Liberal Party (Japan, 1945)

Liberal Party was a political party in Japan.


It's founded on November 9, 1945, mainly by former members of Seiyukai Party. Its first leader was Ichirō Hatoyama. In 1946-1947 and 1948-1954, the next party leader Shigeru Yoshida was the Prime Minister.
The initial name of the party was Japan Liberal Party. In 1948, the Japan Liberal Party merged with Kijūrō Shidehara's Dōshi Club, not to be confused with the Democratic Party, to form the Democratic Liberal Party.


Election results

[House of [Representatives (Japan)|General election results]]

Election yearCandidates# of seats wonChangeStatus
1947326 9

Councillors election results">House of Councillors (Japan)">Councillors election results