List of German railway companies

This list contains railway companies currently operating in Germany. It includes railway units that are not independent legal entities.
Federal railways and private railway companies with their headquarters abroad are given their authority to operate by the Federal Railway Office. All other private railway companies are authorised by the responsible authorities of the states in which they have their headquarters.
Names of all railway companies have been left in German.
For railway companies that are no longer in existence, see the List of former German railway companies.
The bulk of the railway network in Germany belongs to DB Netz, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn AG – this situation is a relict from the time when the Deutsche Bundesbahn and Deutsche Reichsbahn had a monopoly. The stations and halts on the DB Netz network are run by DB Station&Service. Not included in this list are museum railways and transport unions.
A distinction must be made between railway infrastructure companies and railway operating companies; see :de:Nichtbundeseigene Eisenbahn|private railways.

Deutsche Bahn AG companies

Other subsidiaries of Veolia Verkehr GmbH operate bus services, especially in built-up areas.
In Veolia’s long-distance trains separate fares apply, independently of Deutsche Bahn. Tickets may be obtained on the trains and elsewhere.
In the “network” – with 18 locations – are included:
Under the trade name Vogtland-Express Netinera offers long-distance passenger services on the route Berlin–Riesa–Chemnitz–Plauen–Hof.

Other railway companies