List of Roman theatres

built during the Roman period may be found all over the Roman Empire. Some were older theatres that were re-worked.
Theatre at ApolloniaApolloniaPojaniAlbania in Theatrum database
Theatre at ButhrotumButhrotumButrintAlbania in Theatrum database
South-west theatre at ByllisByllisAlbaniaPre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at HadrianopolisHadrianopolisSofratikëAlbania in Theatrum database
Theatre at OricumOricumOrikumAlbaniapre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at PhoinikePhoeniceFiniqAlbaniaPossibly pre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
CalamaGuelmaAlgeria in Theatrum database
Theatre at CuiculCuiculDjémilaAlgeria in Theatrum database
Theatre at Hippo RegiusHippo RegiusAnnabaAlgeriaPosition approximate; in Theatrum database
Theatre at Iol CaesareaIol CaesareaCherchellAlgeria in Theatrum database
Theatre at BlicquyBelgium in Theatrum database
Theatre at KasnakovoKasnakovoBulgariaThe interpretation of the remains as a theatre is not certain; in Theatrum database
Theatre at Nicopolis ad IstrumNicopolis ad IstrumNikyupBulgaria in Theatrum database
Plovdiv Roman theatrePhilippopolis PlovdivBulgaria in Theatrum database
Theatre at SerdicaSerdicaSofiaBulgariaLies under the later Amphitheatre of Serdica
Theatre at Augusta TrajanaAugusta TrajanaStara ZagoraBulgariaUnusual arrangement of seating at one end of the forum
Theatre at VisIssaVisCroatiaPosition approximate; in Theatrum database
Small Theatre of PulaColonia Pietas Iulia Pola Pollentia HerculaneaPulaCroatia in Theatrum database
Theatre at SalonaSalonaSolinCroatia in Theatrum database
Theatre at ZadarIaderaZadarCroatiaDestroyed before 1657; in Theatrum database
Great Theatre of AlexandriaAlexandriaAlexandriaEgyptAttested only in literary sources; in Theatrum database
Small Theatre of AlexandriaAlexandriaAlexandriaEgypt in Theatrum database
Theatre of AntinooupolisAntinooupolisEl Sheikh IbadaEgypt in Theatrum database
Theatre at Kom el-DahabKom el-DahabEgypt
Theatre at MemphisMemphisMemphisEgyptAttested only in papyri; in Theatrum database
Olympian TheatreCrocodilopolis / ArsinoeMedinet el FayumEgyptAttested only in papyri; in Theatrum database
Theatre at OxyrhynchusOxyrhynchusel-BahnasaEgypt in Theatrum database
Theatre at PanopolisPanopolisAkhmimEgyptAttested only in papyri; in Theatrum database
Theatre at PelusiumPelusiumEgypt
Theatre at PtolemaisPtolemais HermiouAl-MansahEgyptAttested only in an inscription; in Theatrum database
Théâtre antique d'ArlesArelateArlesFranceListed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, together with other Roman buildings of the city; in Theatrum database
Roman theatre at Arnières-sur-ItonArnières-sur-ItonFrance in Theatrum database
Roman theatre at Aubigné-RacanAubigné-RacanFrance in Theatrum database
AugustodunumAutunFrance in Theatrum database
Roman theatre at BarzanNovioregumBarzanFrance
Roman theatre at Briga/Augusta AmbianorumBriga/Augusta AmbianorumEuFrance in Theatrum database
Roman theatre at ClionClaudiomagusClion-sur-IndreFrance in Theatrum database
Ancient Theatre of FourvièreLugdunumLyonFrance in Theatrum database
JuliobonaLillebonneFrance in Theatrum database
Théâtre Antique d'OrangeAurasioOrangeFranceThe Théâtre Antique d'Orange is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, together with other Roman buildings of the city; in Theatrum database
Theater at Neung-sur-BeuvronNeung-sur-BeuvronFranceNo longer visible; in Theatrum database
Theatre at Ribemont-sur-AncreRibemont-sur-AncreFrance in Theatrum database
Theatre at St-GoussaudSaint-GoussaudFrance in Theatrum database
Theatre at SanxaySanxaySanxayFrance in Theatrum database
Theatre at Vendeuil-CaplyVendeuil-CaplyFrance in Theatrum database
ViennaVienne, IsèreFrance in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre MogontiacumMainzGermany in Theatrum database
Odeon of Herodes AtticusAthensAthensGreece in Theatrum database
Theatre of DionysusAthensAthensGreecePre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at DelphiDelphiDelphiGreecePre-Roman; in Theatrum database
Theatre at BinyaminaBinyamina / ShuniIsrael in Theatrum database
Theatre at Caesarea MaritimaCaesarea MaritimaIsrael in Theatrum database
Theatre at HipposHipposIsrael in Theatrum database
Theatre at Beit She'anScythopolisBeit She'anIsrael in Theatrum database
Theatre at SepphorisSepphorisTzipporiIsrael in Theatrum database
Theatre at TiberiasTiberiasTveriaIsraelLocation is approximate; in Theatrum database
Theatre at EmmathaEmmathaHamat GaderIsrael in Theatrum database
Theatre at AlbintimiliumAlbintimiliumVentimigliaItaly in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre, AostaAugusta Prætoria SalassorumAostaItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at AquileiaAquileiaAquileiaItaly in FASTI-Online
Theatre at Augusta TaurinorumAugusta TaurinorumTurinItaly in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre, BeneventoBeneventumBeneventoItaly in Theatrum database
BrixiaBresciaItalyListed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, together with other buildings of the city; in Theatrum database
Theatre at CarsulaeCarsulaeSan GeminiItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at Civitas CammunorumCivitas CamunnorumCividate CamunoItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at FaesulaeFaesulaeFiesoleItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at Falerii NoviFalerii NoviCivita CastellanaItalyGeomagnetic survey results
Theatre at FaleroneFalerioFaleroneItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at FerentiumFerentiumItaly; in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre of FlorenceFlorentiaFlorenceItaly?Under the Palazzo Vecchio; in Theatrum database
Theatre at GabiiGabiiGabiiItaly? in Theatrum database
Theatre at IguviumIguviumGubbioItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at Interamna NaharsInteramna NaharsTerniItalyLocation is approximate; in Theatrum database
Theatre at Interamna LirenasInteramna LirenasPignataro InteramnaItaly
Theatre at LunaLuni, ItalyLuni, ItalyItaly
Theatre at MediolanumMediolanumMilanItalyUnder the Palazzo Mezzanotte; in Theatrum database
Theatre at MevaniaMevaniaBevagnaItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at MinturnaeMinturnaeMinturnoItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at OstiaOstiaOstia AnticaItalyAt the ; in Theatrum database
Theatre at PraenestePalestrinaPraenesteItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at PeltuinumPeltuinumPrata d'AnsidoniaItaly
Grand Theatre at PompeiiPompeiiPompeiItaly in Theatrum database
Odeon at PompeiiPompeiiPompeiItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at RicinaRicinaVillapotenza, MacerataItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre of MarcellusRomaRomeItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre of PompeyRomaRomeItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at SaepinumSaepinumAltiliaItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at SuasaSuasaCastelleone di SuasaItaly
Theatre at SpoletiumSpoletiumSpoletoItaly in Theatrum database
Greek Theatre of SyracuseSyracusaeSyracuseItalyPre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Ancient theatre of TaorminaTauromeniumTaorminaItalyPre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at Interamna PraetutianaInteramna PraetutianaTeramoItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at TergesteTergesteTriesteItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at TerracinaTarracinaTerracinaItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at TiburTiburTivoliItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at TusculumTusculumMonte Porzio CatoneItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at Urbs SalviaUrbs SalviaUrbisagliaItaly in Theatrum database
Theatre at VenafroVenafrumVenafroItaly; in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre at VeronaVeronaVeronaItaly in Theatrum database
Teatro BergaVicetiaVicenzaItalyMostly destroyed in the 17th century
Theatre at VolterraVolaterraeVolterraItaly in Theatrum database
Roman TheaterPhiladelphiaAmmanJordan in Theatrum database
Odeon theaterPhiladelphiaAmmanJordan in Theatrum database
Theatre at AbilaAbilaQuwaylibahJordan in Theatrum database
West Theatre at GadaraGadaraUmm QaisJordan in Theatrum database
North Theatre at GadaraGadaraUmm QaisJordan in Theatrum database
South Theatre at GerasaGerasaJerashJordan in Theatrum database
North Theatre at GerasaGerasaJerashJordan in Theatrum database
Theatre at PellaPellaPellaJordan in Theatrum database
Theatre at Petra
PetraJordan in Theatrum database
Theatre at Leptis MagnaLeptis MagnaKhomsLibya in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre at PtolemaisPtolemaisTolmeitaLibya in Theatrum database
SabrathaSabrathaLibya in Theatrum database
Theatre at RicciacumRicciacumDalheimLuxembourg in Theatrum database
Theatre at MeliteMeliteMdinaMaltaNo longer exists
Theatre at Heraclea LyncestisHeraclea LyncestisBitolaNorth Macedonia in Theatrum database
Theatre at ScupiScupiSkopjeNorth Macedonia in Theatrum database
Theatre at StobiStobiGradskoNorth Macedoniac. in Theatrum database
Theatre at LychnidosLychnidosOhridNorth Macedonia in Theatrum database
Theatre at SebasteSebasteSebastiaPalestinian territories in Theatrum database
Theatre at Flavia NeapolisFlavia NeapolisNablusPalestinian territories; in Theatrum database
OlisipoLisbonPortugal; in Theatrum database
Bracara AugustaBragaPortugal
Theatre at AcciJulia Gemela AcciGuadixSpain20 metres in Theatrum database
Theatre at AcinipoAcinipoSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at Baelo ClaudiaBaelo ClaudiaBoloniaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at BaetuloBaetuloBadalonaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at BilbilisBilbilisSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at CaesaraugustaCaesaraugustaZaragozaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre of Carthago NovaCarthago NovaCartagenaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre of CarteiaCarteiaSan RoqueSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre of Clunia SulpiciaClunia SulpiciaCluniaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at CordubaCordubaCórdobaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre of Emerita AugustaEmerita AugustaMéridaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at GadesGadesCádizSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at ItalicaItalicaSantiponceSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at MalacaMalacaMálagaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at MetellinumMetellinumMedellínSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at PollentiaPollentiaAlcúdiaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at Regina TurdoulorumRegina TurdulorumReinaSpain; in Theatrum database
Sagunto Roman theatreSaguntumSaguntoSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at SegobrigaSegobrigaSpain in Theatrum database
Roman theatre of TarracoTarracoTarragonaSpain in Theatrum database
Theatre at Augusta RauricaAugusta RauricaAugstSwitzerland; in Theatrum database
Theatre at AventicumAventicumAvenchesSwitzerland in Theatrum database
Theatre at Lenzburg, LenzburgSwitzerland in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre at ApameaApameaSyria in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre at BosraBostraBosraSyria in Theatrum database
Theatre at DionysiasDionysiasAl-SuwaydaSyria in Theatrum database
Theatre of Dura-EuropusDura-EuroposSyria in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre at PalmyraPalmyraSyria in Theatrum database
Theatre at PhilippopolisPhilippopolisShahbaSyria in Theatrum database
Theatre at JablehGabalaJablehSyria in Theatrum database
Theatre at AlthiburosAlthiburosTunisia in Theatrum database
Theatre at CarthageCarthageCarthageTunisia in Theatrum database
Theatre at DouggaThuggaDouggaTunisia in Theatrum database
Theatre at AncyraAncyraAnkaraTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at AizanoiAizanoiÇavdarhisarTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at AphrodisiasAphrodisiasGeyre, AydınTurkeypre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at ArycandaArycandaTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at AspendosAspendosSerik, AntalyaTurkeyOne of the best preserved theatres from antiquity; in Theatrum database
Theatre at CaunusCaunusDalyan, MuğlaTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at AyaşElaiussa SebasteAyaşTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at EphesusEphesusSelçuk, İzmirTurkeypre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at ErythraeErythraeÇeşme, İzmirTurkeypre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at EuromusEuromusSelimiye, MuğlaTurkeypre-Roman origins; Location approximate; in Theatrum database
Theatre at HalicarnassusHalicarnassusBodrumTurkeypre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre at HierapolisHierapolisPamukkaleTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at Isaura VetusIsaura VetusTurkeyNo longer visible; in Theatrum database
Upper Theatre at KnidosKnidosTurkeypre-Roman origins; spoliated in the 19th century; in Theatrum database
Lower Theatre at KnidosKnidosTurkeypre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
West Theatre at Laodicea on the LycusLaodicea on the LycusTurkey in Theatrum database
North theater at Laodicea on the LycusLaodicea on the LycusTurkey in Theatrum database
Theater at MiletusMiletusTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at MyraMyraTurkeypre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at NysaNysaTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at OlbaOlba UzuncaburçTurkeypre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at PataraPataraTurkey in Theatrum database
Roman Theatre at PergamonPergamonBergamaTurkeyNo longer visible; in Theatrum database
Theatre at Pergamon, AsculepiumPergamon AsculepiumBergamaTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at PergePergeTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at PhaselisPhaselisTurkeyc. in Theatrum database
Theatre at PhocaeaPhocaeaTurkeyLocation is approximate; in Theatrum database
Theatre at SagalassosSagalassosTurkeypre-Roman origins? in Theatrum database
Theatre at SelgeSelgeTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at SideSideTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at TelmessosTelmessosFethiyeTurkey in Theatrum database
Theatre at TermessosTermessosTurkeypre-Roman origins; in Theatrum database
Theatre at VizeBizyeVizeTurkey in Theatrum Database
Theatre at CamolodunumCamulodunumColchesterUnited Kingdom
Verulamium Roman TheatreVerulamiumSt AlbansUnited Kingdom