- Two-barred warbler
- Greenish warbler
- Emei leaf warbler
- Large-billed leaf warbler
- Sakhalin leaf warbler
- Pale-legged leaf warbler
- Japanese leaf warbler
- Kamchatka leaf warbler
- Arctic warbler
- Chestnut-crowned warbler
- Sunda warbler
- Yellow-breasted warbler
- Limestone leaf warbler
- Sulphur-breasted warbler
- Yellow-vented warbler
- Western crowned warbler
- Blyth's leaf warbler
- Claudia's leaf warbler
- Kloss's leaf warbler
- Hainan leaf warbler
- Davison's leaf warbler
- Grey-hooded warbler
- Mountain leaf warbler
- Negros leaf warbler
- Timor leaf warbler
- Makira leaf warbler
- Sulawesi leaf warbler
- Kolombangara leaf warbler
- Island leaf warbler
- Numfor leaf warbler
- Biak leaf warbler
- Rote leaf warbler
- Peleng leaf warbler
- Taliabu leaf warbler
- Cordillera ground warbler
- Sierra Madre ground warbler
- Bicol ground warbler
- Sakhalin grasshopper warbler
- Gray's grasshopper warbler
- Marsh grassbird
- Pallas's grasshopper warbler
- Styan's grasshopper warbler
- Middendorff's grasshopper warbler
- Lanceolated warbler
- Brown bush warbler
- Long-billed bush warbler
- Common grasshopper warbler
- Chinese bush warbler
- Bamboo warbler
- River warbler
- Savi's warbler
- Friendly bush warbler
- Chestnut-backed bush warbler
- Long-tailed bush warbler
- Baikal bush warbler
- Spotted bush warbler
- West Himalayan bush warbler
- Taiwan bush warbler
- Russet bush warbler
- Dalat bush warbler
- Benguet bush warbler
- Javan bush warbler
- Sichuan bush warbler
- Taliabu grasshopper warbler
- Knysna warbler
- Bangwa forest warbler
- Barratt's warbler
- Evergreen forest warbler
- Cinnamon bracken warbler
- Grey emutail
- Brown emutail
- Dja River scrub warbler
- Little rush warbler
- White-winged swamp warbler
- Grauer's swamp warbler
- Highland rush warbler
- Sri Lanka bush warbler
- Fly River grassbird
- Spinifexbird
- Chatham fernbird
- New Zealand fernbird
- Little grassbird
- Broad-tailed grassbird
- Bristled grassbird
- Bougainville thicketbird
- Brown songlark
- Rufous songlark
- Long-legged thicketbird
- New Caledonian thicketbird
- Rusty thicketbird
- Melanesian thicketbird
- New Britain thicketbird
- Tawny grassbird
- Buff-banded thicketbird
- Papuan grassbird
[Bernieridae] (Madagascan warbler)
- White-throated oxylabes
- Long-billed bernieria
- Cryptic warbler
- Wedge-tailed jery
- Thamnornis
- Spectacled tetraka
- Dusky tetraka
- Grey-crowned tetraka
- Appert's tetraka
- Madagascan yellowbrow
- Rand's warbler
- Fire-tailed myzornis
- Abyssinian catbird
- African hill babbler
- Rwenzori hill babbler
- Dohrn's thrush-babbler
- Bush blackcap
- Eurasian blackcap
- Garden warbler
- Barred warbler
- Lesser whitethroat
- Desert whitethroat
- Hume's whitethroat
- Western Orphean warbler
- Eastern Orphean warbler
- Arabian warbler
- Asian desert warbler
- African desert warbler
- Common whitethroat
- Dartford warbler
- Marmora's warbler
- Balearic warbler
- Tristram's warbler
- Spectacled warbler
- Subalpine warbler
- Moltoni's warbler
- Sardinian warbler
- Menetries's warbler
- Rüppell's warbler
- Cyprus warbler
- Yemen warbler
- Brown parisoma
- Banded parisoma
- Chestnut-vented warbler
- Layard's warbler
- Golden-breasted fulvetta
- Rufous-tailed babbler
- Spectacled fulvetta
- Indochinese fulvetta
- Chinese fulvetta
- White-browed fulvetta
- Grey-hooded fulvetta
- Taiwan fulvetta
- Manipur fulvetta
- Brown-throated fulvetta
- Yellow-eyed babbler
- Jerdon's babbler
- Beijing babbler
- Tarim babbler
- Wrentit
- Great parrotbill
- Three-toed parrotbill
- Brown parrotbill
- Spectacled parrotbill
- Vinous-throated parrotbill
- Ashy-throated parrotbill
- Brown-winged parrotbill
- Przevalski's parrotbill
- Grey-hooded parrotbill
- Fulvous parrotbill
- Black-throated parrotbill
- Golden parrotbill
- Short-tailed parrotbill
- Pale-billed parrotbill
- Black-headed parrotbill
- Grey-headed parrotbill
- White-breasted parrotbill
- Rufous-headed parrotbill
- Spot-breasted parrotbill
- Black-breasted parrotbill
- Reed parrotbill
[Acrocephalidae] (reed warblers, marsh- and tree-warblers, or acrocephalid warblers)
- Moustached warbler
- Aquatic warbler
- Sedge warbler
- Speckled reed warbler
- Black-browed reed warbler
- Paddyfield warbler
- Manchurian reed warbler
- Blunt-winged warbler
- Eurasian reed warbler
- African reed warbler
- Blyth's reed warbler
- Marsh warbler
- Great reed warbler
- Oriental reed warbler
- Clamorous reed warbler
- Large-billed reed warbler
- Basra reed warbler
- Australian reed warbler
- Nightingale reed warbler
- Saipan reed warbler
- Aguiguan reed warbler
- Mangareva reed warbler
- Pagan reed warbler
- Carolinian reed warbler
- Nauru reed warbler
- Millerbird
- Bokikokiko
- Tahiti reed warbler
- Garrett's reed warbler
- Tuamotu reed warbler
- Rimatara reed warbler
- Pitcairn reed warbler
- Henderson reed warbler
- Northern Marquesan reed warbler
- Southern Marquesan reed warbler
- Cook reed warbler
- Greater swamp warbler
- Cape Verde warbler
- Lesser swamp warbler
- Madagascar swamp warbler
- Rodrigues warbler
- Seychelles warbler
- Thick-billed warbler
- Booted warbler
- Sykes's warbler
- Eastern olivaceous warbler
- Western olivaceous warbler
- African yellow warbler
- Mountain yellow warbler
- Upcher's warbler
- Olive-tree warbler
- Melodious warbler
- Icterine warbler
- Papyrus yellow warbler
- Grauer's warbler
- Aldabra brush warbler
- Anjouan brush warbler
- Malagasy brush warbler
- Grand Comoro brush warbler
- Moheli brush warbler
- Subdesert brush warbler
[Ploceidae] (weavers)
- White-billed buffalo weaver
- Red-billed buffalo weaver
- White-headed buffalo weaver
- White-browed sparrow-weaver
- Chestnut-crowned sparrow-weaver
- Donaldson Smith's sparrow-weaver
- Chestnut-backed sparrow-weaver
- Rufous-tailed weaver
- Grey-capped social weaver
- Black-capped social weaver
- Sociable weaver
- Thick-billed weaver
- Scaly-feathered weaver
- Speckle-fronted weaver
- Baglafecht weaver
- Bannerman's weaver
- Bates's weaver
- Black-chinned weaver
- Bertram's weaver
- Slender-billed weaver
- Loango weaver
- Little weaver
- Spectacled weaver
- Black-necked weaver
- Strange weaver
- Black-billed weaver
- Cape weaver
- Bocage's weaver
- Holub's golden weaver
- Eastern golden weaver
- Orange weaver
- Heuglin's masked weaver
- Golden palm weaver
- Taveta weaver
- Príncipe weaver
- Northern brown-throated weaver
- Southern brown-throated weaver
- Kilombero weaver
- Rüppell's weaver
- Northern masked weaver
- Lesser masked weaver
- Southern masked weaver
- Katanga masked weaver
- Lufira masked weaver
- Tanzanian masked weaver
- Vitelline masked weaver
- Speke's weaver
- Fox's weaver
- Village weaver
- Giant weaver
- Vieillot's black weaver
- Weyns's weaver
- Clarke's weaver
- Juba weaver
- Black-headed weaver
- Golden-backed weaver
- Cinnamon weaver
- Chestnut weaver
- Golden-naped weaver
- Yellow-mantled weaver
- Maxwell's black weaver
- Nelicourvi weaver
- Sakalava weaver
- Asian golden weaver
- Compact weaver
- Black-breasted weaver
- Streaked weaver
- Baya weaver
- Finn's weaver
- Dark-backed weaver
- Preuss's weaver
- Yellow-capped weaver
- Olive-headed weaver
- Brown-capped weaver
- Usambara weaver
- Bar-winged weaver
- São Tomé weaver
- Yellow-legged weaver
- Red-crowned malimbe
- Cassin's malimbe
- Rachel's malimbe
- Gola malimbe
- Red-vented malimbe
- Ibadan malimbe
- Blue-billed malimbe
- Red-headed malimbe
- Red-bellied malimbe
- Crested malimbe
- Red-headed weaver
- Red-billed quelea
- Red-headed quelea
- Cardinal quelea
- Bob-tailed weaver
- Red fody
- Comoros fody
- Aldabra fody
- Seychelles fody
- Forest fody
- Mauritius fody
- Rodrigues fody
- Réunion fody
- Fire-fronted bishop
- Yellow-crowned bishop
- Zanzibar red bishop
- Black bishop
- Black-winged red bishop
- Southern red bishop
- Northern red bishop
- Golden-backed bishop
- Yellow bishop
- Fan-tailed widowbird
- Yellow-mantled widowbird
- Marsh widowbird
- Marsh widowbird
- White-winged widowbird
- Red-collared widowbird
- Long-tailed widowbird
- Jackson's widowbird
- Rufous-faced warbler
- Black-faced warbler
- Yellow-bellied warbler
- Asian stubtail
- Timor stubtail
- Bornean stubtail
- Pale-footed bush warbler
- Neumann's warbler
- Russet-capped tesia
- Slaty-bellied tesia
- Grey-bellied tesia
- Javan tesia
- Manchurian bush warbler
- Japanese bush warbler
- Philippine bush warbler
- Palau bush warbler
- Shade bush warbler
- Bougainville bush warbler
- Fiji bush warbler
- Tanimbar bush warbler
- Brown-flanked bush warbler
- Sunda bush warbler
- Aberrant bush warbler
- Yellow-bellied bush warbler
- Hume's bush warbler
- Cetti's warbler
- Grey-sided bush warbler
- Chestnut-headed tesia
- Broad-billed warbler
- Chestnut-crowned bush warbler
- Mountain tailorbird
- Rufous-headed tailorbird
[Pellorneidae] (jungle babblers)
- Puff-throated babbler
- Rufous-vented grass babbler
- Swamp grass babbler
- Golden-fronted fulvetta
- Yellow-throated fulvetta
- Rufous-winged fulvetta
- Black-crowned fulvetta
- Rufous-throated fulvetta
- Rusty-capped fulvetta
- Dusky fulvetta
- Brown fulvetta
- Brown-cheeked fulvetta
- Javan fulvetta
- Mountain fulvetta
- Black-browed fulvetta
- Grey-cheeked fulvetta
- David's fulvetta
- Yunnan fulvetta
- Huet's fulvetta
- Nepal fulvetta
- Falcated wren-babbler
- Bornean wren-babbler
- Striated wren-babbler
- Rusty-breasted wren-babbler
- Black-throated wren-babbler
- Large wren-babbler
- Marbled wren-babbler
- Limestone wren-babbler
- Streaked wren-babbler
- Mountain wren-babbler
- Eyebrowed wren-babbler
- White-hooded babbler
- Collared babbler
- Spotted thrush-babbler
- Blackcap illadopsis
- Rufous-winged illadopsis
- Puvel's illadopsis
- Pale-breasted illadopsis
- Brown illadopsis
- Mountain illadopsis
- Scaly-breasted illadopsis
- Short-tailed scimitar babbler
- Naung Mung scimitar babbler
- Long-billed wren-babbler
- White-throated wren-babbler
- Sumatran wren-babbler
- Abbott's babbler
- Horsfield's babbler
- Black-browed babbler
- Short-tailed babbler
- Ashy-headed babbler
- Grey-breasted babbler
- Moustached babbler
- Sooty-capped babbler
- Scaly-crowned babbler
- Rufous-crowned babbler
- Melodious babbler
- White-chested babbler
- Sulawesi babbler
- Ferruginous babbler
- Striped wren-babbler
- Indian grassbird
- Chinese grassbird
- Black-capped babbler
- Brown-capped babbler
- Buff-breasted babbler
- Sumatran babbler
- Temminck's babbler
- Spot-throated babbler
- Marsh babbler
- Green jery
- Stripe-throated jery
- Common jery
- Red-faced cisticola
- Singing cisticola
- Whistling cisticola
- Chattering cisticola
- Trilling cisticola
- Bubbling cisticola
- Chubb's cisticola
- Hunter's cisticola
- Black-lored cisticola
- Kilombero cisticola
- Rock-loving cisticola
- Boran cisticola
- Rattling cisticola
- Ashy cisticola
- Red-pate cisticola
- Dorst's cisticola
- Tinkling cisticola
- Red-headed cisticola
- Wailing cisticola
- Lynes's cisticola
- Tana River cisticola
- Churring cisticola
- Winding cisticola
- Ethiopian cisticola
- Coastal cisticola
- Luapula cisticola
- Rufous-winged cisticola
- Chirping cisticola
- Carruthers's cisticola
- Levaillant's cisticola
- Stout cisticola
- Croaking cisticola
- Piping cisticola
- Aberdare cisticola
- Tabora cisticola
- Slender-tailed cisticola
- Siffling cisticola
- Rufous cisticola
- Foxy cisticola
- Tiny cisticola
- Zitting cisticola
- Socotra cisticola
- Madagascan cisticola
- Desert cisticola
- Cloud cisticola
- Black-backed cisticola
- Cloud-scraping cisticola
- Pectoral-patch cisticola
- Pale-crowned cisticola
- Wing-snapping cisticola
- Golden-headed cisticola
- Socotra warbler
- Himalayan prinia
- Red-winged prinia
- Red-fronted prinia
- Swinhoe's prinia
- Deignan's prinia
- Burmese prinia
- Annam prinia
- Black-throated prinia
- Hill prinia
- Grey-crowned prinia
- Rufous-fronted prinia
- Rufescent prinia
- Grey-breasted prinia
- Graceful prinia
- Jungle prinia
- Bar-winged prinia
- Yellow-bellied prinia
- Ashy prinia
- Tawny-flanked prinia
- Plain prinia
- Pale prinia
- River prinia
- Black-chested prinia
- Karoo prinia
- Drakensberg prinia
- São Tomé prinia
- Banded prinia
- Sierra Leone prinia
- White-chinned prinia
- Namaqua warbler
- Roberts's warbler
- Visayan miniature babbler
- Mindanao miniature babbler
- Green longtail
- Black-collared apalis
- Rwenzori apalis
- Red-winged grey warbler
- Cricket warbler
- Buff-bellied warbler
- Bar-throated apalis
- Yellow-throated apalis
- Taita apalis
- Namuli apalis
- Rudd's apalis
- Yellow-breasted apalis
- Lowland masked apalis
- Mountain masked apalis
- Black-throated apalis
- White-winged apalis
- Black-capped apalis
- Black-headed apalis
- Chirinda apalis
- Chestnut-throated apalis
- Kabobo apalis
- Chapin's apalis
- Sharpe's apalis
- Buff-throated apalis
- Kungwe apalis
- Karamoja apalis
- Bamenda apalis
- Gosling's apalis
- Grey apalis
- Brown-headed apalis
- Rufous-eared warbler
- Oriole warbler
- Grey-capped warbler
- Green-backed camaroptera
- Grey-backed camaroptera
- Hartert's camaroptera
- Yellow-browed camaroptera
- Olive-green camaroptera
- Miombo wren-warbler
- Barred wren-warbler
- Grey wren-warbler
- Stierling's wren-warbler
- Cinnamon-breasted warbler
- Black-headed rufous warbler
- Black-faced rufous warbler
- Winifred's warbler
- Rubeho warbler
- Common tailorbird
- Dark-necked tailorbird
- Cambodian tailorbird
- Philippine tailorbird
- Trilling tailorbird
- Rufous-fronted tailorbird
- Grey-backed tailorbird
- Rufous-tailed tailorbird
- Ashy tailorbird
- Olive-backed tailorbird
- Yellow-breasted tailorbird
- Black-headed tailorbird
- White-eared tailorbird
- Red-capped forest warbler
- Long-billed forest warbler
- White-tailed warbler
- Yellow-bellied eremomela
- Salvadori's eremomela
- Yellow-vented eremomela
- Senegal eremomela
- Green-backed eremomela
- Green-capped eremomela
- Karoo eremomela
- Burnt-necked eremomela
- Rufous-crowned eremomela
- Turner's eremomela
- Black-necked eremomela
[Teretistridae] (Cuban warblers)
- Oriente warbler
- Yellow-headed warbler
- Green-tailed warbler
- White-winged warbler
- Black-crowned tanager
- Grey-crowned tanager
[Peucedramidae] (olive warbler)
- Olive warbler
[Icteriidae] (yellow-breasted chat)
- Yellow-breasted chat
[Acanthizidae] (Australian weavers)
- Goldenface
- Fernwren
- Scrubtit
- Weebill
- Rufous fieldwren
- Striated fieldwren
- Western fieldwren
- Chestnut-rumped heathwren
- Shy heathwren
- Chestnut-rumped heathwren
- Pilotbird
- Redthroat
- Speckled warbler
- Rockwarbler
- Rusty mouse-warbler
- Mountain mouse-warbler
- Yellow-throated scrubwren
- Bicolored scrubwren
- Pale-billed scrubwren
- Vogelkop scrubwren
- Buff-faced scrubwren
- Papuan scrubwren
- Grey-green scrubwren
- Large-billed scrubwren
- Tropical scrubwren
- Large scrubwren
- Spotted scrubwren
- Tasmanian scrubwren
- Atherton scrubwren
- White-browed scrubwren
- Perplexing scrubwren
- Brown gerygone
- Norfolk gerygone
- Lord Howe gerygone
- Chatham gerygone
- Fan-tailed gerygone
- Brown-breasted gerygone
- Golden-bellied gerygone
- Rufous-sided gerygone
- Mangrove gerygone
- Plain gerygone
- Western gerygone
- Dusky gerygone
- Large-billed gerygone
- Biak gerygone
- Yellow-bellied gerygone
- Green-backed gerygone
- White-throated gerygone
- Fairy gerygone
- Mountain thornbill
- Brown thornbill
- Inland thornbill
- Tasmanian thornbill
- New Guinea thornbill
- Chestnut-rumped thornbill
- Buff-rumped thornbill
- Western thornbill
- Slender-billed thornbill
- Yellow-rumped thornbill
- Yellow thornbill
- Grey thornbill
- Striated thornbill
- Slaty-backed thornbill
- Southern whiteface
- Chestnut-breasted whiteface
- Banded whiteface
[Psittaciformes] (parrots)
†[Gastornithiformes] (demon ducks)
- †Mihirung
[Anseriformes] (waterfowl)
[Anhimidae] (screamers)
- Southern screamer
- Northern screamer
- Horned screamer
[Anseranatidae] (magpie goose)
- Magpie goose
- Hand's dawn magpie goose
[Anatidae] (ducks, geese, and swans)
[Galliformes] (game birds)
[Megapodiidae] (megapodes)
[Cracidae] (chachalacas, curassows, and guans)
[Numididae] (guineafowl)
[Odontophoridae] (New World quail)
[Phasianidae] (pheasants, turkeys, francolin, and allies)
[Gaviiformes] (loons)
Gaviidae">Loon">Gaviidae (loons)
[Sphenisciformes] (penguins)
[Spheniscidae] (penguins)
Procellariformes">Procellariiformes">Procellariformes (typical seabirds)
[Oceanitidae] (austral storm petrels)
[Diomedeidae] (albatrosses)
[Hydrobatidae] (northern storm petrels)
[Procellariidae] (petrels and shearwaters)
[Pelecanoididae] (diving petrels)
- Peruvian diving petrel
- Magellanic diving petrel
- South Georgia diving petrel
- Common diving petrel
- Whenua Hou diving petrel
[Podicipediformes] (grebes)
[Podicipedidae] (grebes)
[Phoenicopteriformes] (flamingos)
[Phoenicopteridae] (flamingos)
[Phaethontiformes] (tropicbirds)
[Phaethontidae] (tropicbirds)
- Red-billed tropicbird
- Red-tailed tropicbird
- White-tailed tropicbird
[Ciconiiformes] (storks)
[Ciconiidae] (storks)
[Pelecaniformes] (ibises, herons, pelicans, and allies)
[Threskiornithidae] (ibises and spoonbills)
[Ardeidae] (herons)
Scopidae">Hamerkop">Scopidae (hamerkop)
- Hamerkop
[Balaenicipitidae] (shoebill)
- Shoebill
[Pelecanidae] (pelicans)
[Suliformes] (frigatebirds, sulids, cormorants, and allies)
Fregatidae">Frigatebird">Fregatidae (frigatebirds)
[Sulidae] (gannets and boobies)
[Phalacrocoracidae] (cormorants and shags)
[Anhingidae] (darters)
- Oriental darter
- African darter
- Australasian darter
- Anhinga
Accipitriformes (vultures, hawks, eagles, and allies)
[Cathartidae] (New World vultures)
Sagittariidae">Secretarybird">Sagittariidae (secretarybird)
- Secretarybird
[Pandionidae] (ospreys)
- Western osprey
- Eastern osprey
[Accipitridae] (kites, hawks, eagles, and allies)
[Falconidae] (falcons and caracaras)
Otidiformes">Bustard">Otidiformes (bustards)
[Otididae] (bustards)
[Mesitornithiformes] (mesites)
[Mesitornithidae] (mesites)
- Subdesert mesite
- White-breasted mesite
- Brown mesite
[Cariamiformes] (seriemas)
[Cariamidae] (seriemas)
- Red-legged seriema
- Black-legged seriema
[Eurypygiformes] (kagu and sunbittern)
[Rhynochetidae] (kagu)
- Kagu
- Lowland kagu
[Eurypygidae] (sunbittern)
- Sunbittern
[Gruiformes] (rails, coots, cranes, and allies)
[Sarothruridae] (flufftails)
[Heliornithidae] (finfoots)
- African finfoot
- Masked finfoot
- Sungrebe
[Rallidae] (coots, crakes, and rails)
[Psophiidae] (trumpeters)
- Grey-winged trumpeter
- Pale-winged trumpeter
- Dark-winged trumpeter
[Gruidae] (cranes)
Aramidae">Limpkin">Aramidae (limpkin)
- Limpkin
[Charadriiformes] (buttonquail, waders, gulls, alcids, and allies)
Turnicidae">Buttonquail">Turnicidae (buttonquail)
[Burhinidae] (thick-knees and stone-curlews)
[Chionidae] (sheathbills)
- Snowy sheathbill
- Black-faced sheathbill
[Pluvianellidae] (Magellanic plover)
- Magellanic plover
[Haematopodidae] (oystercatchers)
Dromadidae">Crab-plover">Dromadidae (crab-plover)
- Crab-plover
[Ibidorhynchidae] (ibisbill)
- Ibisbill
[Recurvirostridae] (avocets and stilts)
[Charadriidae] (lapwings and plovers)
Pluvianidae">Egyptian plover">Pluvianidae (Egyptian plover)
- Egyptian plover
[Rostratulidae] (painted-snipes)
- Greater painted-snipe
- Australian painted-snipe
- South American painted-snipe
[Jacanidae] (jacanas)
[Pedionomidae] (plains-wanderer)
- Plains-wanderer
[Thinocoridae] (seedsnipes)
- Rufous-bellied seedsnipe
- White-bellied seedsnipe
- Grey-breasted seedsnipe
- Least seedsnipe
[Scolopacidae] (sandpipers)
[Glareolidae] (coursers and pratincoles)
[Laridae] (gulls, terns, and allies)
[Stercorariidae] (skuas)
[Alcidae] (auks)
[Pterocliformes] (sandgrouse)
[Pteroclidae] (sandgrouse)
[Columbiformes] (pigeons, doves, and allies)
[Columbidae] (pigeons, doves, and allies)
- Rock dove
- Réunion pink pigeon
- Mauritian turtle dove
- Timor cuckoo-dove
- Flores Sea cuckoo-dove
- Hill pigeon
- Snow pigeon
- Speckled pigeon
- White-collared pigeon
- Stock dove
- Yellow-eyed pigeon
- Somali pigeon
- Common wood pigeon
- Trocaz pigeon
- Bolle's pigeon
- Laurel pigeon
- Afep pigeon
- African olive pigeon
- Cameroon olive pigeon
- São Tomé olive pigeon
- Comoros olive pigeon
- Speckled wood pigeon
- White-naped pigeon
- Ashy wood pigeon
- Nilgiri wood pigeon
- Sri Lanka wood pigeon
- Pale-capped pigeon
- Silvery pigeon
- Andaman wood pigeon
- Japanese wood pigeon
- Bonin wood pigeon
- Ryukyu wood pigeon
- Metallic pigeon
- White-headed pigeon
- Yellow-legged pigeon
- Eastern bronze-naped pigeon
- Western bronze-naped pigeon
- Island bronze-naped pigeon
- Lemon dove
- White-crowned pigeon
- Scaly-naped pigeon
- Scaled pigeon
- Picazuro pigeon
- Bare-eyed pigeon
- Spot-winged pigeon
- Band-tailed pigeon
- Chilean pigeon
- Ring-tailed pigeon
- Pale-vented pigeon
- Red-billed pigeon
- Maranon pigeon
- Plain pigeon
- Plumbeous pigeon
- Ruddy pigeon
- Short-billed pigeon
- Dusky pigeon
- Malagasy turtle dove
- Rodrigues pigeon
- Pink pigeon
- European turtle dove
- Dusky turtle dove
- Adamawa turtle dove
- Oriental turtle dove
- Island collared dove
- Eurasian collared dove
- African collared dove
- White-winged collared dove
- Mourning collared dove
- Red-eyed dove
- Ring-necked dove
- Vinaceous dove
- Red turtle dove
- Spotted dove
- Laughing dove
- Barred cuckoo-dove
- Slender-billed cuckoo-dove
- Brown cuckoo-dove
- Philippine cuckoo-dove
- Ruddy cuckoo-dove
- Bar-necked cuckoo-dove
- Andaman cuckoo-dove
- Bar-tailed cuckoo-dove
- Mackinlay's cuckoo-dove
- Little cuckoo-dove
- Great cuckoo-dove
- Pied cuckoo-dove
- Crested cuckoo-dove
- White-faced dove
- Black dove
- Emerald-spotted wood dove
- Black-billed wood dove
- Blue-spotted wood dove
- Tambourine dove
- Blue-headed wood dove
- Namaqua dove
- Common emerald dove
- Pacific emerald dove
- Stephan's emerald dove
- New Guinea bronzewing
- New Britain bronzewing
- Common bronzewing
- Brush bronzewing
- Flock bronzewing
- Crested pigeon
- Spinifex pigeon
- Squatter pigeon
- Partridge pigeon
- Thick-billed ground pigeon
- Wonga pigeon
- Chestnut-quilled rock pigeon
- White-quilled rock pigeon
- Diamond dove
- Zebra dove
- Peaceful dove
- Barred dove
- Bar-shouldered dove
- Inca dove
- Scaled dove
- Common ground dove
- Plain-breasted ground dove
- Ecuadorian ground dove
- Ruddy ground dove
- Picui ground dove
- Croaking ground dove
- Blue-eyed ground dove
- Blue ground dove
- Purple-winged ground dove
- Maroon-chested ground dove
- Bare-faced ground dove
- Moreno's ground dove
- Black-winged ground dove
- Golden-spotted ground dove
- Long-tailed ground dove
- Blue-headed quail-dove
- Indigo-crowned quail-dove
- Sapphire quail-dove
- Crested quail-dove
- Ruddy quail-dove
- Violaceous quail-dove
- Grey-fronted quail-dove
- White-fronted quail-dove
- Key West quail-dove
- Bridled quail-dove
- Olive-backed quail-dove
- White-tipped dove
- Yungas dove
- Grey-fronted dove
- Grey-headed dove
- Pallid dove
- Azuero dove
- Grenada dove
- Caribbean dove
- Grey-chested dove
- Ochre-bellied dove
- Tolima dove
- Tuxtla quail-dove
- Buff-fronted quail-dove
- Purplish-backed quail-dove
- White-faced quail-dove
- White-throated quail-dove
- Lined quail-dove
- Chiriqui quail-dove
- Russet-crowned quail-dove
- Passenger pigeon
- Mourning dove
- Socorro dove
- Eared dove
- Zenaida dove
- Galápagos dove
- White-winged dove
- West Peruvian dove
- Nicobar pigeon
- Spotted green pigeon
- Sulawesi ground dove
- Cinnamon ground dove
- Luzon bleeding-heart
- Mindanao bleeding-heart
- Mindoro bleeding-heart
- Negros bleeding-heart
- Sulu bleeding-heart
- Wetar ground dove
- White-breasted ground dove
- White-fronted ground dove
- Polynesian ground dove
- White-throated ground dove
- Tongan ground dove
- Santa Cruz ground dove
- Tanna ground dove
- Thick-billed ground dove
- Marquesan ground dove
- Bronze ground dove
- Palau ground dove
- Choiseul pigeon
- Pheasant pigeon
- Western crowned pigeon
- Southern crowned pigeon
- Victoria crowned pigeon
- Dodo
- Rodrigues solitaire
- Tooth-billed pigeon
- White-eared brown dove
- Amethyst brown dove
- Tawitawi brown dove
- Mindanao brown dove
- Cinnamon-headed green pigeon
- Little green pigeon
- Pink-necked green pigeon
- Orange-breasted green pigeon
- Sri Lanka green pigeon
- Grey-fronted green pigeon
- Ashy-headed green pigeon
- Andaman green pigeon
- Philippine green pigeon
- Buru green pigeon
- Thick-billed green pigeon
- Grey-cheeked green pigeon
- Sumba green pigeon
- Flores green pigeon
- Timor green pigeon
- Large green pigeon
- Yellow-footed green pigeon
- Bruce's green pigeon
- Madagascan green pigeon
- Comoros green pigeon
- African green pigeon
- Pemba green pigeon
- São Tomé green pigeon
- Pin-tailed green pigeon
- Sumatran green pigeon
- Yellow-vented green pigeon
- Wedge-tailed green pigeon
- Whistling green pigeon
- Banded fruit dove
- Black-banded fruit dove
- Red-naped fruit dove
- Pink-headed fruit dove
- Flame-breasted fruit dove
- Cream-breasted fruit dove
- Yellow-breasted fruit dove
- Red-eared fruit dove
- Jambu fruit dove
- Banggai fruit dove
- Oberholser's fruit dove
- Sula fruit dove
- Black-chinned fruit dove
- Scarlet-breasted fruit dove
- Wompoo fruit dove
- Pink-spotted fruit dove
- Ornate fruit dove
- Tanna fruit dove
- Orange-fronted fruit dove
- Wallace's fruit dove
- Superb fruit dove
- Many-colored fruit dove
- Crimson-crowned fruit dove
- Palau fruit dove
- Lilac-crowned fruit dove
- Mariana fruit dove
- Rose-crowned fruit dove
- Silver-capped fruit dove
- Grey-green fruit dove
- Makatea fruit dove
- Atoll fruit dove
- Red-bellied fruit dove
- Rapa fruit dove
- White-capped fruit dove
- Red-moustached fruit dove
- Henderson fruit dove
- Coroneted fruit dove
- Beautiful fruit dove
- Blue-capped fruit dove
- White-bibbed fruit dove
- Yellow-bibbed fruit dove
- Claret-breasted fruit dove
- White-headed fruit dove
- Orange-bellied fruit dove
- Knob-billed fruit dove
- Grey-headed fruit dove
- Carunculated fruit dove
- Black-naped fruit dove
- Dwarf fruit dove
- Negros fruit dove
- Orange fruit dove
- Golden fruit dove
- Whistling fruit dove
- Cloven-feathered dove
- Mauritius blue pigeon
- Madagascan blue pigeon
- Comoros blue pigeon
- Seychelles blue pigeon
- Pink-bellied imperial pigeon
- White-bellied imperial pigeon
- Mindoro imperial pigeon
- Grey-headed imperial pigeon
- Spotted imperial pigeon
- Green imperial pigeon
- Nicobar imperial pigeon
- Spectacled imperial pigeon
- Seram imperial pigeon
- Elegant imperial pigeon
- Pacific imperial pigeon
- Micronesian imperial pigeon
- Polynesian imperial pigeon
- Marquesan imperial pigeon
- Red-knobbed imperial pigeon
- Spice imperial pigeon
- Purple-tailed imperial pigeon
- Cinnamon-bellied imperial pigeon
- Finsch's imperial pigeon
- Rufescent imperial pigeon
- Island imperial pigeon
- Pink-headed imperial pigeon
- Christmas imperial pigeon
- Grey imperial pigeon
- Barking imperial pigeon
- Chestnut-bellied imperial pigeon
- Vanuatu imperial pigeon
- Goliath imperial pigeon
- Pinon's imperial pigeon
- Black imperial pigeon
- Collared imperial pigeon
- Zoe's imperial pigeon
- Mountain imperial pigeon
- Dark-backed imperial pigeon
- Timor imperial pigeon
- Pied imperial pigeon
- Silver-tipped imperial pigeon
- Torresian imperial pigeon
- Yellowish imperial pigeon
- Topknot pigeon
- Kererū
- Chatham pigeon
- Sombre pigeon
- Papuan mountain pigeon
- Buru mountain pigeon
- Seram mountain pigeon
[Opisthocomiformes] (hoatzin)
[Opisthocomidae] (hoatzin)
- Hoatzin
[Musophagiformes] (turacos)
[Musophagidae] (turacos)
[Cuculiformes] (cuckoos and allies)
[Cuculidae] (cuckoos and allies)
[Strigiformes] (owls)
[Tytonidae] (barn owls)
- Greater sooty owl
- Lesser sooty owl
- Minahassa masked owl
- Minahassa masked owl
- Taliabu masked owl
- Moluccan masked owl
- Manus masked owl
- Golden masked owl
- Seram masked owl
- Australian masked owl
- Sulawesi masked owl
- Red owl
- Western barn owl
- Eastern barn owl
- Andaman masked owl
- Ashy-faced owl
- African grass owl
- Eastern grass owl
- Congo bay owl
- Oriental bay owl
- Sri Lanka bay owl
- Australian masked owl
- Sulawesi masked owl
- American barn owl
- New Caledonian barn owl
- Puerto Rican barn owl
- Noel's barn owl
- Rivero's barn owl
- Cuban barn owl
- Hispaniolan barn owl
- Bahaman barn owl
- Barbuda barn owl
- Maltese barn owl
[Strigidae] (typical owls)
[Caprimulgiformes] (nightjars and allies)
[Podargidae] (frogmouths)
[Steatornithidae] (oilbird)
- Oilbird
[Nyctibiidae] (potoos)
[Caprimulgidae] (nightjars)
[Apodiformes] (swifts, hummingbirds, and allies)
[Aegothelidae] (owlet-nightjars)
[Hemiprocnidae] (treeswifts)
- Crested treeswift
- Grey-rumped treeswift
- Whiskered treeswift
- Moustached treeswift
[Apodidae] (swifts)
[Trochilidae] (hummingbirds)
[Coliiformes] (mousebirds)
[Coliidae] (mousebirds)
[Trogoniformes] (trogons)
[Trogonidae] (trogons)
[Leptosomiformes] (cuckoo roller)
[Leptosomidae] (cuckoo roller)
- Cuckoo roller
[Coraciiformes] (kingfishers and allies)
[Coraciidae] (rollers)
[Brachypteraciidae] (ground rollers)
- Short-legged ground roller
- Scaly ground roller
- Pitta-like ground roller
- Rufous-headed ground roller
- Long-tailed ground roller
- Ampoza ground roller
[Alcedinidae] (kingfishers)
[Todidae] (todies)
[Motmotidae] (motmots)
[Meropidae] (bee-eaters)
[Bucerotiformes] (hoopoes, hornbills, and allies)
Upupidae">Hoopoe">Upupidae (typical hoopoes)
- Eurasian hoopoe
- African hoopoe
- Madagascan hoopoe
- Saint Helena hoopoe
[Phoeniculidae] (wood hoopoes)
[Bucorvidae] (ground hornbills)
- Abyssinian ground hornbill
- Southern ground hornbill
[Bucerotidae] (typical hornbills)
[Piciformes] (woodpeckers, toucans, and allies)
[Gabulidae] (jacamars)
[Bucconidae] (puffbirds)
[Capitonidae] (New World barbets)
[Semnornithidae] (toucan barbets)
- Prong-billed barbet
- Toucan barbet
[Ramphastidae] (toucans)
[Megalaimidae] (Asian barbets)
[Indicatoridae] (honeyguides)
[Picidae] (wrynecks, piculets, and woodpeckers)
[Acanthisittidae] (New Zealand wrens)
- Rifleman
- New Zealand rock wren
- Lyall's wren
- Bushwren
- Stout-legged wren
- Long-billed wren
[Eurylaimidae] (broadbills)
[Philepittidae] (asities)
- Velvet asity
- Common sunbird-asity
- Schlegel's asity
- Yellow-bellied sunbird-asity
[Pittidae] (pittas)
- Pin-tailed manakin
- Helmeted manakin
- Band-tailed manakin
- Blue manakin
[Tyrannidae] (tyrant flycatchers)
- Wing-barred piprites
- Grey-headed piprites
- Black-capped piprites
- Planalto tyrannulet
- Yungas tyrannulet
- Rough-legged tyrannulet
- White-fronted tyrannulet
- Greenish tyrannulet
- Reiser's tyrannulet
- Urich's tyrannulet
- Sclater's tyrannulet
- Grey-capped tyrannulet
- Sooty-headed tyrannulet
- Plumbeous-crowned tyrannulet
- Black-capped tyrannulet
- Ashy-headed tyrannulet
- Tawny-rumped tyrannulet
- Yellow-crowned tyrannulet
- Grey elaenia
- Greenish elaenia
- Yellow-crowned elaenia
- Pacific elaenia
- Foothill elaenia
- Forest elaenia
- Jamaican elaenia
- Yellow-bellied elaenia
- Caribbean elaenia
- Large elaenia
- Noronha elaenia
- White-crested elaenia
- Chilean elaenia
- Small-billed elaenia
- Olivaceous elaenia
- Slaty elaenia
- Mottle-backed elaenia
- Brownish elaenia
- Plain-crested elaenia
- Lesser elaenia
- Coopman's elaenia
- Rufous-crowned elaenia
- Mountain elaenia
- Highland elaenia
- Small-headed elaenia
- Great elaenia
- Sierran elaenia
- Tepui elaenia
- Greater Antillean elaenia
- Brown-capped tyrannulet
- White-lored tyrannulet
- Yellow-bellied tyrannulet
- Northern beardless tyrannulet
- Southern beardless tyrannulet
- Suiriri flycatcher
- White-tailed tyrannulet
- Buff-banded tyrannulet
- Rufous-winged tyrannulet
- Sulphur-bellied tyrannulet
- White-banded tyrannulet
- White-throated tyrannulet
- Ash-breasted tit-tyrant
- Black-crested tit-tyrant
- Pied-crested tit-tyrant
- Yellow-billed tit-tyrant
- Juan Fernández tit-tyrant
- Tufted tit-tyrant
- Agile tit-tyrant
- Unstreaked tit-tyrant
- Torrent tyrannulet
- River tyrannulet
- White-bellied tyrannulet
- Sooty tyrannulet
- White-crested tyrannulet
- Straneck's tyrannulet
- Mouse-colored tyrannulet
- Tumbesian tyrannulet
- Yellow tyrannulet
- Bearded tachuri
- Grey-backed tachuri
- Cocos flycatcher
- Crested doradito
- Subtropical doradito
- Dinelli's doradito
- Warbling doradito
- Ticking doradito
- Bronze-olive pygmy tyrant
- Rufous-headed pygmy tyrant
- Hazel-fronted pygmy tyrant
- Ringed antpipit
- Southern antpipit
- Tawny-crowned pygmy tyrant
- Rufous-sided pygmy tyrant
- Grey-and-white tyrannulet
- Lesser wagtail-tyrant
- Greater wagtail-tyrant
- Paltry tyrannulet
- Mistletoe tyrannulet
- Spectacled tyrannulet
- Venezuelan tyrannulet
- Bolivian tyrannulet
- Red-billed tyrannulet
- Mishana tyrannulet
- Chico's tyrannulet
- Slender-footed tyrannulet
- Guianan tyrannulet
- Golden-faced tyrannulet
- Coopmans's tyrannulet
- Choco tyrannulet
- Loja tyrannulet
- Peruvian tyrannulet
- Variegated bristle tyrant
- Chapman's bristle tyrant
- Marble-faced bristle tyrant
- Spectacled bristle tyrant
- Venezuelan bristle tyrant
- Antioquia bristle tyrant
- Southern bristle tyrant
- Mottle-cheeked tyrannulet
- Alagoas tyrannulet
- Restinga tyrannulet
- Bahia tyrannulet
- Panamanian tyrannulet
- Olive-green tyrannulet
- Ecuadorian tyrannulet
- Black-fronted tyrannulet
- Rufous-browed tyrannulet
- Rufous-lored tyrannulet
- Cinnamon-faced tyrannulet
- Minas Gerais tyrannulet
- São Paulo tyrannulet
- Oustalet's tyrannulet
- Serra do Mar tyrannulet
- Bay-ringed tyrannulet
- Grey-hooded flycatcher
- Streak-necked flycatcher
- Tepui flycatcher
- Olive-striped flycatcher
- Ochre-bellied flycatcher
- McConnell's flycatcher
- Rufous-breasted flycatcher
- Inca flycatcher
- Sepia-capped flycatcher
- Slaty-capped flycatcher
- Chapada flycatcher
- Amazonian scrub flycatcher
- Northern scrub flycatcher
- Southern scrub flycatcher
- Slender-billed inezia
- Plain inezia
- Amazonian inezia
- Pale-tipped inezia
- Olive-chested flycatcher
- Flavescent flycatcher
- Unadorned flycatcher
- Orange-crested flycatcher
- Roraiman flycatcher
- Bran-colored flycatcher
- Ornate flycatcher
- Many-colored rush tyrant
- Orange-banded flycatcher
- Ochraceous-breasted flycatcher
- Handsome flycatcher
- Sharp-tailed grass tyrant
- Snethlage's tody-tyrant
- Boat-billed tody-tyrant
- Flammulated bamboo tyrant
- Drab-breasted bamboo tyrant
- Brown-breasted bamboo tyrant
- White-eyed tody-tyrant
- Zimmer's tody-tyrant
- Eye-ringed tody-tyrant
- Johannes's tody-tyrant
- Stripe-necked tody-tyrant
- Hangnest tody-tyrant
- Yungas tody-tyrant
- Pearly-vented tody-tyrant
- Pelzeln's tody-tyrant
- Black-throated tody-tyrant
- Buff-throated tody-tyrant
- Cinnamon-breasted tody-tyrant
- Buff-breasted tody-tyrant
- Kaempfer's tody-tyrant
- Fork-tailed tody-tyrant
- White-bellied tody-tyrant
- Acre tody-tyrant
- White-bellied pygmy tyrant
- Eared pygmy tyrant
- Black-capped pygmy tyrant
- Short-tailed pygmy tyrant
- Northern bentbill
- Southern bentbill
- Scale-crested pygmy tyrant
- Long-crested pygmy tyrant
- Double-banded pygmy tyrant
- Helmeted pygmy tyrant
- Pale-eyed pygmy tyrant
- Rufous-crowned tody-flycatcher
- Lulu's tody-flycatcher
- White-cheeked tody-flycatcher
- Black-and-white tody-flycatcher
- Buff-cheeked tody-flycatcher
- Ruddy tody-flycatcher
- Ochre-faced tody-flycatcher
- Smoky-fronted tody-flycatcher
- Rusty-fronted tody-flycatcher
- Slaty-headed tody-flycatcher
- Golden-winged tody-flycatcher
- Black-backed tody-flycatcher
- Black-chested tyrant
- Spotted tody-flycatcher
- Yellow-lored tody-flycatcher
- Maracaibo tody-flycatcher
- Black-headed tody-flycatcher
- Painted tody-flycatcher
- Common tody-flycatcher
- Yellow-browed tody-flycatcher
- Brownish twistwing
- Rufous twistwing
- Eye-ringed flatbill
- Olivaceous flatbill
- Pacific flatbill
- Fulvous-breasted flatbill
- Yellow-olive flatbill
- Orange-eyed flatbill
- Zimmer's flatbill
- Yellow-margined flatbill
- Grey-crowned flatbill
- Ochre-lored flatbill
- Olive-faced flatbill
- Kinglet calyptura
- Cinnamon-crested spadebill
- Stub-tailed spadebill
- White-throated spadebill
- Golden-crowned spadebill
- Yellow-throated spadebill
- White-crested spadebill
- Stub-tailed spadebill
- Russet-winged spadebill
- Kinglet calyptura
- Cinnamon neopipo
- Cinnamon flycatcher
- Cliff flycatcher
- Euler's flycatcher
- Grey-breasted flycatcher
- Tawny-chested flycatcher
- Black-billed flycatcher
- Fuscous flycatcher
- Pileated flycatcher
- Belted flycatcher
- Eastern phoebe
- Black phoebe
- Say's phoebe
- Northern tufted flycatcher
- Olive tufted flycatcher
- Lesser Antillean pewee
- Jamaican pewee
- White-throated pewee
- Blackish pewee
- Cuban pewee
- Hispaniolan pewee
- Ochraceous pewee
- Western wood pewee
- Eastern wood pewee
- Tropical pewee
- Tumbes pewee
- Smoke-colored pewee
- Olive-sided flycatcher
- Greater pewee
- Dark pewee
- Yellow-bellied flycatcher
- Acadian flycatcher
- Alder flycatcher
- Willow flycatcher
- White-throated flycatcher
- Least flycatcher
- Hammond's flycatcher
- American grey flycatcher
- American dusky flycatcher
- Pine flycatcher
- Pacific-slope flycatcher
- Cordilleran flycatcher
- Yellowish flycatcher
- Buff-breasted flycatcher
- Black-capped flycatcher
- Scarlet flycatcher
- Vermilion flycatcher
- Darwin's flycatcher
- San Cristóbal flycatcher
- Andean negrito
- Austral negrito
- Cinereous tyrant
- Hudson's black tyrant
- Amazonian black tyrant
- Jelski's black tyrant
- Plumbeous tyrant
- Blue-billed black tyrant
- Rufous-tailed tyrant
- Riverside tyrant
- White-winged black tyrant
- Sao Francisco black tyrant
- Velvety black tyrant
- Crested black tyrant
- Spectacled tyrant
- Drab water tyrant
- Yellow-browed tyrant
- White-fronted ground tyrant
- White-browed ground tyrant
- Paramo ground tyrant
- Cinnamon-bellied ground tyrant
- Cinereous ground tyrant
- Ochre-naped ground tyrant
- Little ground tyrant
- Black-fronted ground tyrant
- Taczanowski's ground tyrant
- Puna ground tyrant
- Dark-faced ground tyrant
- Spot-billed ground tyrant
- Rufous-naped ground tyrant
- Great shrike-tyrant
- Black-billed shrike-tyrant
- White-tailed shrike-tyrant
- Grey-bellied shrike-tyrant
- Lesser shrike-tyrant
- Fire-eyed diucon
- Grey monjita
- Black-crowned monjita
- White-rumped monjita
- White monjita
- Rusty-backed monjita
- Salinas monjita
- Black-and-white monjita
- Smoky bush tyrant
- Rufous-bellied bush tyrant
- Santa Marta bush tyrant
- Streak-throated bush tyrant
- Red-rumped bush tyrant
- Rufous-webbed bush tyrant
- Chocolate-vented tyrant
- Streamer-tailed tyrant
- Shear-tailed grey tyrant
- Pied water tyrant
- Black-backed water tyrant
- Masked water tyrant
- White-headed marsh tyrant
- Cock-tailed tyrant
- Strange-tailed tyrant
- Tumbes tyrant
- Crowned chat-tyrant
- Kalinowski's chat-tyrant
- Golden-browed chat-tyrant
- Yellow-bellied chat-tyrant
- Jelski's chat-tyrant
- Slaty-backed chat-tyrant
- Blackish chat-tyrant
- Maroon-belted chat-tyrant
- Rufous-breasted chat-tyrant
- Brown-backed chat-tyrant
- D'Orbigny's chat-tyrant
- White-browed chat-tyrant
- Piura chat-tyrant
- Patagonian tyrant
- Long-tailed tyrant
- Short-tailed field tyrant
- Cattle tyrant
- Piratic flycatcher
- White-bearded flycatcher
- Rusty-margined flycatcher
- Social flycatcher
- Grey-capped flycatcher
- Dusky-chested flycatcher
- Great kiskadee
- Lesser kiskadee
- White-ringed flycatcher
- Three-striped flycatcher
- Yellow-throated flycatcher
- Lemon-browed flycatcher
- Golden-bellied flycatcher
- Golden-crowned flycatcher
- Baird's flycatcher
- Streaked flycatcher
- Sulphur-bellied flycatcher
- Boat-billed flycatcher
- Sulphury flycatcher
- Variegated flycatcher
- Crowned slaty flycatcher
- Snowy-throated kingbird
- White-throated kingbird
- Tropical kingbird
- Couch's kingbird
- Cassin's kingbird
- Thick-billed kingbird
- Western kingbird
- Scissor-tailed flycatcher
- Fork-tailed flycatcher
- Eastern kingbird
- Gray kingbird
- Giant kingbird
- Loggerhead kingbird
- Pale-bellied mourner
- Greyish mourner
- Rufous mourner
- Sibilant sirystes
- Western sirystes
- White-rumped sirystes
- Todd's sirystes
- Rufous casiornis
- Ash-throated casiornis
- Rufous flycatcher
- Yucatan flycatcher
- Sad flycatcher
- Dusky-capped flycatcher
- Swainson's flycatcher
- Venezuelan flycatcher
- Panamanian flycatcher
- Short-crested flycatcher
- Pale-edged flycatcher
- Sooty-crowned flycatcher
- Apical flycatcher
- Ash-throated flycatcher
- Nutting's flycatcher
- Great crested flycatcher
- Brown-crested flycatcher
- Grenada flycatcher
- Galapagos flycatcher
- Rufous-tailed flycatcher
- La Sagra's flycatcher
- Stolid flycatcher
- Lesser Antillean flycatcher
- Flammulated flycatcher
- Large-headed flatbill
- Dusky-tailed flatbill
- Rufous-tailed flatbill
- Rufous-tailed attila
- Ochraceous attila
- Cinnamon attila
- Citron-bellied attila
- White-eyed attila
- Grey-hooded attila
- Bright-rumped attila
- Rufous gnateater
- Chestnut-belted gnateater
- Hooded gnateater
- Ash-throated gnateater
- Ceará gnateater
- Slaty gnateater
- Chestnut-crowned gnateater
- Black-cheeked gnateater
- Black-bellied gnateater
- Black-crowned antpitta
- Rufous-crowned antpitta
- Superb lyrebird
- Albert's lyrebird
- Rufous scrubbird
- Noisy scrubbird
Australasian treecreepers
- Brown treecreeper
Australasian wrens
- Rufous bristlebird
- Eastern bristlebird
- Striated pardalote
- Spotted pardalote
- Red-browed pardalote
- Forty-spotted pardalote
Thornbills and gerygones
Australasian babblers
- Grey-crowned babbler
- Papuan babbler
- White-browed babbler
- Hall's babbler
- Chestnut-crowned babbler
- Australian logrunner
- Chowchilla
- Papuan logrunner
- Antenna satinbird
- Loria's satinbird
- Yellow satinbird
- Yellow-breasted satinbird
- Slaty-headed longbill
- Fan-tailed berrypecker
- Mid-mountain berrypecker
- Black berrypecker
- Streaked berrypecker
- Obscure berrypecker
- Dwarf longbill
- Pygmy longbill
- Spotted berrypecker
- Yellow-bellied longbill
Wattled crows
- North Island saddleback
- North Island kokako
- South Island kokako
- South Island saddleback
- Huia
Whipbirds and relatives
- Eastern whipbird
- Chestnut-backed jewel babbler
- Western whipbird
- Chiming wedgebill
- Chirruping wedgebill
- Papuan whipbird
- Spotted quail-thrush
- Chestnut quail-thrush
- Cinnamon quail-thrush
- Chestnut-breasted quail-thrush
Wattle-eyes and batises
- Cape batis
- Brown-throated wattle-eye
- Forest batis
- Dark batis
- Woodward's batis
- Rwenzori batis
- Fernando Po batis
- West African batis
- Angola batis
- Gabon batis
- Ituri batis
- Senegal batis
- Grey-headed batis
- Chinspot batis
- Pale batis
- Pririt batis
- Eastern black-headed batis
- Western black-headed batis
- Pygmy batis
- Black-throated wattle-eye
- Black-necked wattle-eye
- Banded wattle-eye
- Chestnut wattle-eye
- West African wattle-eye
- Jameson's wattle-eye
- Red-cheeked wattle-eye
- White-fronted wattle-eye
- White-spotted wattle-eye
- Yellow-bellied wattle-eye
- White-tailed shrike
Helmetshrikes and puffbacks
- White-crested helmetshrike
- Bokmakierie
- Doherty's bushshrike
- Black-crowned tchagra
- Yellow-breasted boatbill
- Black-breasted boatbill
- Common iora
- Marshall's iora
- Green iora
- Great iora
- Bornean bristlehead
- Varied sittella
- Black sittella
- Papuan sittella
- Crested shrike-tit
- Golden whistler
- Rufous whistler
- Olive whistler
Vireos and relatives
Shrikethrushes and relatives
- Crested bellbird
- Grey shrike-thrush
- Bower's shrikethrush
- Sooty shrikethrush
- Arafura shrikethrush
- Rufous shrikethrush
- Variable shrikethrush
- Waigeo shrikethrush
- Mamberamo shrikethrush
- Tagula shrikethrush
- Sepik-Ramu shrikethrush
- Sandstone shrikethrush
- Olive whistler
- Red-lored whistler
- Gilbert's whistler
- Mangrove whistler
- Biak whistler
- Green-backed whistler
- White-vented whistler
- Island whistler
- Rusty whistler
- Brown-backed whistler
- Yellow-bellied whistler
- Sulphur-vented whistler
- Bornean whistler
- Vogelkop whistler
- Grey whistler
- Fawn-breasted whistler
- Sclater's whistler
- Rusty-breasted whistler
- Yellow-throated whistler
- Baliem whistler
- Black-chinned whistler
- Australian golden whistler
- Western whistler
- Bismarck whistler
- Oriole whistler
- Louisiade whistler
- Rennell whistler
- Melanesian whistler
- New Caledonian whistler
- Fiji whistler
- Temotu whistler
- Tongan whistler
- Mangrove golden whistler
- Samoan whistler
- Hooded whistler
- Bougainville whistler
- Bare-throated whistler
- Lorentz's whistler
- Regent whistler
- Golden-backed whistler
- Rufous whistler
- Black-headed whistler
- White-bellied whistler
- Wallacean whistler
- Drab whistler
- Cinnamon-breasted whistler
- White-breasted whistler
- Morningbird
- White-bellied pitohui
- Rusty pitohui
- Black pitohui
- Apostlebird
- White-winged chough
Australian robins
Bald crows
- White-necked picathartes
- Grey-necked rockfowl
Waxwings and relatives
- Hypocolius
- Bohemian waxwing
- Cedar waxwing
- Palmchat
True tits
Penduline tits
Swallows and martins
- Eurasian blackcap
- Garden warbler
- Brown parisoma
- Banded parisoma
- Layard's warbler
- Chestnut-vented warbler
- Yemen warbler
- Arabian warbler
- Western Orphean warbler
- Eastern Orphean warbler
- Lesser whitethroat
- Hume's whitethroat
- Desert whitethroat
- Barred warbler
- Asian desert warbler
- African desert warbler
- Whitethroat
- Spectacled warbler
- Moltoni's warbler
- Subalpine warbler
- Spectacled warbler
- Tristram's warbler
- Dartford warbler
- Marmora's warbler
- Balearic warbler
- Rüppell's warbler
- Cyprus warbler
- Sardinian warbler
- Menetries's warbler
- African hill babbler
- Rwenzori hill babbler
- Beijing babbler
- Tarim babbler
- Golden-breasted fulvetta
- Black-breasted parrotbill
- Spot-breasted parrotbill
- Reed parrotbill
- Great parrotbill
- Spectacled fulvetta
- Indochinese fulvetta
- Chinese fulvetta
- White-browed fulvetta
- Grey-hooded fulvetta
- Taiwan fulvetta
- Manipur fulvetta
- Brown-throated fulvetta
- Yellow-eyed babbler
- Jerdon's babbler
- Wrentit
Babblers and relatives
- Asian fairy-bluebird
- Philippine fairy-bluebird
- Goldcrest
- Golden-crowned kinglet
- Eurasian nuthatch
- Red-breasted nuthatch
- Wallcreeper
- Eurasian treecreeper
- Brown creeper
- Red-browed treecreeper
Mockingbirds and thrashers
Philippine creepers
- Stripe-breasted creeper
Chats and flycatchers
- Crimson-breasted flowerpecker
- Mistletoebird
Old World sparrows
Rock sparrows
Snowfinches (sparrows)
Waxbills and relatives
- Pin-tailed whydah
- Paradise whydah
Wagtails and pipits
Finches and relatives
New World warblers
- Tennessee warbler
- Yellow warbler
- Blackburnian warbler
- Northern parula
- Black-and-white warbler
- American redstart
- Prothonotary warbler
- Northern waterthrush
- Louisiana waterthrush
- Ovenbird
- Common yellowthroat
- Canada warbler
- Worm-eating warbler
- Mourning warbler
- Kentucky warbler
- Virginia's warbler
- Bachman's warbler
- Blue-winged warbler
- Hermit warbler
- Golden-winged warbler
- Swainson's warbler
- Flame-throated warbler
- Crescent-chested warbler
- Orange-crowned warbler
- Colima warbler
- Lucy's warbler
- Nashville warbler
- Semper's warbler
- Connecticut warbler
- Belding's yellowthroat
- Altamira yellowthroat
- Bahama yellowthroat
- Olive-crowned yellowthroat
- Black-polled yellowthroat
- Masked yellowthroat
- Hooded yellowthroat
- MacGillivray's warbler
- Whistling warbler
- Plumbeous warbler
- Elfin woods warbler
- Arrowhead warbler
- Hooded warbler
- American redstart
- Kirtland's warbler
- Cape May warbler
- Cerulean warbler
- Northern parula
- Tropical parula
- Magnolia warbler
- Bay-breasted warbler
- Blackburnian warbler
- American yellow warbler
- Chestnut-sided warbler
- Blackpoll warbler
- Pine warbler
- Black-throated blue warbler
- Palm warbler
- Olive-capped warbler
- Yellow-rumped warbler
- Yellow-throated warbler
- Bahama warbler
- Vitelline warbler
- Prairie warbler
- Adelaide's warbler
- Barbuda warbler
- Saint Lucia warbler
- Grace's warbler
- Black-throated grey warbler
- Townsend's warbler
- Hermit warbler
- Golden-cheeked warbler
- Black-throated green warbler
- Citrine warbler
- Santa Marta warbler
- White-striped warbler
- Flavescent warbler
- White-rimmed warbler
- Black-crested warbler
- Pale-legged warbler
- Buff-rumped warbler
- Riverbank warbler
- Two-banded warbler
- Golden-bellied warbler
- White-lored warbler
- Grey-throated warbler
- Grey-and-gold warbler
- Russet-crowned warbler
- Gray-headed warbler
- Golden-browed warbler
- White-bellied warbler
- Three-banded warbler
- Rufous-capped warbler
- Golden-browed warbler
- Black-cheeked warbler
- Pirre warbler
- Three-striped warbler
- Black-eared warbler
- Tacarcuna warbler
- Fan-tailed warbler
- Canada warbler
- Wilson's warbler
- Red-faced warbler
- Red warbler
- Pink-headed warbler
- Tepui whitestart
- Painted whitestart
- Slate-throated whitestart
- Brown-capped whitestart
- Yellow-crowned whitestart
- White-fronted whitestart
- Golden-fronted whitestart
- Spectacled whitestart
- Collared whitestart
- Paria whitestart
- White-faced whitestart
- Guaiquinima whitestart
Orioles and blackbirds
- Bananaquit
Bunting and American sparrows
Cardinals and grosbeaks
[[Zeledoniidae] (wrenthrush)
- Wrenthrush