League for the Larger Life

The League for the Larger Life was an early New Thought organization based in New York City, New York, with a chapter in Washington, D.C.. A locally-focused organization, several of its members were influential across the United States and around the world. The League was uniquely composed of thirty metaphysical societies in the city.

Mission and activities

The mission of the League was "to spread a knowledge of the fundamental principles that underlie healthy and harmonious living" and "to assist the individual in the solution of personal problems." The League operated Sunday services, classes throughout the week, and provided lecturers and teachers places to provide their services at their headquarters, 222 W. 72nd Street in New York City. The League's classes focused on The Bible, health, and music, and provided a daily Prosperity Fellowship. It was also identified as an antiwar organization in the 1920s.

Notable members

, an early New Thought writer, was the first president of the League. Dr. Julia Seton and many others were involved in the League, as well. Eugene Del Mar, a noted chess champion, was a leader in the League at one point. Fenwicke Holmes, the influential brother of Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes, was heavily influenced by his stand speaking at the League at the behest of Dr. Seton.


Founded in 1916, the League held its first conference that year. According to The New York Times, more than 1,000 people at the Forty-eighth Street Theatre. Several organizations were represented at the conference, including The Vedanta Society, which Swami Bodhananda led; the Higher Thought Centre, led by W. Frederic Keeler; the First Church of Divine Science, where W. John Murray was pastor; and the Freedom Fraternity, headed by Miss Mary Allen.
The organization had disbanded by 1959.