Ataque de nervios, a sudden nervous reaction, similar to hysterics, or losing control, experienced in response to something
¡Bendito! - variants are ¡Ay bendito! and dito - “aw man” or “oh my god”; “ay” meaning lament, and “bendito” meaning blessed.
abombao / abombada - Referring to food; rotten or damaged.
Chacho - short for muchacho - Guy, male
Al garete - Wild, off the rails, disastrous. Comes from a French expression.
Asicalao - flawless, clean, immaculate
Bembé - a big party.
Birras - Beer
Bochinche- gossip
Boricua - The name given to people born in Puerto Rico by Puerto Ricans.
Bregar - To work on a task, to do something with effort and dedication.
Broki- brother or friend.
Chulería-While in other countries this word means "insolence", in Puerto Rico it has an entirely different meaning and is used to describe that something is good or fun or funny or great or beautiful.
Corillo - Friend, or group of friends.
Dura - Normally means “hard”, but in Puerto Rican slang means that someone is really good at what they do.
Embustería - series of lies, something that is completely false, a "pack of lies"
Fó- -literally translates to "eww!", it is often used as an exclamation in reaction to a bad smell.
Janguear - “to hang out”. Comes from the American expression “hang out”.
Jartera- to be full.
Jíbaro - A person who lives in the countryside or mountain people.
Jumeta - Drunk
Limber - Also, "limbel". A home-made flavored frozen treat usually made from natural fruits or sweet milk mixtures and often served on a small piece of water-resistant paper, a plastic or paper cup, or a popsicle stick. The name is said to have originated from the last name of Charles Lindbergh after the islanders noticed how "cold" he was as compared to the warmth of the locals during Lindbergh's visit to the Island in 1928.
Mamey - Used when referring to something that is easy to do.
Mami and Papi - Terms of endearment; mami when referring to a cute woman, papi when referring to a handsome man, or to address a lover
Nene / Nena - Boy/girl
Panna or Pana- Buddy
Perreo / Perrear - A way of dancing or a danceable song.
Pichea - “forget about that”, Disregard.
Revolú- Used to describe chaotic situations.
Soplapote - a nobody, or a worker low on the hierarchy, or an enabler