This is a list ofmunicipal elections held in the city ofCalgary, Alberta, Canada. Elections for mayor were held annually until after the 1923 election, when the election term was changed to two-year terms. From the 1971 election, the mayoral term was three years. And since 2013 the term is four years. In the 1920s, Calgary votes also elected city commissioners. Elections for councillors and aldermen were held annually until the 1914 election, when the terms switched to two-year overlapping terms, with half of the council up for election each year. From the 1971 election to 2013, the aldermanic elections lined up fully with the mayoral elections, and were also for three-year terms. From 1884 to 1886, four councillors were selected from the town. In 1894, Calgary was divided into three wards, increasing the number of councillors to six, two in each. Later, three aldermen represented each ward. In 1906, a fourth ward was created, bringing the total number of aldermen to 12. Aldermanic elections were held using block voting. From 1914 to 1960, aldermen were elected from across the city, dismantling the ward system. They were elected for two-year terms, but Staggered elections made half the council up for election each year. In 1917 Calgary brought in a system of Proportional Representation, under which city councillors were elected at large using Single Transferable Voting and a single multiple-member district covering the whole city. This survived until 1961. This system is said to have produced the emergence and increased representation of neighbourhood or community-based political groups. In 1961, retaining the single transferable votes, Calgary switched to a ward system in which multiple city councillors were elected in each ward in 1961 and 1971 - the elections in between were held according to Alternative Vote in which one councillor was elected in each ward. Calgary moved to a ward system starting in the 1961 election. With the subsequent election, staggered terms meant only one councillor was elected each election in each ward. That plus the retention of single transferable voting meant Alternative Voting, instead of STV. Previous to 1971 election, terms of aldermanic service were extended to three years, and all ward seats were elected simultaneously in 1971, through STV. In 1974, all seats were vacant and the election was held with multiple members elected in each ward, the last big moment for STV in Calgary. This was Calgary's last election held using STV. Previous to the 1977 election, the number of wards was expanded to 14 with one alderman representing each ward, three year terms. On December 14, 2010, council voted to change the title to councillor, which took effect in the October 2013 election. In 2012 the Local Authorities Election Act was amended to increase the term length of the mayor and councillors to 4 years. School board elections are also held in line with city council elections. Hospital boards were also elected in various city elections in Calgary. Early elections held in December of the year with those elected coming into their seats as of the first of the following year. Now they are held on the third Monday of October.