Life in Progress

Life in Progress is a Filipino comic strip series written and illustrated by Julius Villanueva and serialized daily in the Manila Bulletin. It is non-linear and semi-autobiographical, set in a surreal universe filled with aliens, dinosaurs, and pop culture references. It centers on the life of Zeke and other characters and their interactions. Common themes include college life, love relationships, escapism, and rejection.


The series first appeared in the comic section of the Manila Bulletin in 2003. The first book collection was released by Psicom Publishing in 2007. It was followed by a second book, Geek Machine Telemetry, in 2008. A third collection, Tales of Minor Awesomeness, was released in 2010. The newest collection is entitled Chronicles from the Discomfort Zone.


The comic follows the gag-a-day format of a traditional comic strip. However, references are also made to past events. An example of an event that would be sometimes referenced is Zeke’s being turned down by Joan. Since the story centers on college life, there is a certain realistic progression of time such as when final exams or semester breaks are depicted.
Usually, a collection of continuous strips may contain a common theme, such as philosophical views or the events of a certain time period. The usual themes include college life, love relationships, escapism, and rejection. Many of these are shared by Zeke’s friends or family, but only Zeke is involved in all of them.
One of the more common humor devices in the comic is referring to pop-culture icons and then having them appear within the series. At times, this is portrayed as escapist imagination. Other times, pop culture icons are portrayed as becoming real and apparent in Zeke’s presence. Because most of the characters act as if these encounters are not real, this may lead to confusion.