List of German women artists
This is a list of women artists who were born in Germany or whose artworks are closely associated with that country.
- Louise Abel, German-born Norwegian photographer
- Tomma Abts, abstract painter
- Elisabeth von Adlerflycht, painter
- Anni Albers, German-American textile artist, printmaker
- Elisabeth Andrae, painter
- Annot, painter, art teacher, writer, pacifist
- Clara Arnheim, painter
- Ulrike Arnold, artist
- Ursula Arnold, photographer
- Eva Aschoff, visual artist
- Elvira Bach, painter
- Bele Bachem, graphic artists, illustrator, stage designer and writer
- Nina Lola Bachhuber, sculptor, installation artist, artist
- Carola Baer-von Mathes, painter
- Alma del Banco, modernist painter
- Tina Bara, photographer
- Caroline Bardua, painter
- Uta Barth, photographer
- Carla Bartheel, actress and photographer
- Jeanna Bauck, painter
- Karin Baumeister-Rehm, painter
- Mary Baumeister, artist
- Hilla Becher, photographer
- Katharina Behrend, photographer
- Gisela Beker, German-American painter
- Sibylle Bergemann, photographer
- Karin Baumeister-Rehm, painter and opera singer
- Ingeborg de Beausacq, German-born American photographer and explorer
- Luise Begas-Parmentier, painter
- Olga Beggrow-Hartmann, German/Russian, painter
- Julia Behr, portrait painter
- Amalie Bensinger, religious painter
- Charlotte Berend-Corinth, painter
- Josefa Berens-Totenohl, writer and painter
- Ella Bergmann-Michel, abstract painter, photographer, filmmaker
- Ruth Bernhard, German-born American photographer
- Hanna Bieber-Böhm, painter
- Aenne Biermann, photographer
- Ilse Bing, avant-garde photographer
- Frieda Blell, landscape painter
- Anna Katharina Block, flower painter
- Anna Blume, photographer
- Bärbel Bohley, artist, East German opposition figure
- Cosima von Bonin, contemporary artist
- Paula Bonte, painter
- Madeleine Boschan, sculptor
- Jenny Bossard-Biow, photographer
- Pola Brändle, collage artist
- Kerstin Brätsch, contemporary artist
- Marianne Breslauer, photographer
- Dora Bromberger, painter
- Theresia Anna Maria von Brühl, pastellist
- Hede Bühl, sculptor
- Andrea Büttner, multi-medium artist
- Dagmar Calais, painter and installation artist
- Maria Caspar-Filser, painter
- Suzanne Chodowiecka, painter
- Claricia, manuscript illuminator
- Penelope Cleyn, miniaturist
- Helene Cramer, painter
- Molly Cramer, painter
- Helga von Cramm, painter, illustrator and graphic artist
- Alice Creischer, artist, writer and theorist
- Anna Dabis, sculptor
- Hanne Darboven, conceptual artist
- Gabriela Dauerer, contemporary painter
- Marie Davids, painter
- Wanda von Debschitz-Kunowski, portrait photographer
- Paula Deppe, painter, engraver and illustrator
- Selma Des Coudres, painter
- Christa Dichgans, painter
- Adelheid Dietrich, still life painter
- Minya Diez-Dührkoop, photographer
- Barbara Regina Dietzsch, painter and engraver
- Jacqueline Diffring, sculptor
- Christel Drillbohrer, painter, installation artist
- Sophie Dinglinger, painter
- Louise Droste-Roggemann, painter
- Inge Druckrey, graphic designer and educator
- Tatjana Doll, contemporary painter
- Louise Droste-Roggemann, painter
- Ruth Duckworth, German-American sculptor and ceramist
- Julie von Egloffstein, painter
- Michaela Eichwald, painter
- Elisabeth von Eicken, landscape painter
- Frauke Eigen, photographer
- Marie Ellenrieder, painter
- Gertrude Fehr, photographer
- Anke Feuchtenberger, painter, comics artist
- Elsa Fraenkel, sculptor
- Maria Elektrine von Freyberg, painter
- Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, avant-garde artist, poet
- Eva Frankfurther, painter
- Caroline Friederike Friedrich, flower painter
- Katharina Fritsch, sculptor
- Helene Funke, painter and graphic designer
- Edith Galliner, artist
- Anna Rosina de Gasc, portrait painter
- Sylke von Gaza, abstract painter
- Anna Margarethe Geiger, pastellist
- Senta Geißler, painter
- Isa Genzken, contemporary artist
- Ida Gerhardi, painter
- Anna Gerresheim, painter, etcher
- Helga Goetze, embroiderer, poet, activist
- Hilde Goldschmidt, painter and printmaker
- Marie Goslich, photographer and journalist
- Sophia Goudstikker, Dutch-born German photographer and feminist
- Dorothea Maria Graff, painter
- Catrin G. Grosse, painter, graphic designer and sculptor
- Katharina Grosse, artist
- Rita Grosse-Ruyken, contemporary artist
- Annelie Grund, glass artist
- Sabina Grzimek, sculptor
- Julia Gunther, photographer and documentary cinematographer
- Lisel Haas, theatre photographer
- Esther Haase, photographer and film director
- Godela Habel, painter
- Sarah Haffner, German-British painter and writer
- Julie Wilhelmine Hagen-Schwarz, portrait painter
- Magda Hagstotz, abstract painter
- Henriette Hahn-Brinckmann, painter and lithographer
- Tina Haim-Wentscher,, German-Australian sculptress
- Andrea Hanak, painter
- Sandra Hastenteufel, contemporary artist
- Iris Häussler, German-born Canadian conceptual, installation artist
- Roswitha Hecke, photographer
- Elise Neumann Hedinger, painter
- Susan Hefuna, visual artist
- Marta Hegemann, avant-garde painter
- Catharina Elisabeth Heinecken, artist and alchemist
- Annemarie Heinrich, German-born Argentine photographer
- Carola Helbing-Erben, textile artist
- Amalia von Helvig, artist, writer, who moved to Sweden
- Ingrid Hermentin, computer graphic artist
- Johanna Helena Herolt, botanical painter
- Charline von Heyl, German-American painter
- Lotte Herrlich, photographer of naturism
- Vera Hilger, painter
- Dora Hitz, painter
- Hannah Höch, avant-garde artist
- Sophie Hoechstetter, painter, poet
- Marta Hoepffner, photographer
- Candida Höfer, photographer
- Margret Hofheinz-Döring, painter and graphic artist
- Bettina Hohls, artist and designer
- Margarethe Hormuth-Kallmorgen, painter
- Rebecca Horn, installation artist
- Sabine Hornig, photographer
- Maria Innocentia Hummel, nun, artist
- Irma Hünerfauth, painter, sculptor and object artist
- Ingeborg Hunzinger, sculptor
- Auguste Hüssener, engraver and miniaturist
- Walde Huth, photographer
- Lotte Jacobi, German-American photographer
- Marie Jensen, painter
- Charlotte Joël, photographer
- Ilse Jonas, painter
- Tina Juretzek, painter
- Amalie Kärcher, fruit and flower painter
- Johanna Keimeyer, photographer, artist
- Maria Countess von Kalckreuth, painter
- Annette Kelm, contemporary artist, photographer
- Marie von Keudell, painter
- Inge King, German-born Australian sculptor
- Astrid Kirchner, photographer, artist
- Mary Louisa Kirschner, painter, glass artist
- Johanna Kirsch, painter
- Anna Klein, painter
- Barbara Klemm, press photographer
- Dora Koch-Stetter,, landscape artist, portrait painter and etcher
- Käthe Kollwitz, painter, printmaker
- Katrin Korfmann, contemporary artist
- Emma Körner, painter
- Marianne Kraus, painter, travel writer
- Monika Kropshofer, photographer
- Christiane Kubrick, actress, dancer, painter and singer
- Germaine Krull, photographer, activist
- Marianne Kühn, politician and painter
- Susanne Kühn, painter
- Marie Kundt, photographer and educator
- Barbara Kussinger, painter
- Lotte Laserstein, German-Swedish painter
- Henni Lehmann, painter
- Hildegard Lehnert, painter
- Margaret Leiteritz, painter
- Erna Lendvai-Dircksen, photographer
- Sabine Lepsius, portrait painter
- Esther Levine, German-American photographer
- Sophie Ley, painter
- Emmy Lischke, painter
- Clara Lobedan, painter
- Elisabeth Loewe, Post-Expressionist painter
- Käthe Loewenthal, painter
- Christiane Löhr, contemporary artist
- Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, avant-garde artist
- Margarethe Loewe-Bethe, painter
- Käthe Loewenthal, painter
- Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate, painter and abbess
- Auguste Ludwig, painter
- Almuth Lütkenhaus, sculptor
- Loretta Lux, photographer
- Rut Blees Luxemburg, photographer
- Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, painter
- Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen, portrait painter
- Eva de Maizière, artist, sculptor and cellist
- Melanie Manchot, photographer and installation artist
- Jeanne Mandello, photographer
- Henriette Manigk, painter
- Hedwig Marquardt, ceramist and painter
- Therese Maron, painter
- Ellen Marx, artist and author
- Toni Mau, painter, graphic artist and educator
- Susanna Mayr, Baroque painter
- Josephine Meckseper, contemporary artist
- Ada Mee, multi-media artist
- Else Meidner, painter
- Anna Maria Mengs, painter
- Julia Charlotte Mengs, painter
- Anne Menke, German-American photographer
- Paula Modersohn-Becker, Expressionist painter
- Una H. Moehrke, painter
- Marg Moll, sculptor, painter and writer
- Sabine Moritz, painter and graphic designer
- Hedda Morrison, photographer
- Auguste Müller, woodcarver, toymaker
- Karin Apollonia Müller, contemporary artist
- Gabriele Münter, Expressionist painter
- Susanne von Nathusius, portrait painter
- Renee Nele, sculptor, goldsmith
- Elisabet Ney, sculptor
- Anja Niedringhaus, photojournalist
- Margret Nissen, photographer
- Maria Nordman, German-American sculptor, conceptual artist
- Frédérique Émilie Auguste O'Connell, painter
- Méret Oppenheim, German-born Swiss Surrealist artist, photographer
- Hildegard Ochse, photographer
- Li Osborne, German-born British photographer and sculptor
- Anna Kerstin Otto, painter
- Hermine Overbeck-Rohte, landscape painter
- Amalia Pachelbel, painter and engraver
- Jeannette Papin, painter
- Helga Paris, photographer
- Lina von Perbandt, landscape painter
- Anna Peters, landscape and flower painter
- Pietronella Peters, portrait painter
- Carlotta Ida Popert, German-Italian watercolourist, etcher
- Charlotte Posenenske, sculptor
- Bettina Pousttchi, German-Iranian sculptor, photographer, filmmaker
- Maria Katharina Prestel, painter, etcher
- Hermione von Preuschen, painter, writer
- Emilie Preyer, painter
- Barbara Probst, German-American photographer
- Anne-Katrin Purkiss, photographer
- Doramaria Purschian, Expressionist painter
- Doris Raab, print-maker
- Dorothee Raetsch, sculptor, graphic artist
- Katja Rahlwes, fashion photographer
- Katharina Rapp, painter
- Sandra Rauch, painter
- Hilla von Rebay, abstract artist, co-founder of the Guggenheim Museum
- Anita Rée, avant-garde painter
- Margaretha Reichardt, textile designer and former Bauhaus student
- Margarethe von Reinken, painter
- Claudia Reinhardt, photographer
- Christophine Reinwald, painter
- Regina Relang, fashion photographer
- Jack von Reppert-Bismarck, painter
- Elisabeth Reuter, painter
- Evelyn Richter, photographer
- Ursula Richter, theatre photographer
- Frieda Riess, portrait photographer
- Emy Roeder, sculptor
- Ottilie Roederstein, painter
- Rita Rohlfing, painter, photographer and installation artist
- Jelka Rosen, painter
- Ulla Irina Rossek, painter
- Valeska Röver, painter
- Julika Rudelius, video and performance artist
- Lessie Sachs, poet and artist
- Adelaïde Salles-Wagner, painter active in France
- Charlotte Salomon, painter
- Christa Sammler, sculptor
- Eva Sandberg-Xiao, photographer
- Agnes Sander-Plump, painter
- Amalia von Schattenhofer, art collector and amateur painter
- Silke Schatz, sculptor, installation artist
- Auguste Schepp, painter
- Galka Scheyer, German-American painter, art collector and teacher
- Ingrid Schmeck, graphic artist
- Gerda Schmidt-Panknin, painter
- Julia Schmidt, painter
- Thyra Schmidt, visual artist
- Henriette Schneider, painter
- Sophie Schneider, painter
- Stefanie Schneider, photographer
- Doris Schoettler-Boll, artist, curator and teacher
- Eva Schorr, painter and composer
- Bertha Schrader, painter
- Martina Schradi, writer, cartoonist
- Liselotte Schramm-Heckmann, painter
- Käthe Schuftan, painter and draftsman
- Anna Schuleit Haber, visual artist
- Ursula Schulz-Dornburg, photographer
- Martina Schumacher, conceptual artist
- Eva Schulze-Knabe, painter and graphic artist, resistance fighter
- Regine Schumann, contemporary painter and installation artist
- Else Seifert, architectural photographer
- Else Sehrig-Vehling, Expressionist painter
- Louise Seidler, painter, custodian
- Friederike Sieburg, pastellist
- Alma Siedhoff-Buscher, designer
- Katharina Sieverding, photographer
- Pola Sieverding, photographer and video artist
- Clara Siewert, Symbolist painter
- Ludovike Simanowiz, portrait painter
- Maria Slavona, Impressionist painter
- Kiki Smith, West German born American sculptor, printmaker, drawer
- Annegret Soltau, visual artist
- Margarethe Sömmering, painter
- Kathrin Sonntag, visual artist
- Catharina Sperling-Heckel, painter and etcher
- Gertrud Staats, painter
- Pia Stadthäuser, sculptor
- Jonny Star, sculptor, installation artist
- Birgit Stauch, contemporary sculptor
- Marél von Steinling, painter
- Hito Steyerl, filmmaker, visual artist and writer
- Dora Stock, painter
- Minna Stocks, painter
- Gunta Stölzl, textile artist
- Madeleine Strindberg, painter
- Helene Marie Stromeyer, painter
- Erika Stürmer-Alex, painter
- Gerda Taro, war photographer
- Henriette-Félicité Tassaert, painter
- Ebba Tesdorpf, illustrator and painter
- Anna Dorothea Therbusch, Rococo painter
- Ulrike Theusner, printmaker
- Elsa Thiemann, photographer
- Catharina Treu, still life painter
- Rosemarie Trockel, contemporary artist
- Susanne Tunn, sculptor
- Ellen von Unwerth, photographer
- Lette Valeska, painter
- Jutta Vialon, photographer
- Claudia Vecchiarelli, Italian-German naive painter
- Clara Vogedes, painter
- Christa Frieda Vogel, photographer
- Emmi Walther, painter
- Maria Dorothea Wagner, painter
- Corinne Wasmuht, painter
- Bertha Wehnert-Beckmann, Germany's first professional female photographer with a studio in Leipzig from 1843
- Gisela Weimann, visual artist, feminist
- Kaethe Katrin Wenzel, contemporary artist
- Anna Maria Werner, painter
- Anna Werner, photographer
- Clara Westhoff, sculptor
- Brigitta Westphal, painter
- Marianne Wex, feminist photographer
- Eva Janina Wieczorek, painter
- Anne Winterer, photographer
- Lilli Wislicenus, sculptor
- Herma Auguste Wittstock, performance artist
- Karla Woisnitza, fresco painter
- Ursula Wolff Schneider, photographer and photojournalist
- Julie Wolfthorn, painter
- Emmy Worringer, avant-garde artist
- Yva, Jewish photographer
- Wilhelmine von Zenge, pastellist
- Thekla Zielke, ceramic artist
- Margaretha Ziesenis, miniaturist
- Dorothea Schwartz Zimmer, portrait painter
- Unica Zürn, artist and writer
- Bettina von Zwehl, photographer