Teen Titans is an American animated television series based on the DC comics series of the same name by Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani. Developed by David Slack for Cartoon Network, the series was produced by DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation with Sander Schwartz serving as executive producer and Glen Murakami, Bruce Timm, and Linda M. Steiner signing on as producers. The series follows the adventures of a team of crime-fighting teenaged superheroes, consisting of the leader Robin, foreign alien princess Starfire, the technological genius Cyborg, the dark sorceress Raven, and the green shapeshifter Beast Boy. Inspired by the success of the DC Comics based series Justice League, the series was created in a semi-serialized format, utilizing anime styles and mixing it with American style animation. The show was greenlit in September 2002 and began airing on Cartoon Network on July 19, 2003, and on Kids' WB on November 1, 2003. The series lasted five seasons, each consisting of 13 episodes, with the 65th and final episode airing on January 16, 2006. The series was concluded with a television movie titled on September 15, 2006. Each season has a story arc revolving around a main character: Robin, Terra, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy. The series's alternative network, Kids' WB, aired two seasons of the show. All five seasons of the series were released on DVD, starting with the first season on February 7, 2006 and ending with the fifth season on July 22, 2008. The first season was released on Blu-ray Disc on January 23, 2018. Teen Titans has been critically acclaimed for its strong storylines and for its use of anime influences. The first season garnered strong ratings for Cartoon Network; the network had initially ordered 52 episodes of the series. The series was also nominated for 3 Annie Awards.
Series overview
Each season contains a distinct story arc that is centered on a specific Titan on the team. Terra is the only individual member who was not part of the original roster to have a season focused on her.
From September 28, 2004 to September 20, 2005, Warner Home Video released three volumes of the series, but cancelled other volumes. From February 7, 2006 to July 22, 2008, currently released complete season releases on two-disc sets. On October 2, 2018, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment released the complete series box set on the seven-disc set, and on blu ray on December 3, 2019.