List of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger characters

This is a list of characters from the 33rd Super Sentai Series Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.


The Shinkengers existed for eighteen generations to protect the world from the Gedoushu, demonic beings from the Sanzu River.

The Shinkengers

Based out of the Shiba House that originated from Mount Tsunobue, the Shinkengers use the kanji-based power called "Mojikara", which is passed down from one generation to the next. Once becoming a Shinkenger, they must renounce their past lives in order to keep their friends and family safe in case a member of the Gedoushu targets them. The Shiba House's manor is protected by a barrier of the Modikara "protect", keeping the Shinkengers safe. They use a Gap Sensor to detect the presence of a Gedoushu and its whereabouts. Prior to battle, the team announces their arrival by the first person saying their Shinkenger name and then full name, followed by each subsequent Shinkenger stating "The same..." followed by their color and full name. Takeru then says "The Samurai Sentai authorized by divine providence...", followed by the whole group saying "Shinkenger, Go Forth!!".

Takeru Shiba

The main protagonist of the series. Takeru Shiba is a young man descended from feudal lords, referred by his vassals and servants as Lord. He was raised since childhood by Hikoma Kusakabe to act the role of the 18th head of the Shiba House after his father gave him the Sisi [|Origami]. His upbringing made him create a facade to look very arrogant and proud to others, claiming none can match his strength and greatness, while keeping his cool in any situation. Though he was reluctant to have the vassals fight by his side, as he wanted no one else to bear the burden, he allowed their involvement after giving them the choice to turn back or become Shinkengers out of want rather than need, as long as they are willing to finish their mission to the last detail. By the time Genta arrives, Takeru's facade is revealed as he now questions himself of how it makes him strong along with learning he shares similar attributes with Juzo before defeating him. While at times it may not appear so, Takeru does cares greatly for his vassals and when Genta arrives, he becomes more open with them. However, in a fight against Juzo, it is revealed that Takeru started to value his life more which, in Juzo's opinion, makes him weaker and makes Takeru doubt himself. In reality, Takeru has been acting as a for the true 18th head of the Shiba Clan, Kaoru, who was not yet born at the time of her father's death, having been chosen for his proficiency with Modikara and his swordsmanship. When Kaoru is injured while attempting to use the Sealing Character on Doukoku, she formally adopts Takeru, making him the 19th head of the Shiba House. After defeating Doukoku in the final battle, Takeru says goodbye to Kaoru and his vassals and stays in the Shiba House with Hikoma, resuming his days now as a true samurai, though it is implied that he remains in contact with his friends. As Hikoma insists that Takeru should start learning new things instead of just working as a samurai, he stands by the front door of the Shiba House, recalling his moments as Shinken Red.
As Shinken Red, he is the "Samurai of '', after being brainwashed by the Gedoushu, Shinken Red becomes Gedou Shinken Red.
Takeru is portrayed by Tori Matsuzaka. As a child, he is portrayed by Masaki Takaiwa.

Ryunosuke Ikenami

Ryunosuke Ikenami is a young man who gave up becoming a kabuki actor to answer the call of serving the Shiba House. Due to his parents' upbringing, he is extremely enthusiastic and takes his role as Takeru's vassal seriously. Ryunosuke is also the engineer behind many of the Samurai Combinations, having figured out how to combine the Origami into Tenku-Shinkenoh and later into Samuraihaoh. He is initially unreceptive towards Genta, who he once called a "wannabe" samurai. As such, Ryunosuke is typically the one to lead the other vassals in Takeru's absence. When Kaoru reveals herself, Ryunosuke becomes confused about whom to follow, because he had pledged his life to the head of the Shiba family. After he receives some advice that clears his mind, he pledges his life to Takeru Shiba. After the final battle, Ryunosuke gives Takeru a kabuki-styled farewell dance and goes back to work as a kabuki actor.
As Shinken Blue, he is the "Samurai of Water and can borrow the Inromaru to become Super Shinken Blue.
Ryunosuke is portrayed by Hiroki Aiba. As a child, he is portrayed by Takumi Horikiri.

Mako Shiraishi

Mako Shiraishi is a strong-willed girl who fights for her ideals. She loves children and worked at a kindergarten prior to becoming a Shinkenger. When she was a little girl, her childhood was pushed aside when her parents moved to Hawaii without a word and left her in the care of her grandmother, who schooled her in the ways of bushidō. Chiaki and Kotoha both regard her as an older sister figure; Chiaki even addresses her as such. Though she is a horrible cook, Mako tries her best in order to achieve her dream of becoming a good wife and mother. Eventually, Mako is reunited with her parents and learns that her mother had become paralyzed from the waist down as a result of her tenure as the previous Shinken Pink. After the reunion and reconciliation with her mother, Mako gains a newfound conviction to defeat the Gedoushu. Because of her gentle nature, she can read other people well, especially Takeru, and readily gives her opinion regarding the situation in question. After the final battle, Mako goes to Hawaii to live with her parents.
As Shinken Pink, she is the "Samurai of. As a child, she is portrayed by Marina Nakajima.

Chiaki Tani

Chiaki Tani is a lazy, irresponsible, selfish, and arrogant rebel. Initially, Chiaki had no interest in becoming Takeru's vassal and often clashed with him. The only reason he even worked with Takeru was because he thought it would be fun and he wanted to protect people. He is a great strategist despite his delinquency, and comes to respect Takeru as a rival when he realizes the limits of his own abilities, pledging to pass Takeru in skill someday. Chiaki was without his mother from an early age and was raised solely by his father, who planted in him the seed of his interest in martial arts. Despite not being formally trained, he is an excellent strategist and adept with surprise attacks, thanks to his imagination and free-spiritedness. When Genta arrives, Chiaki is the first to accept him into the team. Chiaki is very protective of Kotoha and seems to be uncomfortable when Genta's friend shows an interest in her. Even though he often butts heads with Ryunosuke, Chiaki respects him immensely for his skill; in fact, they work together so well that they become able to perform tasks in sync with one another. During time off from his duties, or when he is troubled, he often plays Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion. He prefers American surf wear and skate wear brands like Vans and especially Gotcha, whose vintage shirts he wears in most episodes. After the final battle, Chiaki plans to take his college entrance exams.
As Shinken Green, he is the "Samurai of Wood and can borrow the Inromaru to become Super Shinken Green or the Kyoryu Disk to become Hyper Shinken Green.
Chiaki is portrayed by Shogo Suzuki.

Kotoha Hanaori

Kotoha Hanaori is a clumsy and gentle girl who worked in a bamboo shop and speaks with a Kyoto accent. Very much a crybaby as a child, she is close to her older sister, Mitsuba, who had been training to be Shinken Yellow. When Mitsuba became ill and unable to serve as Takeru's vassal, Kotoha stepped up to take her place. Kotoha is deeply respectful of Takeru and wants to help him in any way she can. She has rather low self-esteem; she genuinely believes that she is stupid and, despite her teammates' affection for her, often feels that she is a bother to them. She idolizes Mako and strives to become more like her. Kotoha often suggests that if Mitsuba never fell ill, the Shinkengers as a whole would probably be much stronger. However, her spirits are raised after she receives a letter from Mitsuba, in which Mitsuba says that Kotoha is the true Shinken Yellow. She never wears long pants and prefers to wear short shorts with knee socks. After the final battle, Kotoha returns home to Mitsuba.
As Shinken Yellow, she is the "Samurai of Earth and can borrow the Inromaru to become Super Shinken Yellow.
Kotoha is portrayed by Suzuka Morita, who later portrayed Shelly in . As a child, she is portrayed by Ayu Matsuura.

Genta Umemori

Genta Umemori is the son of a sushi chef who mysteriously disappeared prior to the beginning of the series, and a childhood friend of Takeru's. As a child, Genta often meddled in Takeru's training, which annoyed Hikoma greatly. Genta promised to help Takeru become a samurai, and in return, Takeru entrusted him with the Ika Disk. Years later, he is shown to have inherited the Gold Zushi sushi cart and to have developed his own "Electronic Modikara", using the Sushi Changer to type the kanji needed. The other Shinkengers are initially suspicious of Genta until he makes his formal introduction as Shinken Gold. Though Takeru is reluctant at first, he eventually allows Genta to fulfill his promise and join the team. Genta considers himself Takeru's best friend, despite their personalities being complete opposites; Genta is as hyperactive and expressive as much as Takeru is reserved and stoic. When Kaoru reveals herself, Genta immediately disapproves of her because of his relationship with Takeru, but later accepts her when he sees that she is very kind. After the final battle, Genta leaves to open a restaurant with DaiGoyou in Paris in hopes of fulfilling his lifelong dream of receiving a three-star rating by the Michelin Guide.
As Shinken Gold, he is the "Samurai of Light" and uses sushi-themed accouterments to transform and battle, like exploding chopsticks that he uses as a projectile weapon. He is considered a genius in using Modikara and is also one of the few who can use Modikara to create Origami, as well as being the only one in the group able to complete the Inromaru. After the Shinkengers defeat an Ayakashi in battle, Shinken Gold encourages everyone to do a victory clap before Shinken Red's ending catch phrase. In the special DVD The Light Samurai's Surprise Transformation, Genta uses the Kyoryu Disk to transform from Shinken Gold into Hyper Shinken Gold. In Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku, Genta was able to transform from Shinken Gold into Super Shinken Gold, along with the other Shinkengers, with the help of the Goseiger's Super Change Gosei Card.
Genta is portrayed by Keisuke Sohma. As a child, he is portrayed by Ryota Koshiba.

Kaoru Shiba

Kaoru Shiba is the true 18th head of the Shiba House, a position that Takeru was holding in her place. She is referred to by her vassals and servants as Princess. As the head of the Shiba House, Kaoru is the one who possesses the knowledge of the Sealing Character also known as the Gedou Seal, a Modikara passed along the Shiba bloodline. Because of this, she stayed in hiding while Takeru acted as her kagemusha to draw the Gedoushu away from her. When she grows tired of living in hiding, she masters the Sealing Character to defeat the Gedoushu and assumes her birthright. Even though she is kind and easy to work with, she underestimates the vassals' dedication to Takeru, and when she is injured in attempting to use the Sealing Character, she adopts Takeru and gives up her birthright to allow Takeru to lead the Shinkengers in defeating Doukoku. She makes another appearance in , combining her Modikara with Alata's Gosei Power to create the Kaentornado card, which is used to free Takeru from his Gedou Shinken Red form, and allow all the Shinkengers to utilize the Super Shinkenger form.
Like Takeru, Kaoru is the "Samurai of Fire" and has the ability to become Shinken Red, referred to as Princess Shinken Red to differentiate with Takeru's Shinken Red, and use the Inromaru to transform into Super Shinken Red. Her secret training allows her to easily adopt all of the weaponry the others had used before her appearance.
Kaoru is portrayed by Runa Natsui.

Hikoma Kusakabe

Hikoma Kusakabe is Takeru's retainer and guardian. He also serves as the Shinkengers' mentor; it is he who gathered the four vassals when the Gedoushu revived. The Shinkengers affectionately call him "Jii". Every year, he gets one day off, which he uses to visit his wife's grave and visit his daughter and granddaughter. His relationship with Takeru and his vassals runs deep; he takes great care to ensure that they are safe and that they are ready to fight, and he supplies them with information and weaponry. Though Genta frequently annoys him, Hikoma acknowledges the younger man's skill with Modikara and eventually does accept and connect with him. Like Mako, he is adept at reading people and often helps the vassals with their personal problems. When he goes to a hospital to be treated for a hip injury, he happens upon the Hikari Studio and gives invaluable advice to Tsukasa Kadoya during the meeting of the worlds of Kamen Rider Decade and Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. While Hikoma does not typically take up arms himself, his "battle" is to ensure that Takeru and his vassals remain safe and will always have someplace to which they can return. When Kaoru makes her appearance, Hikoma remains loyal to Takeru, but bears no ill will towards Kaoru; he respects her for both her title and for the kind and diligent young woman that she is. After the final battle, he stays with Takeru even when he insists that he go visit his family and encourages Takeru to join him to experience other lifestyles other than just the samurai life.
Hikoma is portrayed by Goro Ibuki.


The kuroko are the Shiba House's servants who, like their namesakes, "set up" the scene during the Shinkengers' transformation. As they do not possess Modikara proficiency, they are not able to fight against the Gedoushu physically and as such, they are not directly involved in combat, although they do help evacuate civilians away from danger. They are skilled in many comparatively mundane things and are tasked with doing household chores, and help citizens in the nearby town to the best of their ability, when the Shinkengers are not in battle. Kaoru has her own group of Kuroko, who wear slightly different robes bearing the Shiba family crest.


The previous heads of the Shiba House are as follows:
  1. Shiba Retsudō: Shiba Retsudō is the first Shinken Red who battled the Kusare Gedoushu, wielding the Kyoryumaru. After his death, he was buried at the Tengen Temple where the Inromaru is kept. Shiba Retsudō is portrayed by Masashi Goda, Goda previously portrayed Yuji Mita/Oh Blue in Chōriki Sentai Ohranger.
  2. Resshin
  3. Iori
  4. Sakuya
  5. Yukiyasu
  6. Koshinari
  7. Atsuhide
  8. Katsunoshin
  9. Akitsugu
  10. Aritsugu
  11. Arishige
  12. Morinobu
  13. Seisuke
  14. Akira
  15. Kōichirō
  16. Yōjirō
  17. Masataka Shiba: Kaoru's father and the seventeenth head of the Shiba family, he set up the idea to use a kagemusha to counter Doukoku's plans to wipe his family out of existence. Masataka sealed Doukoku using the imperfect Sealing Character just before his death; his then-newborn daughter was then taken into hiding and Takeru was presented as the new head of the Shiba House. Credited as the Previous Head, Masataka is portrayed by Masaya Matsukaze, who previously portrayed Shun Namiki/Mega Blue in Denji Sentai Megaranger.


The Shinkengers control sentient mecha called Origami. The five main Origami are normally in Emblem Mode until they assume Animal Mode to support their masters. But with Modikara of "big" and the command Origami Big Transformation, the Origami can be enlarged into giants with the Shinkengers using their Shinkenmaru as control sticks. The three support Origami, two of which were reclaimed after being lost in the last great battle with the Gedoushu, are summoned using each Secret Disk and require twice the amount of Modikara than the regular Origami. With the Engines, the Origami can execute the Modikara Cannonball attack.
The Samurai Giants are the various combinations of the Origami. When the Shinkengers destroy an Ayakashi, Shinken Red proclaims victory by saying "This has been settled". When Shinken Gold joins the group, he prompts the Shinkengers to perform a Victory ''Tejime before he or Shinken Red proclaims victory.


Samurai Combination Shinkenoh is a giant robot formed by the five main Origami when the Shinkengers write the kanji for "unite" to make their Origami combine and they undergo Samurai Combination. It is the [|Samurai Giant] that ultimately slays Doukoku. After combining, the Shinkengers say "Shinkenoh united under providence". It is armed with the Daishinken and a giant Shield Disk-like Secret Shield. The Sisi Origami head on its body can breathe fire in the Lion's Blaze Roar attack, takes to the air with the Dragon Rising Leg, separate from the Kame Origami to execute the Turtle Heavenly Fist, and separate from the Saru Origami to execute the Bear Triangle Kick. Both of Shinkenoh's arms can also fold back up to unleash a beam attack. Shinkenoh's finisher is the Daishinken Samurai Slash. It can combine with support Origami by performing Samurai Armaments.
Samurai Combination DaiTenku is a bird-like creature formed when the three support Origami combine. After combining, the Shinkengers say "DaiTenku united under providence". DaiTenku's finisher is the DaiTenku Grand Crash.


Super Samurai Combination Tenku-Shinkenoh is formed from Shinkenoh and DaiTenku when the kanji for "super" is written, giving it the ability to fly and perform the Daishinken Tenku Bamboo Slice finisher. After combining, the Shinkengers say "Tenku-Shinkenoh united under providence".


Samurai Giant Daikaioh is a giant robot that is formed from the Ebi Origami having undergone the Samurai Transformation, initiated by Shinken Gold entering the kanji for "change" on the Sushi Changer. After transforming, Shinken Gold says "Daikaioh peerless under providence". Daikaioh has four modes that are signified by a different face and cardinal direction, each with a different Electronic Modikara.
True Samurai Combination Daikai-Shinkenoh is the combination of Shinkenoh and Daikaioh. The Ebi Origami becomes golden samurai armor for Shinkenoh and replaces the Kame and Saru Origami as arms, which attach to the back of Daikai-Shinkenoh. It can perform the Niten Ichi-ryū Turbulence Slash finisher with the Lobster Swords and during this attack sequence, the Japanese flag can be seen briefly. In Come Back! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: Special Act, Daikai-Shinkenoh also wields a giant calligraphy brush and the Modikara of "counter" to turn Demebakuto's own dimensional powers against him. After combining, the Shinkengers say "Daikai-Shinkenoh united under providence".

IkaTenku Buster

True Samurai Armament IkaTenku Buster is the combination of the Kabuto, Kajiki, Tora, and Ika Origami which acts as a cannon and platform for another Samurai Giant to use as a weapon to perform its Origami Grand Release finisher. However, due to the strain of Modikara of "destroy" used, the weapon can only be fired once in a battle.


Secret Lantern DaiGoyou is a support robot created by Genta during his temporary fear of sushi, infusing his Electronic Modikara with a lantern in his sushi cart to be able to fight for him when needed, referring to his creator as "Boss". He is normally in the splintered form of the Secret Disk shooting Paper lantern, which forms the majority of his robot mode, and the Jutte, which Shinken Gold uses as a weapon to execute the DaiGoyou Jitte Strike attack; this part forms DaiGoyou's arms. DaiGoyou also has the ability to fly in his paper lantern mode. He forms into his giant robot mode, a transformation called DaiGoyou Big Transformation initiated by Shinken Gold entering the kanji for "big" on the Sushi Changer or the others writing it down with their Shodo Phone. His techniques include the DaiGoyou Big Lighting and the DaiGoyou Big Spin, and he can retract his head and compress his torso to dodge enemy attacks. His finisher is the Secret Disks Turbulence Shot, which fires disks from his body. While combined, he requires occasional Secret Disk jam-clearing, which simply requires slapping the bottom of the lantern's handle, which forms his "buttocks". Genta originally designed DaiGoyou after the lanterns carried by the Jitte-wielding guardsmen from old samurai films. Ryunosuke points out that these were mere guardsmen and not samurai, so the kanji for Samurai on DaiGoyou's lantern is actually a misrepresentation, much to Genta and DaiGoyou's chagrin.
Samurai Giant Mougyudaioh is a giant robot that is formed from the Ushi Origami and its cart having undergone the Samurai Transformation. After transforming, Shinken Red says "Mougyudaioh peerless under providence". In this form, Mougyudaioh is able to unleash a torrent of firepower from its shoulder cannons in its Bull Cannon attack. Mougyudaioh's finisher is the Bull Great Revolving Cannon where its uses the Modikara for "ferocious" to fire its gatling cannon while unleasing a burst of Modikara from the disk loaded on its head.


All Samurai Combination Samuraihaoh is the combination of eleven Origami. The Ushi Origami's gissha opens up for Daikai-Shinkenoh to stand on while the IkaTenku Buster attaches to the back of what would be Mougyudaioh. Daikai-Shinkenoh's arms attach to Mougyudaioh and are replaced with Mougyudaioh's arms with the Tora Origami's drills attached. The Kame and Saru Origami attach to the axles of the gissha, the Ika Origami's legs attach to the front of Daikai-Shinkenoh and Mougyudaioh's chest is placed on top, revealing the kanji for "All". The transformation finishes when the Lobster Swords attach to the Samurai Giant's helmet and Mougyudaioh's cannon attaches above the helmet, prompting the Shinkengers to say "Samuraihaoh united under providence".
Due to its massive size, Samuraihaoh cannot move under its own power and instead moves along using the Ushi Origami's gissha. Samuraihaoh can attack with the Daishinken to execute the Daishinken Lord Slash and Daishinken Big Spin Slash attacks. Its finisher is the Modikara Great Shot Circle. The Shinkengers summon the Modikara of their Origami, energizing the cannon atop Samuraihaoh's helmet to deliver the final blow.

Kyoryu Samuraihaoh

True All Samurai Combination Kyoryu Samuraihaoh. is the true final combination of all twelve Origami. It can attack with the Kyoryuto, performing the Twelve Origami Great Samurai Slash.

Oden/Daruma Otoshi

Although not a real transformation, this was the first form the Shinkengers had made with their Samurai Combination. In episode 2, Ryunosuke gives a brief explanation of the Samurai Combination before initiating it. Unfortunately, not knowing that it required Takeru's command through the use of Modikara, the Origami Giants merely stacked one on top of the other, Chiaki's being the bottom, followed by Ryunosuke, Mako above, Kotoha on the top, and Takeru floating around. It is referred to as Oden by Kotoha and referred to as Daruma Otoshi by the Ayakashi Ootsumuji.

Samurai Formation 23

The Samurai Formation 23 is a formation between Samuraihaoh and Engineoh G12 in . In this form, Shinkenoh, Daikaioh, Mougyudaioh, Kyoretsu-Oh, and Engine-Oh G9 use the IkaTenku Buster to perform the Samurai Engine Super Grand Release finisher.


The Gedoushu are the fictional antagonists of the thirty-third Super Sentai Series Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, facing the current generation of Shinkengers, having been sealed away years ago by the previous generation of Shinkengers. In the world of Shinkenger, the Gedoushu are the inspiration of all the yōkai in Japanese mythology. The main Gedoushu characters are modeled after the Seven Lucky Gods and sea creatures.

Fictional history

The Gedoushu are malevolent spirits who arise as the result of sin-tainted souls that enter into the Sanzu River within the land of the dead. The Gedoshu maintain their wretched existence with the water of the Sanzu, and in order to maintain the river's levels, they constantly enter into the human world with the intent of running amok in order to feed the river with negative emotions of humans. If a Gedoshu spends too long in the human world, it eventually dries out, and petrifies if it can not return to the Sanzu. Cursed to be in a state between life and death, a Gedoushu can only be free of its existence if it is slain upon taking its Second Life, or if it is able to let go of the upādāna that damned it in the first place.
The Gedoushu under Doukoku reside on the Six realms that sails along the Sanzu River. Others spend their time within the River itself until Doukoku or some other powerful being calls them. Using their ability to enter the living world through cracks and narrow gaps, Doukoku's minions set up a plan to terrorize humans in any way possible so that the river overflows to point of flooding into the mortal realm in order for them to invade in full fury. The Gedoushu can also become powerful during the time of Bon Festival.


Doukoku Chimatsuri is the leader of the Gedoushu and is armed with the Shōryū Bakuzantō, the Kōryū Gaiseitō, and possessing the power to seal his fellow Gedoushu. He is in a constant state of rage, originally endless until he heard the sound of Usuyuki's shamisen, becoming obsessed with her as he later takes her upon her rebirth into Dayu to soothe his rage along with sake. He targeted the Shiba House's previous Shinkengers, making it his goal to completely eliminate the Shiba House so no one would be able to stop him. However, while fighting the seventeenth head of the Shiba House, he was sealed away as the previous Shinken Red died. This seal was incomplete, and Doukoku was able to revive by the time of the next generation. To reach his goal again, Doukoku sends out Ayakashi to terrorize humans so the Sanzu River can overflow its banks into the mortal realm and enable him to unleash his full fury. This method of attack was later revealed to how he loses the rejuvenating qualities of its waters much faster than any other member of the Gedoushu and takes longer to soak the river's waters back into his body.
Learning of the seal placed on him, Doukoku briefly changes his plans to target Takeru as the death of the Shiba House would ensure that he would never be sealed again. But when that plan failed, Doukoku has his force carry on the original plan without giving wind of this knowledge to any Ayakashi with his own agenda. During the summer while in a comatose state that leaves him open to his enemies, Doukoku manages to suppress his magnified power. Later, after learning of Akamaro's true colors, Doukoku risks his life to enter the mortal realm to repair Dayu's shamisen after driving off Akumaro and defeating Shinken Red. As a result, he has to be submerged in the Sanzu River to rehydrate. But after the Shiba Clan true's eighteenth head is revealed, Doukoku's followers attempt to speed up his awakening by increasing the amount of suffering until Dayu uses Shinza's anguish to bring Doukoku back to the mortal realm. After absorbing Dayu's energy to heal his body, Doukoku gains immunity to the Sealing Character and can now endure being in the mortal realm without drying up. As a result, Doukoku overpowers the Shinkengers before bringing the Rokumon Junk into the mortal realm when the Sanzu River floods the city. Thinking he had broken the Shinkengers' spirits when they attempt to defeat him, Doukoku is immobilized before Shinken Blue delivers the final blow. Assuming his second life, Doukoku overpowers Samuraihaoh, blasting it and throwing off its components until only Shinkenoh remains, then impales it on his sword. However, the Shinkengers take advantage of the events and mortally wound him before he explodes. He attempts to take the Shinkengers down with him, but this fails as they survive the explosion. Doukoku is modeled after Vaiśravaṇa and a Japanese spiny lobster.
Doukoku is voiced by Rintarō Nishi, who previously portrayed Shadam in Gosei Sentai Dairanger.


Tayu Usukawa is Doukoku's right hand and the only one he is kind to, provided she knows her place as his obedient, unquestioning servant. Doukoku takes her in after her rebirth as a Gedoushu, giving her the name she now goes by and telling her that she has nowhere else to go but to him. But her unique origins set her apart from normal Gedoshu as she can move freely in the mortal realm. In life, she was Usuyuki a shamisen player who obsessed over a man named Shinza. Scorned that he loved another woman instead of her, Usuyuki set fire to the building holding his wedding ceremony, killing him, his bride, and the entirety of their wedding party, in a suicidal crime of passion. Seeing that her love would remain unrequited to the bitter end, Usuyuki's emotions corrupt her soul and caused her rebirth into Tayu. The transformation also forcefully bonded Shinza's soul into the shamisen that Tayu carries with her, creating the eerie and unsettling songs that serve to soothe Doukoku's rage. The shamisen's headstock also doubles as the hilt of a shortsword Tayu uses in battle.
Of all the Gedoushu, Tayu has the most trouble getting along with the Ayakashi because of her previous life as a human, which she makes attempts to reclaim. One failed attempt results with her being saved by Juzo, developing feelings for the Gedounin as she begins to defy Doukoku's orders with her shamisen damaged as a result. Though her feelings for Shinza had long died, Tayu refuses to give him up as it would end her existence and desires to know the purpose behind it. Leaving Doukoku, Tayu wanders aimlessly until she is found by Akumaro who recruits her to his group in return for her instrument's restoration. Until it is repaired, she has to rely on the Sange Hankontō dagger in her fights. Upon learning that Akamaro never intended to repair her instrument, she attempts to reclaim her shamisen until Dokouku comes to her aid, using a piece of his body to restore the shamisen and reminding her of her place by his side. Soon after Akumaro's demise, Tayu returns to the Rokumon Junk to assist in Doukoku's reawakening. To that end, after finally having the answers to her questions, Tayu deliberately has Shinken Pink destroy her shamisen to not only discard her past life, but to also use Shinza's anguished soul to revive Doukoku. She later uses the last of her powers to restore Doukoku's body, giving him immunity to the Sealing Character and independence from the Sanzu River. With only her kimono remaining, Doukoku later throws it into the Sanzu River as a final respect to her. Tayu is modeled after Benzaiten, a sea slug, and various molluscs and has elements of the futakuchi-onna.
Because of the nature of rendaku in Japanese, her name is only Usukawa Dayu when it is said in full; otherwise, it is Tayu. Thus, the December 2009 issue of Hyper Hobby magazine lists her name in English as "Tayu".
Tayu is voiced by Romi Park, who also portrayed Usuyuki in her lone appearance on-screen.


Shitari of the Bones is the Gedoushu's strategist, a squid-headed demon armed with a shakujō who awaited for Doukoku's revival. Shitari sees humans as mere specimens for his research, uncovering means to overflow the Sanzu River. He also possessed texts from the Shiba House which he used to learn about the seal placed on Doukoku. Though he warns Doukoku not to trouble himself with the Shiba House's sealing character so not to attract attention from certain Ayakashi, Shitari recruits Isagitsune in an attempt to slake his curiosity on what the sealing character is. He later recruits Oinogare in an attempt to re-open a well the Gedoushu used in the past as their base of operations by sacrificing nine maidens, formally introducing himself to the Shinkengers as a result.
While Doukoku is in a vulnerable state struggling with his surging power, the rogue Ayakashi Gozunagumo bullies Shitari into extorting the sealing character from Shinken Red. Despite poisoning Takeru, Shitari fails to get him to reveal the sealing character due to the combined interference of Shinken Gold and Juzo. When Doukoku revives and punishes Gozunagumo, Shitari freely confesses that the one thing he values above Doukoku is his own life and gains forgiveness from his leader out of amusement with his honesty. During the events of Kamen Rider Decade episodes 24 and 25, Shitari witnesses Daiki Kaitoh stealing the Ika Origami and sends the Ayakashi Chinomanako to investigate the otherworldly Kamen Rider Diend, causing the chain of events that would doom their world. When Akumaro arrives, Shitari expresses a great deal of distrust over the mysterious Gedoushu and not as much shocked when his impression of him was accurate yet was powerless to do anything against him as he realized Akumaro's intentions. After Dayu returns, Shitari decides to kill off Takeru, only to learn the truth behind him and the Shiba House's true leader and giving up one half of his life, in an attempt to speed up Doukoku's reawakening at the cost of having no second life should he be killed. He remains on the Rokumon Junk during Doukoku's final battle with the Shinkengers, going down with the ship as it sinks in response to its master's death while proclaiming that he will survive regardless of what happens.
Shitari later returns in , becoming Buredoran's right hand servant until learning his plan to drain the Sanzu River and refusing to go along with it. But during the climatic battle, gathering an army of followers to kill Buredoran and reclaim the Sanzu River, Shitari ends up facing the Gokaigers when they traveled from the near future and they mistakenly believe him to be a hindrance in their own affairs. With his army ultimately devastated, Shitari is destroyed by Gokai Red using the Go-On Red Ranger Key. Shitari is modeled after Fukurokuju and a squid.
Shitari is voiced by Chō.


Juzo Fuwa is a mysterious Gedoushu, regarded by the others as a lone wolf, yet he seems to know more than Doukoku about the Sanzu River's true potential. 200 years ago, Fuwa was a samurai in life who made a living as an assassin, disenchanted with the ways of bushidō and thriving more on the pleasure of killing his opponents in battle until he can no longer be physically able to wield a sword. He meets Akumaro who provides him with the katana Uramasa, seemingly unaware that the blade was forged from the souls of his family who tried to free him from his blood lust. When he contracts a fatal illness, Fuwa enters the Sanzu River to cheat death, completely discarding the goodness in his heart to become a Gedounin, a half-Gedoushu that can freely exist in both realms and assume a human form. However, unlike other Gedounin who die out in a few years, Fuwa endured over the centuries and thus is condemned with an insatiable urge to find an ideal opponent, a fellow samurai who strays from the teachings of bushidō, to clash blades with. As a result, Fuwa mistakes the blade's cries of sadness for an equal lust for battle, believing that the souls of his family have lost their desire to stop him after he entered the Sanzu River.

He finds this opponent in Takeru Shiba, after witnessing his sword fighting as Shinken Red. This obsession with fighting Shinken Red leads Doukoku to seal Fuwa's Gedoushu powers, leaving him for dead in the Sanzu River. Although he barely survives with Dayu's aid, he continues to defy Doukoku by making sure that Takeru is at his strongest for their next fight, even curing him of Shitari's poisoning. After a long battle in which he manages to severely wound Shinken Red, Fuwa is defeated and falls off the cliff into the ocean below. However, Fuwa survives with Uramasa's blade snapped in half. He remains in the mountainside until Dayu finds him and relays Akumaro's offer to work for him in return for restoring his blade. To his chagrin, he has to rely on the replacement Bantō Dokuhōmatsu that hampers his normal fighting style. Later fed up waiting for the Uramasa to be repaired, Fuwa confronts Akumaro and learns his weapon's origins and that he is a pawn in Akumaro's plan. However, tricking Akumaro into giving him back his weapon and cutting him down, Fuwa reveals he knew the truth behind Uramasa from the first time he held it, thus preventing Akumaro from fulfilling his plan. Later, after the real Shiba House head is revealed, Fuwa gets Takeru to duel him once again before finally falling to him in battle with a delayed hit after Uramasa finally stops its master and denies him his only desire. Uramasa remains in the physical world after Fuwa fades away until the souls that formed it are finally able to depart into the afterlife. Juzo is modeled after the Shōjō of Japanese myth.
Fuwa is portrayed and voiced by Mitsuru Karahashi, who previously portrayed Naoya Kaido/Snake Orphnoch in Kamen Rider 555, Makage/Kagemaru in Lion Maru G, and Grande in .


Akumaro Sujigarano is a Gedoushu general with six slitted eyes and rictus grin, whose ambition is to see Hell and savor the immense suffering that it holds. A master of the black arts, Akumaro can create monsters called Kirigami and teleport short distances to catch his opponents off guard. He also uses his iron claw hands, Sakushin Dantō Shaku, and kemari as weapons. Akumaro's modus operandi is to set up far-reaching plots with dangerous consequences that would ultimately result in the completion of the Urami Gandōgaeshi, a spell that opens up the gates of Hell. To that end he needed a Gedonin, killing off Juzo's family to create Uramasa and setting up his descent into Gedou.
Having battled the original Shinkengers in the past, they left him immobilized at the bottom of the Sanzu River. But when Doukoku's power burst revives him, he offers his services to Doukoku as gratitude. However, Doukoku strikes him near his left shoulder, ultimately creating a vulnerable spot. While pretending to aid Dokoku's group in raising the levels of the Sanzu River, taking any abuse from Doukoku to keep up his act, Akumaro starts setting up markers and recruits Juzo and Dayu into his service to make use of them. Eventually found out to be using Doukoku for his own agenda, Akumaro falls back after Doukoku nearly destroys him. However, with Doukoku resting, Akumaro takes the Rokumon Junk as his own while making the finishing touches on his master plan by completing the final marker to open up Hell and finishing Uramasa's repairs. Although he comes close to his goal, Akumaro is left with nothing when he realizes Juzo can not complete the Urami Gandōgaeshi and goes into an enraged fury before the Shinkengers use the Rekka Daizantou and Super Mougyu Bazooka to slay him. After becoming a giant, Akumaro battles the Samurai Giants and DaiGoyou with his Kirigami before Samuraihaoh uses the Kyoryu Origami to form Super SamuraiHaOh and destroy him, with Akumaro laughing as his desire to see Hell is finally granted with his death. Akumaro is modeled after Ebisu and a shachihoko of Japanese myth.
Akumaro is voiced by Ryō Horikawa.


Manpuku Aburame is the main antagonist in , the leader of the Kusare Gedoushu a group of powerful Gedoushu that exudes a corpse-like stench that was sealed away three centuries ago by Retsudou Shiba. However, he is revived by Doukoku along with his followers during the summer-time and offers to kill off the Shinkengers for him with no intent on ruling the mortal realm. With his massive army, Manpuku overwhelmed the Shinkengers until Shinken Red breaks the seal on the Kusare Gedoushu's body to restore the Kyoryu Disk to its full power. After being slain by the five Shinkengers, revived as a giant as he opens up into his true form with a serpentine creature sticking out of his stomach, Manpuku is destroyed by Kyoryu-Shinkenoh. Manpuku is armed with the Saihainonari Ikusaono. Manpuku is modeled after Budai and a flapjack octopus.
Manpuku is portrayed and voiced by Shinya Owada.


Buredoran of Chimatsuri is disguise that Goseigers main antagonist Brajira assumed in '. In Epic on Ginmaku'', Buredoran takes the form of a Doukoku-style Gedoushu to revive Doukoku's followers under the deception that he is the heir to Doukoku himself. Aided joined by the Ayakashi Madakodama, Buredoran brainwashes Shinken Red so he can use their talents in a scheme to open a portal to the Gosei World and transfer the entire Sanzu River there, not caring on the survival of the Gedoushu without the water. After the latter is freed from his control, Buredoran battles GoseiRed and ShinkenRed with phantoms in his Warstar and Yuumaju forms before being defeated. Though mortally wounded by Ground Hyper Gosei Great's Mojikara Headder Strike, Buredoran's near lifeless body is later revealed to be discovered by Matrintis Empire's Metal-Alice. Like Doukoku, Buredoran carries a broadsword similar to Doukoku's Shōryū Bakuzantō and uses Gedou Chimatsuri Bullet attack. He is modeled after an antlion.
As with all incarnations of the character, Buredoran is voiced by Nobuo Tobita.


The Nanashi Company are the Gedoushu's foot soldiers, armed with bajō-zutsu, monk's spades, yumi, and daos, they can freely enter the mortal realm at whim. There are another group of Nanashi known as the Ōnanashi Company, who are naturally born giant with a flying variation called the Ōzora Nanashi Company. The Nanashi Company are modeled after a coral and a sea anemone.
In the film, the Kusare Nanashi and Kusare Ōnanashi Companies, part of the Kusare Gedoushu, resemble normal Nanashi and Ōnanashi but in purple garbed attire.
In the Special DVD, a rogue member of the Nanashi Company serves as the main antagonist after stealing the Inromaru and using it to become a Super Nanashi before being destroyed by Hyper Shinken Gold and Shinken Red. He is the only member of the Nanashi Company who can speak clearly in Japanese. Super Nanashi is voiced by Bin Shimada.
In , the Strengthened Nanashi and Strengthened Ōnanashi Companies under Shitari resemble normal Nanashi and Ōnanashi but in black garbed attire. However, they, along with Shitari, are ultimately finished by the Gokaigers.


The Nosakamata are monsters within the Sanzu River that are more powerful than the Nanashi. The Nosakamata resemble tremendous, skull-like, eyeless, crocodilian heads on two legs, and can shoot fireballs from their mouths. There are also some Nosakamata known as the Ōnosakamata which are naturally born giant. The Nosakamata are the basis for the '', the Strengthened Nosakamata and the Strengthened Ōnosakamata under Shitari resemble black skinned Nosakamata and Ōnosakamata. However, they, along with Shitari, are ultimately finished by the Gokaigers.


The Susukodama are a furred ball-like soot settling in roof of the Rokumon Junk's interior, appearing whenever Doukoku's infuriated enough for them to descend, annoyingly repeating people's words while giggling. One accompanies Dayu in her wandering after it is tossed out of the Rokumon Junk and into the mortal realm, singing in imitation of her shamisen. After Dayu sacrifices herself, Doukoku crushes the Susukodama by stepping on it.


Kirigami are monsters created by Akumaro from real kirigami he makes by using his claws to cut paper in the shape of a monster, which then transforms into a giant monster. The Kirigimi have two variations: Those with metal pincers for hands, and those with normal hands that wield Matsuba Sōbokutō.


The Ayakashi are ancient spirits with nightmarish forms that serve the Gedoushu, dwelling within the depths of the Sanzu River until being summoned to go through the gap. However, they can only remain in the mortal world until they begin to dry up, returning to the Sanzu River to regain their moisture. Each Ayakashi has two lives, the human-sized first life, followed by the giant second life after they are slain in their first life.
These Ayakashi are used in Akumaro's plans to open the pathway between the mortal realm and Hell, each given an arena to cause enough anguish to create a marker.