List of Spanish writers
This is a list of writers, including novelists, essayists, poets, playwrights, and journalists, who were born in Spain or whose writings are closely associated with that country.
- Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, novelist
- Rafael Alberti, poet, Cervantes Prize laureate
- José Alcalá Galiano, writer, poet and humorist
- Baltasar del Alcázar, poet
- Ignacio Aldecoa, novelist and poet
- Mateo Alemán, novelist
- Vicente Aleixandre, poet, Nobel Prize laureate
- Dámaso Alonso, poet, Cervantes Prize laureate
- Núria Añó, novelist and biographer
- Tomás de Añorbe y Corregel, playwright and poet
- Juan de Arguijo, writer, poet and musician during the Spanish Golden Age
- Juan Ariza, Romantic novelist, poet, and playwright
- Raimon Arola, art historian specializing in sacred symbolism and hermetic tradition
- Alfonso Clemente de Arostegui y Cañavate, Catholic bishop, writer, lawyer, and diplomat
- Francisco Asensi, religious writer
- Francisco Ayala, novelist, Cervantes Prize laureate
- Wenceslao Ayguals de Izco, writer and editor
- Azorín , journalist, poet, novelist and essayist
- Frutos Baeza, poet and writer in the Murcian dialect
- Gaspar de Baeza, humanist, lawyer, translator and writer known during the Spanish Golden Age
- :es:Ricardo Baeza|Ricardo Baeza Durán
- Rafael Balanzat y Baranda, writer and military man
- Andrés Baquero, teacher, researcher, and writer
- Elia Barceló, writer
- Juan Barcia Caballero, Spanish physician and writer
- Pío Baroja, novelist of the Generation of '98
- Pedro Barrantes, writer, journalist
- Joaquín Bastús, writer and pedagogue
- Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, romantic poet and tale writer
- Diego Beltrán Hidalgo, poet and critic
- Jacinto Benavente, dramatist, Nobel Prize laureate
- Francisco Bermúdez de Pedraza, writer, jurist and historian
- Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, novelist, wrote The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Isidoro Bosarte, historian and writer
- Vicente Botín, journalist
- Antonio Buero Vallejo, playwright of the Generation of '36
- Cabret, translator
- Javier Cacho Gomez, scientific writer and novelist
- Fernando Cagigal, poet and playwright
- Pedro Calderón de la Barca, playwright and poet of the Spanish Golden Age
- :es:Luis Carandell|Luis Carandell Robusté, journalist and writer
- Manuel Casal, poet and polymath
- Félix Casanova de Ayala, poet
- Francisco Cascales, humanist and writer
- Alejandro Casona
- Abraham Castanho,, poet
- José Manuel Castañón, novelist and essayist
- Rosalía de Castro, romanticist and poet
- Juan Francisco de Castro Fernández, priest, lawyer and writer
- José Carlos Cataño, poet
- Camilo José Cela, novelist, Nobel Prize laureate
- Pancracio Celdrán, academic and journalist
- Francisco Cerdá y Rico, humanist, jurist and writer
- Miguel de Cervantes, novelist, poet and playwright, author of Don Quixote
- Clarín , novelist
- Gerónimo de la Concepción, writer
- Andrés del Corral, writer and archeologist
- :es:Javier Cosnava|Javier Cosnava, novelist
- Pedro Víctor Debrigode, novelist
- Miguel Delibes, novelist, Cervantes Prize laureate
- Demófilo
- Agustín Díaz Pacheco, journalist and novelist
- Gerardo Diego, poet, Cervantes Prize laureate
- Rafael Dieste
- María Dueñas
- José Echegaray, dramatist, Nobel Prize laureate
- Francisco de Enciso Zárate,, writer of chivalric romance novels
- Antonio Escohotado, philosopher and essayist
- Juan Escoiquiz, ecclesiastic, politician and writer
- Vicente Espinel, poet and novelist
- José de Espronceda, romantic poet
- Cristina Fernández Cubas, novelist and short story writer
- César Fernández García, novelist
- Leandro Fernández de Moratín, dramatist and neoclassical poet
- José María Gabriel y Galán, poet
- Antonio Gala, poet, dramatist and novelist
- Rafael Gambra Ciudad, philosopher and author
- Gabriel García-Badell, writer
- :es:Juan García Hortelano|Juan García Hortelano
- Vincent Garcia de la Huerta, dramatist, poet, and critic
- Federico García Lorca, poet and dramatist of the Generation of '27
- Ignacio García Malo, playwright, translator, and writer
- Luis García San Miguel, jurist and author
- Ramón Gómez de la Serna, writer, dramatist and avant-garde agitator
- Luis de Góngora, lyric poet considered to be among the most prominent Spanish poets of all time
- Beremundo González Rodríguez, Galician writer and politician
- :eu:Juan Goyanarte|Juan Goyanarte, editor and writer
- Baltasar Gracián, Baroque prose writer and philosopher
- Josep Guijarro Triadó, writer and journalist
- Jorge Guillén, poet, Cervantes Prize laureate, four-time Nobel Prize nominee
- Miguel Hernández, poet
- Carla Herrero, writer, blogger
- Juan López de Hoyos, Renaissance author
- Antonio Iturbe, journalist, professor, and editor
- Juan Antonio de Iza Zamácola, journalist, historian and writer
- Pablo de Jérica, writer and journalist
- Juan Ramón Jiménez, poet, Nobel Prize laureate
- John of the Cross, mystic poet
- Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, major figure of the Spanish Age of Enlightenment, philosopher, statesman, poet and essayist
- Robert Juan-Cantavella, novelist and editor
- Jon Juaristi, poet and essayist
- Use Lahoz, novelist
- Mariano José de Larra, literary journalist
- Fray Luis de León, poet of the Spanish Golden Age
- Antonio F. Lera, writer, translator, journalist, and publisher
- Julio Llamazares, poet, novelist and journalist
- Jorge Llopis, satirist and playwright
- Francisco de Paula López de Castro, Neoclassical poet and writer
- Antonio Machado, leading poet of the Generation of '98
- Salvador de Madariaga, essayist and two-time Nobel Prize nominee
- :es:César Mallorquí|César Mallorquí
- :es:J. Mallorquí|José Mallorquí Figuerola
- Pedro Malón de Chaide, religious author
- Jorge Manrique, major Castilian poet
- Manuel Mantero, poet and literary critic
- José María Díaz, Romantic journalist and playwright
- Salvador María Granés, journalist and author of comic theatre
- Francisco Mariano Nipho, writer and journalist
- Javier Marías, novelist and translator
- Ferrán Marín Ramos, writer in Aragonese, Catalan and Spanish
- Manuel Marliani Cassens, writer, diplomat, and politician
- Juan Marquez, ascetic writer
- Juan Marsé, novelist and Cervantes prize laureate
- Rossend Marsol Clua, journalist and writer
- Alfons Marti, writer
- Carmen Martín Gaite, novelist, essayist, and author of short stories
- Pablo Martín Asuero, academic in Oriental studies
- :es:Francisco Martínez Motiño|Francisco Martínez Motiño
- Manuel Martínez Barrionuevo, poet and writer
- Pedro Luis Martínez Larriba, playwright
- Augusto Martínez Olmedilla], novelist and journalist
- Joanot Martorell, author of the first novel, Tirant lo Blanc
- Juan Francisco Masdeu, Jesuit historian
- Juan María Maury, writer
- Gonçal Mayos Solsona, philosopher and essayist
- Fernando Rodríguez Méndez, journalist and novelist
- Rodrigo Méndez Silva, historian, genealogist, geographer and writer
- Eduardo Mendoza, novelist and Cervantes prize laureate
- :es:Juan González Mesa|Juan González Mesa
- Agustín Millares Sall, poet
- Juan Millé Giménez, writer and professor of literature
- Domingo Miras, dramatist
- José Manuel Mójica Legarre, writer
- Tirso de Molina, playwright
- Gaspar de Molina y Saldívar, architect, painter, poet and writer
- Francisco Antonio de Monteser, dramatist of the Spanish Golden Age]
- Francisco Morales Lomas, poet
- Agustín Moreto y Cavana, dramatist and playwright
- José Luis Munárriz, literary critic, translator and writer
- Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel, novelist
- Ramón Ortega y Frías, writer
- José Ortega y Gasset, essayist
- José Ovejero, novelist, essayist and poet
- Juan Lorenzo Obras se Palmireno, playwright and educator
- Carmelo Palomino Kayser, poet
- Emilia Pardo Bazán, writer of prose and poetry who introduced naturalism and feminist ideas to Spanish literature
- Jerónimo de Pasamonte, writer during the Spanish Golden Age
- Paul Pen, author of literary fiction, thriller and suspense
- Andrés Pascual, novelist
- Benito Pérez Galdós, realist novelist considered by some to be second only to Cervantes in stature as a Spanish novelist
- Arturo Pérez-Reverte, best-selling novelist and journalist, member of the Royal Spanish Academy
- :es:Francisco Pi y Arsuaga|Francisco Pi y Arsuaga
- Francesc Pi i Margall, romanticist writer who was briefly president of the short-lived First Spanish Republic
- Francisco de Pisa, Spanish historian and writer
- José Antonio Porcel, poet and writer
- Miguel de Portilla y Esquivel, writer
- Gervasio Posadas, novelist
- Santiago Posteguillo, novelist
- Isabel Prieto de Landázuri, poet and dramatist
- James Prohens, Spanish-American poet
- Francisco de Quevedo, novelist, essayist and poet, master of Conceptism
- Eduardo Quiles, playwright and writer
- Raúl Quinto, poet and essayist
- :es:Juan Antonio Ramírez|Juan Antonio Ramírez Domínguez, essayist
- Manuel Ramírez Fernández de Córdoba, journalist
- Miguel del Rey Vicente, military historian
- :es:José Amador de los Ríos|José Amador de los Ríos historian, archaeologist, art and literature
- David Roas, short story writer and critic
- :es:Pepe Rodríguez |Pepe Rodríguez
- Rafael Rodríguez Mohedano, historian and writer
- Fernando de Rojas, novelist, author of La Celestina
- :es:Carlos Rojas Vila|Carlos Rojas Vila
- Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla, dramatist
- Luis Romero
- Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, dramatist
- :es:Víctor Ruiz Iriarte|Víctor Ruiz Iriarte, dramatist
- Carlos Ruiz Zafón, best-selling novelist
- Luis Sáenz de la Calzada, poet
- Pedro Salinas, poet
- Félix María Samaniego
- Manuel Sánchez Cuesta, philosopher
- :es:Agustín Sánchez Vidal|Agustín Sánchez Vidal, novelist
- :es:Fernando Sánchez Dragó|Fernando Sánchez Dragó
- Ramón J. Sender, novelist and journalist
- Antonio Soler, novelist
- Dolores Soler-Espiauba, novelist
- Diego Tadeo González, poet
- Enrique Tierno Galván, essayist and lawyer who served as Mayor of Madrid from 1979 to 1986
- Juan Tizón, writer and politician
- Saulo Torón Navarro, poet
- Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, novelist
- Domingo Traggia, military academic, historian and writer
- Juan Manuel Trujillo, essayist and publisher
- :es:Fernando Trujillo Sanz|Fernando Trujillo Sanz
- Pablo Tusset, novelist
- Miguel de Unamuno, Basque essayist, novelist, poet, playwright, philosopher, professor of Greek and Classics, and later rector at the University of Salamanca
- Chusé Raúl Usón, publisher and a Spanish writer in the Aragonese language
- Antonio Valladares de Sotomayor, playwright, poet and journalist
- Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, radical dramatist, novelist and member of the Generation of '98
- José Rafael Valles Calatrava, academic author and professor
- :es:Juan Antonio Vallejo-Nágera|Juan Antonio Vallejo-Nágera Botas
- Maria Vallejo-Nágera Writer in Spanish
- Diego Valverde Villena, poet and essayist
- Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa, novelist
- :es:Alonso Vázquez|Alonso Vázquez
- Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, writer
- Garcilaso de la Vega, Renaissance poet who was influential in introducing Italian Renaissance verse forms, poetic techniques, and themes to Spain
- "El Inca" Garcilaso de la Vega, first mestizo author in Spanish language, known for his chronicles of Inca history
- Félix Lope de Vega, one of the key literary figures of the Spanish Golden Age
- José Miguel Vilar-Bou, short story writer and novelist
- Josep Yxart, writer and translator
- María de Zayas y Sotomayor, female novelist of the Spanish Golden Age, and one of the first Spanish feminist authors
- José Zorrilla y Moral, poet and dramatist, author of Don Juan Tenorio