Name of Space | Game | Features | Developer | Full Game Launching Support | Release |
Abstergo Lab | Assassin's Creed II | *Security Terminal - Enter Code; successfully enter code to gain access to the "Assassin's Hideout"
- Abstergo Animus Table - Concept Art viewer
- Vendetta - mini-game
- Eagle Vision - Enables view to find six glyphs around the space
- Door - Goes to "Assassin's Hideout"
-Assassin's Hideout -*Concept Art Wall - Concept Art viewer -*Blog - Welcome blog and Developer blogs -*Assassin's Animus 2.0 - View People and Locations | Ubisoft | |  March 25, 2010 |
PS Vita Lounge | - | | Sony Computer Entertainment | | |
nDreams: Aurora 1.9 | Aurora | *Aurora is a unique game world full of challenges and secrets to uncover that will evolve over time with new features, characters, games, and narrative
- OrbRunner - Users can gain XP and unlock special rewards by defending the isles from enemies
- Information Point - various spots with information about Aurora
- Collect-O-Rama - 12 tasks to complete in which upon completion, nDreams will grant the user the "Collect-O-Rama Pack"
- Teller of Tales - 1. Concerning Aurora; 2. Deep Sky Fishing
- Aurora Defense Preview - preview of Aurora Defense
- Sky Fishing - mini-game
- Manhole to "Xi Museum"
- Various shops for nDreams content
| nDreams | |  March 17, 2011 |
 Burn Zombie Burn Lobby
  DoubleSix Lobby | Burn Zombie Burn | *The Maze - A zombie infested maze mini-game with rewards
- Shop - Burn Zombie Burn T-shirts
- In-lounge zombies that walk around
- Video screen advertising Burn Zombie Burn
- Poster
- Seating for the avatars
- A Jail - If users try to glitch in this space, they will be sent here
| Doublesix | |   July 30, 2009 |
BUZZ!: HQ | Buzz! | *Enter BUZZ!: Studio - Takes users to "BUZZ!: Studio" where the 64 Player Buzz! Quizzing is at with rewards Quizzes used for BUZZ!: Studio are PSN user submitted quizzes at websiteVIP-like loungeSeating for avatars | Relentless Software | |  July 16, 2009; originally June 4, 2009 |
Cogs Sky Platform | Cogs | *Play Cogs - a 3D version of Lazy 8 Studios award-winning steampunk puzzle gamePlay Cogs Demo - A demo version of the full game that's accessed in The Hub or the Boardwalk Multiplayer coming soon | Lazy 8 Studios | |  November 3, 2011 |
Dead Nation Safe House | Dead Nation | *Zombie Shooter mini-game | Housemarque | |  February 3, 2011 |
Evil Academy Lounge |  Makai Senki Disgaea 3
  ' | *Usable Prinny Series: Giant Type - Display of a purchasable one
- Read memo left at the "RosenQueen Co." Weapon Shop.
- Shop - Clothes and ornaments from Makai Senki Disgaea 3
- Read the memo left in the "Sickroom".
- Read memo left at the "RosenQueen Co." General Store.
- Questionnaire Corner - Rewards four T-shirts
- Students Wanted! - Poster
- Disgaea Test - A, B, or C answer game
- Video screen - Advertising Makai Senki Disgaea 3
- Move to "Mao's Lab" - Door
| Nippon Ichi Software | | April 23, 2009 July 2, 2009
June 10, 2010 |
Mao's Lab |   Makai Senki Disgaea 3
  ' | *Netherworld Millionaire - Card game
- How to Play "Netherworld Millionaire"
- Arcade Game - Mini-game
- Somebody's face is pasted on the sandbag
- Peek at Mao's diary.
- Move to "Evil Academy Lounge" - Door
| Nippon Ichi Software | | April 23, 2009 July 2, 2009
June 10, 2010 |
DISGAEA 4 Lounge |   Makai Senki Disgaea 4
  ' | *How to Play "Netherworld Millionaire"
- Hell Sevens - mini-game
- Arcade Game - mini-game
- Prize Exchange - exchange points for prizes
- How to Play Prinny Race
- Ticket sales
- Disgaea Test - mini-game
- Commerce Point
- Video screens
| Nippon Ichi Software | | 2011 January 18, 2012 |
Dragon's Green | Dragon's Green | *Dragon's Green - Nine holes of fantasy mini-golf with four difficulty gauntlets
- Dragon's Green Leaderboard - Leaderboard
| Sony Computer Entertainment | | Worldwide: September 16, 2010 |
The Event Horizon Lounge | Dust 514 | *Users talk to the bartender to get directed to the Recruiter Slay — a tabletop style mini-game of world dominationSpecial rewards | CCP Games | | June 13, 2012 |
Dynasty Warriors Online Gallery |  Shin SangokuMusou Online
  Dynasty Warriors Online | *Dragon statue in middle of square
- Fountain
- Corridors surrounding the garden
- Video screen advertising the game
| Koei | | February 11, 2010 |
Far Cry 2: Reuben's Office | Far Cry 2 | *One of the first five Game Spaces for the Home Open Beta Reuben's Report - mini-gameInteractive Map - mini-gameDossiersSeating for avatarsStairs to "Far Cry 2: Train Station" | Ubisoft | | October 16, 2008 ; December 11, 2008 January 22, 2009 |
Far Cry 2: Train Station | Far Cry 2 | *One of the first five Game Spaces for the Home Open Beta
- Mancala - mini-game
- Newspaper Clipping
- Seating for avatars
- Stairs to "Far Cry 2: Reuben's Office"
| Ubisoft | | October 16, 2008 ; December 11, 2008 January 22, 2009 |
Club Fight Night | Fight Night Round 4 | *Expansion to the EA SPORTS Complex
- Club DJ - DJ style mini-game with a reward
- Video screens
- Seating for avatars
- Coming Soon, Robot Boxing
- On November 25, 2009, Fight Night Round 4 producers Mike Mahar and Brian Hayes were in Home between the hours of 4:00pm and 5:00pm PT, for a live chat with the PlayStation Home community.
| EA Sports | |  July 16, 2009 October 9, 2009
 Everybody's Golf Space
 Minna no Golf Lounge
  Hot Shots Golf Lounge |  Everybody's Golf
 Minna no Golf
  Hot Shots Golf | *One of the first five Game Spaces for the Home Open Beta
- Questionnaire - survey that rewards a Grass Lawn Sofa
- A gift from Suzuki - Gives users an EG Lawn Sofa
- Video screen
- Poster
- To 'Everybody's Golf: World Tour' title screen or Start Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds - Lets users game launch
- Seating for avatars
| Clap Hanz | | December 11, 2008 March 26, 2009
June 18, 2009
October 1, 2009 |
Guitar Hero: Backstage | Guitar Hero | *Guitar Hero-Master of Rock - mini-game
- Two video screens advertising Guitar Hero 5 and '
- Seating for avatars
- Guitar Hero-VIP Access - Accesses the VIP Lounge
-VIP Lounge - VIP lounge for Guitar Hero 5 -Users must register on the Guitar Hero 5 website to access the space -After entering the space, users receive a couple of Guitar Hero 5 themed items
| Neversoft | | March 26, 2009 |
Abandoned Docks of Empire City | inFAMOUS | *inFAMOUS Phone - Enter various numbers that are found in the space to hear different messages
- Reaper Shock - mini-game where users can zap reapers with a global leader board and rewards
- inFAMOUS Graffiti - Users can create their own graffiti to display for their friends
- inFAMOUS Blog - First space to broadcast exclusive media for a game, developed by Sucker Punch Productions
- Video screen advertising inFAMOUS
- Seating for avatars
| Sucker Punch Productions | |   July 2, 2009 |
Journey | Journey | *Users wander the desert looking to unlock its secrets | thatgamecompany | |  March 14, 2012 |
LittleBigPlanet PlayGround | LittleBigPlanet | *King’s Snap Happy Photo Challenge - Mini-game where users take different photos that the king tells them to; three levelsLittleBigPlanet Store-"The Creator -Sub-space of the PlayGround -Users can create their own wallpapers for their PS3's XMB -LittleBigPlanet Dirby - A new space within the LittleBigPlanet PlayGround -LittleBigPlanet Dirby shooting mini-game | Media Molecule | | Worldwide: May 13, 2010 |
MuiMui Ship | LocoRoco | *Information Board
- How to Play Domingo Race - Instructions
- Domingo Race Ticket Booth - Mini-game
- Binoculars - Lets users view the "LocoIsland" personal apartment
- Pickory Exchange - Lets users trade in the pickories they have earned for items
- MuiMui Shop - PSN Game Store for LocoRoco
- MuiMui Shop - Home virtual items store for LocoRoco
| SCE Japan Studio | | January 7, 2010  February 18, 2010 |
Main Hall | ' | *Displays of Mana, Serra Angel, Jace Beleren, Sphinx, Demon, Hydra, Chandra Nalaar, and The Knowledge Font
- Name That Card Game
- What Mana Color Are You? Game
- Spot the Difference Game
- Get Final T-shirt Reward - obtain all other T-shirts to access
- Magic: The Gathering Store - Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers content
- Doors to the "Gallery"
The "Gallery" - Displays of Magic: The Gathering artwork -Displays of Kavu Aggressor, Veteran Cavalier, Eternal Dragon, Tidal Warrior, Serra Angel, Oathsworn Giant, Yawgmoth's Edict, Glade Gnarr, Centaur Veteran, Essence Scatter, Shook, Shiva Dragon, Alexi, Zephyr Mage, Avatar of Woe, Vampire Hounds, Unnatural Selection, Liege of the Pit, Ravanous Baloth, Undo, Kindled Fury, and Dragon -Fractured Statue Game -Fractured Picture Game -Art Fragments Game | Stainless Games | |  February 10, 2011 |
Men In Black Headquarters | ' | *MIB HQ Check-In - Users take a quiz to find out if they're an agent or an alien, if agent, they can enter the HQ
- MIB Headquarter - Central - Elevator taking users downstairs where users can access a shop for MIB content
- Users can take photos with their favourite agents, and walk around the headquarters for rewards and sneak peeks from the new movie Men in Black 3 and the upcoming video game MIB: Alien Crisis
| FunLabs | | May 2, 2012 May 16, 2012 |
ModNation Club | ModNation Racers | *Dance Floor
- Leaderboard - For Hot Seat, ModNation, and Skee Racing
- ModNation Racer's Website - Accesses website
- Skee Racing - mini-game
- MadNation Sticker Wall - Create designs
- Tool Tips - Tips for Skee Racing
| United Front Games | |  May 27, 2010 July 22, 2010 |
MotorStorm Sphere | ' | *Was only available for a limited time
- Fully launched as the "MotorStorm Carrier" Game Space
- Europe only - When users first accessed the space, they received "MotorStorm Festival Jeans"
- MotorStorm Jukebox - Thirteen songs to choose from
- Video screen advertising MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
- Seating for avatars
| Evolution Studios | |  August 13, 2009Removed October 9, 2009 |
MotorStorm Carrier | ' | *MotorStorm Carrier Treasure Hunt - Mini-game involving the in-game avatars Fidget and Bones
- Arcade Game - Lunatic Launcher arcade game
- MotorStorm Web Portal - Access internet
- MotorStorm DJ Deck - Lets users select a track to play
- MotorStorm Light Controls - Lets users control the lights on the dance floor
- MotorStorm Smoke Machine - Lets users turn on or off the smoke machine for the dance floor
- MotorStorm Merch Stall - Shop
- Video screen advertising '
- Posters advertising MotorStorm
- Seating for avatars
| Evolution Studios | |  February 18, 2010 April 29, 2010 |
NOL Lounge | Nobunaga no Yabou: Tendou | Lounge for Nobunaga no Yabou: TendouExclusive to Japan currently | KOEI | | 2010 |
Novus Prime | Novus Prime | *Free-to-play multi-player game for PlayStation HomeStop - Items for Novus PrimeSpacewalk - Anti-gravity area for avatarsJoin the Fight! - Space battle mini-gameVIP Area - Special access | Hellfire Games | |  December 2, 2010 |
GINDAMA Humane Shopping Street | PachiPara DL Hyper Sea Story In Karibu | *Middle-aged woman in the okonomiyaki shop - in-lounge avatarRadioYoung man from the clothing shop - ShopApologetic shopkeeperPachinko Machine - mini-gameCheerful shopkeeper - purchase PachiPara DL Hyper Sea Story in KaribuMatch Arranger Kanada - Game Match stationIn-lounge avatars playing the Pachinko Machine - Gamble Shigela, Woman paying attention to the back, Kind-hearted woman, Laughing Man, Man playing pachinko, Happy woman, and Man talking in a low voiceBus Stop - Go to "Irem Square", "Seaside of Memories", "Gathering Place for Spelunkers", "Sparkle in the Void of Space", "Field of Ge Kito", and Stay Here | Irem Software Engineering | | February 25, 2010 April 20, 2010 |
Ratchet & Clank: Time Travelers | ' | *Gadgetron HQ - Explore Ratchet & Clank's Action-Packed World
- Skunk Works' Multi-Player Shooter - Mini-game with rewards
- Escaped Sheep - Mini-game with rewards
- Grummelnet Superstore - Shop with Ratchet & Clank items including the "Ratchet & Clank: Home Sweet Home" personal space
- Groovitron Testing
- Battle Throughout Time in the Firing Range - Past, Present, and Future with the Artillery Mini-Game in each
- Ammo information of Inducer, Quack-O-Ray, Time Bomb, Meteor Gun, Liquid Nitrogen, Blitz Gun, Fusion Grenade, and Harbinger
| Insomniac Games | |  October 15, 2009 November 19, 2009 |
 BIOHAZARD 5 Film Studio
 RESIDENT EVIL 5 Studio Lot |   Biohazard 5
  Resident Evil 5 | *Five posters
- Butcher's Shop
- Treasure Hunt "BSAA Training Mission" - mini-game that rewards four different beetles depending on the time the user finds the beetle within the three-minute hunt
- Adam's Shop -First in-lounge shop in Home, purchasable RE5/BH5 costumes for users avatars and ornaments for users personal spaces
- Arcade game - Lets users game launch
- "RE5/BH5 Archives", open to Asia, Japan & North America, reward is Albert Wesker's sunglasses, will be open soon to Europe, must own RE5/BH5 to access
| Capcom | | Worldwide: March 5, 2009 |
Resistance Station | Resistance 2 | *Four Barrels of Fury - Turret style FPS mini-game with rewardsVideo Screen advertising Resistance 2 for Asia and Japan and ' for Europe and North AmericaFor a limited time in Europe, there was a poster where the video screen is that had a code in which the first 3,000 users that redeemed it received a Resistance: Retribution T-shirtScreen - Leader board for Four Barrels of FurySeating for avatars | Insomniac Games | |   May 21, 2009 September 10, 2009 |
Resistance Diner | Resistance 3 | *Scavenger Hunt mini-game | Insomniac Games | |  September 8, 2011 |
Sparkle in the Void of Space | ' | *First PSP title to receive a Game Space
- Space station
- Display of three R-Type shooter ships
- R-Type Shooter mini-game with rewards
- Video screen advertising R-Type Tactics II: Operation Bitter Chocolate
- Shop selling related items
- Bus Stop - Go to "Irem Square", "Seaside of Memories", "Gathering Place for Spelunkers", "Field of Ge Kito", "GINDAMA Humane Shopping Street" and Stay Here
| Irem Software Engineering | | December 3, 2009 February 25, 2010 |
The SingStar Rooms | SingStar | *Dance floor reacts to the shapes you throw and that the music will change according to what style on dance the majority of avatars are partaking in
- SingStar Video Juke Box - Users can vote on songs
- SingStar Music Quiz - Coming in a later update
- Rewards - 5 different SingStar T-shirts
- "The SingStar Rooms: VIP"
-Used for special SingStar events -Was first available from September 24, 2009 to October 9, 2009 and featured an event for Dizzee Rascal, a Mercury Award Winner -VIP room reopened for Christmas from December 17, 2009 to January 14, 2010 with a new mini-game -Reopened for an event for the band Stereophonics on March 25, 2010 | SCE London Studio | |  September 24, 2009 |
SIREN Lounge |   '
  ' | *One of the first five Game Spaces for the Home Open Beta
- Video screen
- Wheel chair seat for avatars
- At 12 am CT, a siren goes off, the space goes red and three shibitos come out from the woods for about three minutes
- Ward of Despair - room with the mini-game Ward of Despair, three screens, and seating for avatars
| SCE Japan Studio | | December 11, 2008 March 26, 2009
May 7, 2009
April 1, 2010 |
SOCOM: Opposing Force | ' | *First space to award an in-game item for use in the game the space is based upon
- Golden AK-47 Assembly Assembly - Assemble an assault rifle in 12 seconds to win a Golden AK-47 for use in SOCOM: Confrontation
- 5-Finger Fillet mini-game with leaderboards
- Entrance to "SOCOM: Tactical Operations" space
| Slant Six Games | |  April 15, 2010 |
SOCOM: Tactical Operations Center | ' | *SOCOM Telestrator - Users can collaborate, strategize, and enhance their gameplay experienceTOC terminal - Users can learn about Crossroads, Urban Wasteland, Quarantine, Fallen, Kasbah, Desert Glory, and Frost Fire mapsSOCOM Leaderboard - Regional leaderboard for SOCOM: ConfrontationSeating for avatarsEntrance to "SOCOM: Opposing Force" space | Slant Six Games | | June 18, 2009 July 2, 2009
August 27, 2009 |
Sodium Hub | Sodium | *Home's first Massively multiplayer online game published by Lockwood Publishing
- VICKIE - Accesses Objectives, Resource Trading, Shop, Gift Friends, and Connect
- Commerce Point - Shop with items from the Sodium universe and items from Lockwood and Outso
- Portal to the "Salt Shooter Game" personal space and public space
- Scorpios - Bar- like area where users can be bartenders to earn points or customers to consume drinks
- VIP Area - Special access area
- Twitter Screens - Live Twitter feed from Lockwood
- Use - Vending machine with Vetoxade drink
- Display of Salt Shooter Tank - Goes to "Salt Shooter Game" personal space
- Teleport to "Sodium Training"
-Sodium Training - Accesses Tank Trainer, Commerce Point, and teleporter to the "Salt Shooter Game" and "Sodium 2" | Outso | |  December 17, 2009
June 17, 2010
July 30, 2010 |
Salt Shooter - Public Game Space | Sodium One - Salt Shooter | *A public space version of the personal space, "Salt Shooter Game"
- Slightly modified from the personal space version
- Salt Shooter Game - new rewards
- Features displays of enemy units: Sand Skater, Skimmer Assault Drone, Scout Drone, Heavy LRM Drone, Light Assault Drone, Sand Stalker, and Advanced Scorpion Scout
- Portal to "Sodium Hub"
- Portal to "Sodium 2"
- Commerce Point
| Outso | |  October 6, 2011 |
Sodium 2 | Sodium 2: Project Velocity | * Project Velocity - Game where users race in their customized Velocity Racers Multiplayer - Users can race against other users of similar rank with their customized Velocity RacersGarage - Upgrade Velocity Racers with unlocked partsCommerce Point - Shop with items from the Sodium universe and items from Lockwood and OutsoTeleport to the Sodium HubTeleport to the Salt Shooter Game | Outso | |  June 16, 2011 |
 Gathering Place for Spelunkers
 Gathering Place for Cave Explorers |   Minna de Spelunker
  Spelunker HD | *Stone Monument - Credits of Developers
- Poster - Advertising the game
- Bus Depot - Go to "Irem Square", "Seaside of Memories", "Sparkle in the Void of Space", "GINDAMA Humane Shopping Street", "Fields of Ge Kito", and Stay Here
- Shop - Irem related content
- Stone Statue of the Wind & Rain - Game Matching station
- Statue of the Moon & Sun - Game Matching station
- Muttering Old Man - Murmurs in a foreign language
- Clever-looking Boy - Gives a potion
- Displays of Mysterious Ore, Fang of a Mighty Creature, Crystal Skull, Piece of Stone Slab, Ancient Book, Big Key, Cave Bat Guano, and Cave Snake Specimen
| Irem Software Engineering | | March 19, 2009 July 23, 2009
November 25, 2010 |
S.I.N.'s Secret Base from Street Fighter IV | Street Fighter IV | *Challenge Opponent - Shows your personal action by wearing full Street Fighter IV costumes
- Ladder to climb up to center of room
- Go up - Must qualify to play
- Shop - Street Fighter IV costumes and items
- Video screen advertising Street Fighter IV
| Capcom | | July 30, 2009 September 24, 2009
October 9, 2009
October 23, 2009 |
Street Fighter X Tekken Total Game Integration | Street Fighter X Tekken | *Users can square off against friends and foes using their own avatars | Dimps/Capcom | | July 25, 2012 |
Mishima Zaibatsu - Recreation Floor | Tekken 6 | *Dumbbell Rack - Access for male and female rewards
- Do you need something to drink? - Access for a reward
- Arcade Game - Lets users game launch
- Store - Free Kazuya costume
- Video screen
- Seating for the avatars
- Door for Namco Bandai's developer space, the "Community Arena" or "Namco Theatre" except in Europe
| Namco Bandai Games | | October 23, 2009  October 29, 2009 |
The Godfather II | The Godfather II | *Five poker tables for "No Limit Texas Hold'em"
- Video screen advertising The Godfather II
- Seating for avatars
- Users can see a pair of legs of a dead guy under one of the staircases
| Visceral Games | | April 9, 2009 |
Hot Zone | The Midway | *Central hub for the MidwaysThe Midway's Cash Carnival Sweepstakes - registrationHot Streak Air Hockey - mini-game Redemption Center - redeem Hot Zone pointsSpeed Dial - coming soonTicket Booth - Purchase tickets and content from Mass MediaGo to "Darla's Den"Go to The MidwayGo to The Midway 2Go to The Midway 3 | Mass Media Inc. | |  May 16, 2012 |
The Midway | The Midway | *Meet DarlaTen mini-games: Darla's Darts, Spilt Milk, Frog Flinger, Trigger Happy, High Roller, Fickle Flapper of Fate, Bell Ringer, Ball Squeezer, Rebound, and Miz FortuneGo to "Darla's Den" - free personal spaceTicket Booth - Purchase tickets and content from Mass MediaGo to The Midway 2Go to The Midway 3Go to "Hot Zone" | Mass Media Inc. | |  July 1, 2010 |
The Midway 2 | The Midway 2 | *Ten mini-games: Wet and Wild, Kitty Cannon, Pop Goes the Weasel, Blue Balls, Swinger, Glue Factory, Bite Me, Teed Off, Half Cocked, and Miz FortuneGo to "Darla's Den" - free personal spaceTicket Booth - Purchase tickets and content from Mass MediaGo to The MidwayGo to The Midway 3Go to "Hot Zone | Mass Media Inc. | |  December 9, 2010 |
The Midway 3 | The Midway 3 | *Ten mini-games: Light Me Up, Bit Foot, Puck It!, Scatter Shot, Dead Ringer, Pull My Finger, Beans Beans Beans, Whack Off, Penny Pincher, and Miz FortuneGo to "Darla's Den" - free personal spaceGo to The MidwayGo to The Midway 2Go to "Hot Zone" | Mass Media Inc. | |  May 16, 2012 |
UFC Octagon | UFC Undisputed 3 | *Mini-games - Trivia Takedown, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, and Pull-Ups | THQ | |  July 14, 2011 |
Uncharted: Sully's Bar | ' | *One of the first five Game Spaces for the Home Open BetaMercenary Madness - arcade mini-gameArchives - room with Artifact Viewer, a video screen advertising ', and seatingArtifact Room - room with seatingSmuggler's Den - room with Artifact Viewer and seating | Naughty Dog | | October 11, 2008 ; December 11, 2008 November 5, 2009
May 7, 2010 |
UNCHARTED 2 Nepalese Village | ' | *This space makes Uncharted the first game series to have a game space for both games in the series
- Mask Mayhem - Mini-game where users find the pieces of the mask around the space and then try to assemble it for a reward
- Torch Race - Mini-game
- Fortunate Thieves - Card-like mini-game with rewards; Jack Buser described it as an interactive, mini-Massively multiplayer online game
- Uncharted 2 Blog - Lets users access the Uncharted 2 Blog
- Video screen advertising the game
- Seating for the avatars
| Naughty Dog | |  October 23, 2009 May 7, 2010
Fortune Hunter | ' | *Limited time space for the Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Total Game Integration
- A partial recreation of the Yemen level from the Uncharted 3 multiplayer
- UNCHARTED 3: Fortune Hunter - third-person shooter mini-game with Home rewards; upon 100% completion grants an in-game bonus for Uncharted 3
- Pre-order - Users can pre-order Uncharted 3 from this space from and receive a "Nathan Drake" costume with gun firing action for their Home avatar
- To "Central Plaza/Home Square" - takes users to the Central Plaza or Home Square
| Naughty Dog | |  October 13, 2011Limited time |
DOL Lounge | Uncharted Waters Online | *Lounge for Uncharted Waters Online
- Exclusive to Japanese Home currently
| KOEI | | 2010 |
Warhawk | Warhawk | *Warhawk Sand Table - strategize attacksLearning Terminal - eight in all for General Hints, Weapons, and FlyingHolograms of two different WarhawksEight Warhawk Posters | Incognito Entertainment/SCE Studios Santa Monica | | February 26, 2009Removed July 1, 2010 |
DOKO DEMO ISSYO Lounge | Weekly Toro Station | Vending Machine - Shop
- 980yen Canteen -Grants a reward
- TORO's Apartment
- TORO Shop - Shop
- Let's Take a Commemorative Photo - Take a photo
- Quack Springs
- Examine - Information
- Noodle Shop
| Bexide/Sony Computer Entertainment Japan | |  August 6, 2010 |
Xi Museumformerly Xi Alumni Hub | Xi | *Xi Alumni Hub was removed on April 22, 2010 for updating
- Relaunched on December 23, 2010 as the Xi Museum
- Xi Quiz - 5 question quiz about Xi
- Xi Museum Shop - Xi related items and items from nDreams
- Teleports for Alpha Zone 1 and 3
- "Alpha Zone 1 - Game Test Area" features the mini-game Hexoplis and also accesses the Maximum-Tilt Lobby and Adventure Lobby
-*Hexoplis - race to beat 6 mini-games in 6 minutes or 5 minutes -*Maximum-Tilt Lobby - mini-game where users ride hover bikes to gain 25,000 points -*Adventure Lobby - two text based mini-games: Cavern of the Bandit King and Corrupted
- "Alpha Zone 3 - Entrance and Team Maze" features 4 mazes: Teamwork Maze, Ghost Maze, Riddle Maze, and The Expert Maze
-*Teamwork Maze - users use teamwork to solve the maze -*Ghost Maze - users cannot touch the ghosts while solving the maze -*Riddle Maze - users solve riddles to solve the maze -*The Expert Maze - users use all previous rules to solve the maze
- View Xi slideshow - slideshow of the 12 weeks of Xi
- View screen - Shows how Xi started with the clues and everything over the 12 weeks of Xi
- Door to go to "Home Square" or "Central Plaza"
| nDreams | |  July 2, 2009; relaunched December 23, 2010 |
Developer | Name of Space | Features | Release |
EA Sports | EA SPORTS Complex Green Poker Room | *Originally called the "EA SPORTS Complex Upstairs"
- Poker - Four green poker tables with rewards; no buy in requirement
- Eight posters advertising EA Sports games
- Two video screens
- Seating for the avatars
- Stairs that go to the "EA SPORTS Racing Complex"
|  April 23, 2009 October 9, 2009
EA Sports | EA SPORTS Complex Red Poker Room | *Poker - Four red poker tables and one black poker table with rewards; Buy in for red tables is 2,000 and for the black table is 10,000
- Eight posters advertising EA Sports games
- Two video screens
- Seating for the avatars
- Stairs that go to the "EA SPORTS Golf Complex"
|  July 2, 2009 October 9, 2009
EA Sports | EA SPORTS Golf Complex | *Practice Range - Golf mini-game with rewards; two practice ranges total, one on each side of the Complex
- Three video screens
- Seating for the avatars
- Coming soon, a Golf Pro-Shop
- Stairs that go to the "EA SPORTS Complex Red Poker Room"
- Door that goes to "Club Fight Night"
|  July 2, 2009 October 9, 2009
EA Sports | EA SPORTS Racing Complex | *Originally called the "EA SPORTS Complex"
- Racing - Racing mini-game with a reward; eight cars total, four on each side of the Complex
- Three video screens
- EA SPORTS Pro Shop - Fight Night Round 4 virtual items
- Seating for the avatars
- Stairs that go to the "EA SPORTS Complex Green Poker Room"
- Door that goes to "Club Fight Night"
|  April 23, 2009 October 9, 2009
GAME | GAME Moonbase | *GAME Store - Shop
- GAME Moonbase Shop - Purchase games from GAME
- Lunar Leap - mini-game
- Lunar Dual - two player mini-game
| March 18, 2010 |
Granzella Inc. | Great Edo of Nippon | *Goldfish Scooper Ginji - mini-gameShooting Gallery - mini-gameStraw Bundle for practice - mini-gameGo around - to get in hot tubDraper Store Minder Sakichi - storeIn-lounge avatars - Stylish Kanbei, Rumor-loving Oyuki, Fruit Seller Mokichi, Sushi Seller Yohei, Tempura Seller Otoyo, Barley Tea Seller Okiku, Blow Dart Tokubei, Time Turner Old Woman, Moocher Tora Kichi, Stern Samurai Gonzaemon, Bath-averse Okusa, and Hurried Express Messenger JinbeiSpirit Hunting Mission - Individual Battle One, Two,and ThreeSpirit Hunting Mission - Group Battle One, Two, and ThreeNO THOROUGHFARE Sign - three "under construction" signs | January 5, 2012 January 18, 2012 |
Granzella Inc. | Southern Island Hideaway | *Jet Ski racing mini-game
- Ocean Floor Treasure Hunt mini-game
- Shop for items from Granzella
|  September 22, 2011 |
Hudson Entertainment | Hudson Gate | *Dolphy Race - Lets users race dolphins or vote on a dolphin to win a race To Waterfall Disk - Takes users to the Waterfall DiskHudson Theater - Takes users to the "Hudson Theater" where they can view videos of Hudson gamesTo Large Monitor - Takes users to the large monitorBomber Dome - Takes users to the "Bomber Dome" where they can play a Bomberman-style mini-gameTo Shop Disk - Takes users to the Shop Disk to access the shop to purchase content |   September 2, 2010 September 9, 2010 |
Irem | Irem Square | *Was redecorated for the New Year from January 7, 2010 to January 14, 2010 in Japan; to January 21, 2010 in Asia
- Was Redecorated from December 17, 2009 to January 7, 2010 for the holiday season
- Based on the Japanese traditional festival
- Message board - Details lounge events and new night stalls
- Vendors - Nine in all with free stuff or a mini-game with rewards
- The nine Night Stalls are the Neighborhood Association Chairman, the Cheerful Balloon Vendor, the Okonomiyaki Vendor, the Cotton Candy Vendor, the Taiyaki Vendor, the Droll Mask Vendor, the Man Selling Shady Goods, and the Goldfish Scooping Game
- Japanese Confectionery Vendor - Shop with items from Irem
- Yagura - A large watchtower in the center of the space with a video screen at the top of it
- Seating for the avatars
- Bus Stop - Go to "Seaside of Memories", "Gathering Place for Spelunkers", "Sparkle in the Void of Space", "Field of Ge Kito", "GINDAMA Humane Shopping Street", and Stay Here
| February 26, 2009 July 23, 2009
January 14, 2010
June 3, 2010
Irem | Seaside of Memories | *Was redecorated for the New Year from January 7, 2010 to January 14, 2010 in Japan; to January 21, 2010 in Asia
- Was Redecorated from December 17, 2009 to January 7, 2010 for the holiday season
- Beach resort with three accessible huts
- Tropical Angel Shop - Swimsuit apparel for users avatars
- First space to let users go in and under the water; if users stay too long under the water, they get reset back at the entrance of the space
- Flashing Stars - Found under the water, each with different rewards for finding them
- Seating for the avatars
- Bus Stop - Go to "Irem Square", "Gathering Place for Spelunkers", "Sparkle in the Void of Space", "Field of Ge Kito", "GINDAMA Humane Shopping Street", and Stay Here
|  August 13, 2009 March 4, 2010
August 26, 2010 |
Konami | Konami Penthouse | Displays of Konami's games
- Dance Floor - Dance competitions
- Shop - Konami content
| November 25, 2010 |
Lockwood Publishing | Showcase Lobby | *For limited time, can be accessed from "Caramel" in the Central PlazaFive limited time rewards |  September 22, 2011 |
Loot Interactive | Loot Space Station | A public space devoted to videos and special events. | April 7, 2011 |
LucasArts | The LucasArts Star Wars Cantina | *In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Star WarsVideo screenLucasArts Store for Star Wars itemsVideo screenSeating for avatarsA band and bartender from |  August 5, 2010 |
Namco Bandai Games |  Game Arena
 Namco Arcade Center | *The first Game Developer Space for the Home Open Beta
- Arcade machines of all of the Namco Museum collection that can be downloaded from the PlayStation Network Store
- Money Exhchange Machine - Has a reward
- Vending Machine - Has a reward
- Love Seat - Users can test their compatibility and get one of three rewards
- The Idolmaster SP Wandering Star, Perfect Sun, & Missing Moon Vending Machines - Users can play roulette to get rewards
- Video screen
- Seating for the avatars
- Door for the "Community Arena", or "Namco Theatre"
| December 11, 2008 March 26, 2009
July 16, 2009 |
Namco Bandai Games |   Community Arena
 Namco Theatre | *The first Game Developer Space for the Home Open Beta
- The Idolmaster SP 961 Production Vending Machine - Users can play roulette to get rewards
- Displays of Soulcalibur IV, Ridge Racer 7, and Tekken 6
- Video screens behind each advertising each of those games
- Seating for the avatars
| December 11, 2008 March 26, 2009
July 16, 2009 |
Psygnosis/SCE Studio Liverpool | WipEout Museum | *WipEout Team Logo Hunt - Search for 12 lights around the space to reveal the team logos
- Arcade Game - WipEout arcade game
- WipEout DJ Deck - 27 different tracks to play
- WipEout Web Portal - Accesses website
| July 8, 2010 |
Q-Games | PixelJunk Museum
 PixelJunk Exhibition | *Features the games PixelJunk Eden, PixelJunk Monsters, and PixelJunk Racers
- For PixelJunk Eden, there are glass art displays of Pana, Phona, and Okali
- For PixelJunk Monsters, there are displays of the Giant, Fire Tower, Mortar Tower, and Trap Tower
- For PixelJunk Racers, there are displays of Silver Monkey mkll and Fireball V-series racers
- A PixelJunk Game Shop with PixelJunk items
- Video screen advertising the games
- Seating for the avatars
- From September 24-October 9, 2009, Japan's featured a virtual recreation of Q-Games TGS 2009 Booth called the "Q-Games virtual public TGS Booth"
- The TGS Booth featured a video screen and a free shirt
- "PixelJunk Shooter Mother Ship Hangar"
-Exhibition for PixelJunk Shooter accessed through the door behind the shop -Opened on December 17, 2009 for North America and January 14, 2010 for Japan | September 24, 2009
October 9, 2009
February 4, 2010
March 25, 2010 |