Like Family

Like Family is an American sitcom television series that aired on The WB from September 19, 2003 to April 22, 2004. The series stars Holly Robinson Peete and Kevin Michael Richardson and lasted one season. Like Family was created and produced by Dan Fogelman, and executive produced by Warren Littlefield, Kenny Schwartz, and Rick Weiner.


Holly Robinson Peete stars as Tanya Jones, the matriarch of a middle-class African American family that live in suburban New Jersey. Tanya's family includes husband Ed, their 12-year-old son Bobby and 16-year-old daughter Danika. Rounding out the family is Ed's father, Ed "Pop" Jones, an opinionated and feisty senior citizen.
When Tanya's closest friend Maddie Hudson, a Caucasian single mom, hits a rough patch, Tanya and her family invite Maddie and her 16-year-old son Keith to live with them. Episodes focus on the problems and comical situations arising from both families living and working together.
The series was cancelled after all but one of the 22 episodes produced were aired.




On June 8, 2009, reruns of the series began airing on TV One in the United States.

Awards and nominations