Leonard Casley

Leonard George Casley, better known as Prince Leonard, was the founder of the self-proclaimed micronation, the Principality of Hutt River. Despite creating stamps, micronation currency, visas and passports for his sovereign state, the federal Government of Australia never officially recognised Hutt River an official and independent nation, and later, it became a tourist attraction in Australia. In 2017 during a coronation ceremony organised by Leonard, he placed his son "Prince George" on the throne of Hutt River. He governed Hutt River from 1970 to 2017.


Prince Leonard was born in Western Australia. Originally working as a farmer, before declaring his own 18,500-acre land as a self-acknowledged sovereign, he served in Borneo campaign during World War II. Leonard was a high school dropout who left his education during his childhood when he was studying in 6th standard.
Leonard was not happy with the taxation system of Australia, and he created its own flag and tax system governed by laws which were enacted by his self-declared government consisting five ministers.