List of Shia books

Books of Shia [Imam]s

Shia collections

Quranic Tafsirs

Theology of Shi'a

These books include discussions about Theology of Shi'a.

Classic Kalam

These books seek to give a rational account of Shi'a theology in contrast with the Ash'ari, Mu'tazili and other theological schools of Islam. The contents of these books are taken from the 8th to the 13th century.

Modern Kalam

These books seek to give a rational account of Shi'a theology in contrast with modern Western ideologies including Marxism and Liberalism during the 20th century.

Ilm ar-Rijal

Shia Jurisprudence (fiqh)

History books

Shia-Sunni argumentations

Others & Uncategorized