Lex (software)

Lex is a computer program that generates lexical analyzers.
Lex is commonly used with the yacc parser generator. Lex, originally written by Mike Lesk and Eric Schmidt and described in 1975, is the standard lexical analyzer generator on many Unix systems, and an equivalent tool is specified as part of the POSIX standard.
Lex reads an input stream specifying the lexical analyzer and outputs source code implementing the lexer in the C programming language.
In addition to C, some old versions of Lex could also generate a lexer in Ratfor.

Open source

Though originally distributed as proprietary software, some versions of Lex are now open source. Open source versions of Lex, based on the original proprietary code, are now distributed with open source operating systems such as OpenSolaris and Plan 9 from Bell Labs. One popular open source version of Lex, called flex, or the "fast lexical analyzer", is not derived from proprietary coding.

Structure of a Lex file

The structure of a Lex file is intentionally similar to that of a yacc file; files are divided into three sections, separated by lines that contain only two percent signs, as follows:
The following is an example Lex file for the flex version of Lex. It recognizes strings of numbers in the input, and simply prints them out.
/*** Definition section ***/
/* This tells flex to read only one input file */
%option noyywrap
/*** Rules section ***/
/* + matches a string of one or more digits */
/*** C Code section ***/
int main

If this input is given to flex, it will be converted into a C file,. This can be compiled into an executable which matches and outputs strings of integers. For example, given the input:
the program will print:
Saw an integer: 123
Saw an integer: 2
Saw an integer: 6

Using Lex with other programming tools

Using Lex with parser generators

Lex and parser generators, such as Yacc or Bison, are commonly used together. Parser generators use a formal grammar to parse an input stream, something which Lex cannot do using simple regular expressions.
It is typically preferable to have a parser be fed a token-stream as input, rather than having it consume the input character-stream directly. Lex is often used to produce such a token-stream.
Scannerless parsing refers to parsing the input character-stream directly, without a distinct lexer.

Lex and make

is a utility that can be used to maintain programs involving Lex. Make assumes that a file that has an extension of .l is a Lex source file. The make internal macro LFLAGS can be used to specify Lex options to be invoked automatically by make.