List of ancient Daco-Thracian peoples and tribes

This is a list of four ancient people and their tribes that were possibly related and formed an extinct Indo-European branch of peoples and languages in the eastern Balcans, low Danube basin. These peoples dwelt from the east Carpathian Mountains and Tyras river in the north, to the north coast of the Aegean Sea in the south, from the west coast of the Pontus Euxinus in the east, to roughly the South Morava river basin, Tisia and Danube rivers in the west. This list is based in the possible ethnolinguist affiliation of these peoples - Geto-Dacians, Moesians, Thracians and Paeonians and not only on a geographical base.



Certain tribes and subdivisions of tribes were named differently by ancient writers but modern research points out that these were in fact the same tribe. The name Thracians itself seems to be a Greek exonym and we have no way of knowing what the Thracians called themselves. Also certain tribes mentioned by Homer are not indeed historical.