The "potency" criterion alluded to in the preceding section is somewhat ill-defined, but may include "exhaustiveness", "effectiveness', and an affective component as well. . As a metatheory, or "theory of theories", it becomes a concept of epistemology in the philosophy of science, rather than a mere tool or methodology of scientific linguistics. As Chomsky put it in an earlier work:
*The theory achieves an exhaustive and discrete enumeration of the data points.
*There is a pigeonhole for each observation.
Descriptive adequacy
*The theory formally specifies rules accounting for all observed arrangements of the data.
*The rules produce all and only the well-formed constructs of the protocol space.
...the grammar gives a correct account of the linguistic intuition of the native speaker, and specifies the observed data in terms of significant generalizations that express underlying regularities in the language.
Explanatory adequacy
*The theory provides a principled choice between competing descriptions.
A linguistic theory that aims for explanatory adequacy is concerned with the internal structure of the device ; that is, it aims to provide a principled basis, independent of any particular language, for the selection of the descriptively adequate grammar of each language.
Theories which do not achieve the third level of adequacy are said to "account for the observations", rather than to "explain the observations." The second and third levels include the assumption of Ockhamist parsimony. This is related to the Minimalist requirement, which is elaborated as a corollary of the levels, but which is actually employed as an axiom.
Precursors in the philosophy of science
It is suggested that the system of levels proposed by Chomsky in Aspects of the Theory of Syntax has its antecedents in the works of Descartes, Kant, Carnap, Quine, and others. Certainly the criterion of adequacy found in rationalism, specifically, rational empiricism, bear some resemblance to Chomsky's formulation. Since one of the key issues which Chomsky treats in Aspects is a supposition of a congenital endowment of the language faculty in humans, the topic ramifies into questions of innateness and a priori knowledge, since it is by reference to those questions that the third level of adequacy is to be sought.