Claymore, a manga series by Norihiro Yagi, is set in a medieval world plagued by Yoma, humanoid shape-shifters that feed on humans. A mysterious group, known as the [|Organization], creates human-Yoma hybrids to exterminate Yoma for a fee. The publicrefer to these warriors as "Claymores," alluding to their large swords, or "Silver-eyed Witches," due to their silver eyes.
Main characters
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Supporting characters
Awakened Beings
Awakened Beings are Claymore warriors that have fully awakened. They possess abilities similar to Yoma, only of much greater magnitude. Awakened Beings can take on myriad of forms—a bird, crustacean, humanoid, or mammal. In Organization history, there are three cases of a No. 1 warrior awakening. Known as "Creatures of the Abyss", they settle in different regions of the island—one in the West, one in the North, and one in the South. This status quo did not change until Isley, the "Silver King" of the North, began to raise an army of Awakened and expand his influence into the others' regions. ;Abyss Feeders ;Agatha ;Alicia and Beth ; Dauf ; Isley ; Luciela ; Ophelia ; Riful ; Rigaldo
The Organization is headquartered in the eastern region of Sutafu. Rimuto is the leader. Field operatives, dressed in black, act as case officers/handlers for Claymore warriors. [|Miria] speculates that the island is a testing ground for creating Awakened Beings. She says that a greater continent exists beyond the island, where war rages between two sides. One side is allied with the Dragons' Descendents, the other is the parent power behind the Organization.
Dae is chief scientist of the Retrieval Squad, responsible for creating Yoma-type entities. Left half his face is missing, exposing his eyeball and teeth. He uses the arm of [|Priscilla] to resurrect Cassandra, Roxanne and Hysteria.
Ermitage is the handler of [|Galatea] and Miria. Ermita compares himself to a parent watching over his child, but also says he would never father a monster.
Orsay is Teresa's handler.
Rado is Clarice's handler and the one to tell her to take care of Miata.
Louvre is [|Clare's] handler. Later, [|Cynthia] guesses that he is an enemy agent, working to destroy the Organization from within. While he gives information to Miria, he hides the existence of half-awakened Claymores, further stalling research on controlled awakening.