Lavezzi archipelago

The Archipelago of Lavezzi is a collection of small granite islands and reefs in the Strait of Bonifacio that separates Corsica from Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea. They are administered from the town of Bonifacio on Corsica.


The archipelago is located in about from the Corsican mainland, from Cape Pertusato, and southeast of Bonifacio. It covers 5,123 ha in area and the highest point is. They include the southernmost point of Metropolitan France.
The two main islands are Cavallo, the only inhabited island in the archipelago, and Lavezzu, just on the south of Cavallo. The other islands or islets are, from west to east: Piana, Ratino, Porraggia and Sperduto.


The archipelago was the site of the shipwreck of the French frigate Sémillante on February 15, 1855. On the island of Lavezzu there are two memorial cemeteries with the remains of the victims of the shipwreck.
These islands were also the locale for Brigitte Bardot's 1952 film Manina, la fille sans voiles.