For all of the League Championship Series telecasts spanning from 1969–1975, only Game 2 of the 1972 American League Championship Series is known to exist. However, the copy on the trade circuit of Game 2 of the 1972 ALCS is missing the Bert Campaneris-Lerrin LaGrow brawl. There are some instances where the only brief glimpse of telecast footage of an early LCS game can be seen in a surviving newscast from that night. For instance, the last out of the 1973 National League Championship Series as described by Jim Simpson was played on that night's NBCNightly News, but other than that, the entire game is gone. On the day the New York Mets and Baltimore Orioles wrapped up their respective League Championship Series in 1969, a feature story on the CBS Evening News showed telecast clips of the ALCS game. This is all that likely remains of anything from that third game of the Orioles-Twins series. Simpson's call of the injury of Reggie Jackson during Game 5 of the 1972 ALCS is heard on the 1972 World Series film, as well as Curt Gowdy's call of the home run by Johnny Bench in Game 5 of the 1972 NLCS as well as Bob Moose throwing a wild pitch to pinch-hitter Hal McRae scoring George Foster with the winning run. While all telecasts of World Series games starting with 1975 are accounted for and exist, the LCS is still a spotty situation through the late 1970s:
1976 ALCS – Only Game 5 from the ABC vault is known to exist.
1976 NLCS – An off-air recording of Game 3, taped in the Portland market is the only game that is known to exist. Apparently, this copy which makes the trade circuit is the only extant version because a second-hand story says that the ABC vault copy has no sound.
1977 – Major League Baseball has in the vault, Game 3 of the NLCS and apparently has all of Game 4 of the NLCS. Also, both the WPIX and NBC versions of Game 5 of the ALCS are known to exist. Earlier games of the NLCS and ALCS have not surfaced and may not exist in the vault. Clips of these games may be seen in highlight shows or programs such as Yankeeography. It is believed that incomplete tapes of the ALCS exist. It is possible these games are not shown in part because the audio quality is poor. A common method of getting around such deficiences would be to overlay a radio telecast or narration by a player or commentator where gaps exist.
1978 – Trade collectors have all four games of the ALCS but only Game 4 of the NLCS.
From 1969–1975, there was no official national radio network coverage of the League Championship Series. NBC only had the national radio rights to the All-Star Game and World Series during this period. Instead, national coverage was provided by local team radio broadcasts being syndicated nationally over ad hoc networks.
Local radio
From 1969 to present, with the exception of the period between 1969–1975, the non-National radio broadcasts of the American League Championship Series we're broadcast on the flagship station and the radio network of the teams participating in the American League Championship Series.