List of SPI games
This list of SPI games includes games published by Simulations Publications, Inc. as separate titles, as well as part of their magazines Strategy & Tactics and Ares.
- 1918
- Across Suez
- A Mighty Fortress
- Acre
- After the Holocaust
- Agincourt
- Air War
- The Alamo
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- Alma
- The American Civil War 1861-1865
- The American Revolution 1775-1783
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- Anzio Beachhead
- The Ardennes Offensive
- Arena of Death
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- '
- Army Group South
- Arnhem
- The Art of Siege
- Atlantic Wall
- Balaclava
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- Barbarian Kings
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- Bastogne
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- The Battle of Austerlitz
- The Battle of Moscow
- The Battle for Cassino
- Battle for Germany
- The Battle for Jerusalem
- Battle for the Ardennes
- BattleFleet Mars
- The Battles of Bull Run
- Berlin '85
- The Big Red One
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- '
- Bloody Ridge
- Blue and Gray
- Blue and Gray II
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- Breakout & Pursuit
- Breitenfeld
- Brusilov Offensive
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- '
- '
- The Campaign for North Africa
- Canadian Civil War
- Caporetto
- Cauldron
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- Celles
- Cemetery Hill
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- Chariot
- Chattanooga
- Chicago, Chicago!
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- The China War
- Chinese Farm
- Citadel of Blood
- City-Fight
- Clervaux
- Cobra
- Combat Command
- Combined Arms
- Commando
- The Conquerors
- Conquistador
- The Creature That Ate Sheboygan
- Crete
- Crimean War Battles
- Crusader
- The Crusades''
- Dallas
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- Dawn of the Dead
- Deathmaze
- Descent on Crete
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- The Desert Fox
- Dixie
- DragonQuest
- Dragonslayer
- Dreadnought: Surface Combat In The Battleship Era, 1906-45
- Dresden
- Destruction of Army Group Center
- Drive on Stalingrad
- Drive on Washington
- '
- '
- Empires of the Middle Ages
- Fall of Rome
- The Fast Carriers
- Fifth Corp
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- Firefight
- Flying Circus
- Foxbat And Phantom
- France 1940
- The Franco Prussian War
- Frederick the Great
- Freedom in the Galaxy
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- Fulda Gap
- Global War
- Golan
- Great Medieval Battles
- Grunt
- Highway to the Reich
- Hof Gap
- Invasion: America
- Jerusalem
- The Kaiser's Battle
- KampfPanzer
- Kasserine
- Kharkov
- Kiev
- King Arthur: The Battle of Stonehenge, 536
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- Korea
- Korsun
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- Legion
- Leyte
- MechWar '77
- MechWar 2
- Middle Earth
- A Mighty Fortress
- The Moscow Campaign
- Mukden
- Musket & Pike
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- Napoleon At Waterloo
- Napoleon's Art of War
- Napoleon's Last Battles
- NATO Division Commander
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- The Next War: Modern Conflict in Europe
- Ney vs. Wellington
- Objective Moscow
- Oil War
- Okinawa
- Operation Grenade
- Operation Olympic
- Outreach
- Panzer '44
- Panzer Armee Afrika
- Panzer Battles
- Panzergruppe Guderian
- Patrol!
- Patton's Third Army
- Phalanx
- The Plot to Assassinate Hitler
- PRESTAGS Master Pack
- The Punic Wars
- Ragnarok - Ragnarok is a game based on the Battle of Ragnarok, with Odin and his Aesir gods, plus an army of warriors and valkyries versus Loki and his Jotun invaders with their army of frost and fire giants. W. G. Armintrout reviewed Ragnarok in The Space Gamer No. 46.
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- Red Star/White Star
- Red Star/White Star
- Red Sun Rising
- Renaissance of Infantry
- Rifle & Saber
- Road to Richmond
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- Saipan
- Sauron
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- '
- '
- '
- The Siege of Constantinople
- Sinai
- Sixth Fleet
- Sniper!
- Sorcerer
- Soldiers
- Solomons Campaign
- South Africa
- Spartan
- Spies
- Star Trader
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- StarSoldier
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- Strategy I
- Strike Force One
- Suez to Golan
- T-34
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- Tank!
- Tannenberg
- Task Force
- Terrible Swift Sword
- Thirty Years War Quad
- To the Green Fields Beyond
- Time Tripper
- Titan Strike
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- Universe
- U.S.N.
- Viking
- Voyage of the BSM Pandora
- Vector 3
- Wacht am Rhein
- War Between the States
- War in Europe
- War in the East
- War in the Ice
- War in the West
- War in the Pacific
- War of the Ring
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- Wilson's Creek
- Winter War
- Wolfpack
- World War I
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- World War 3
- Wreck of the B.S.M. Pandora
- Wurzburg
- Year of the Rat
- Yeoman