Latin American Research Review

The Latin American Research Review is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering research on Latin America and the Caribbean. It was established in 1965 and is published by the Ubiquity Press on behalf of the Latin American Studies Association. The editor-in-chief is Aníbal Pérez Liñán. Articles are published in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. The journal articles are published only electronically, in an Open Access format.
In 2020, LARR's associate editors are Mónica Espinosa Arango, Fabrice Lehoucq, Claudia Ferman, José Molinas Vega, Michel Gobat, Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Jana Morgan, and Xóchitl Bada.
During 2018, LARR received 314 manuscripts and 59 additional manuscripts during the first quarter of 2019. Nearly 60% of them are in the social sciences, whereas slightly over 40 percent originating in the humanities. However, of 42 research papers published in 2018, 55 percent were in the humanities and 45 percent in the social sciences, with literature and political science being the most prominent subjects in each category. LARR also published 27 book review essays and 2 documentary film review essays.
The journal's acceptance rate for 2018 was 19%. Rejections after internal editorial review comprised 56% of the decisions and rejections after external review represented the remaining 25%. On average, it took 37 days to reject manuscripts after internal review, 182 days to reject manuscripts after peer review, and 367 days to accept articles for publication after revisions.
In 2018, around 43% of the authors were women; 20% of the authors were located in Latin America, 10% in Europe, and the remaining in the United States and Canada. Irrespective of the manuscripts’ origins, 60 of 72 published articles were submitted in English, 8 in Spanish, and 4 in Portuguese.
The journal also disseminates its articles to a broader audience through the , hosted by the University of Pittsburgh.

Abstracting and indexing

The journal is abstracted and indexed in Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Scopus, and the Social Sciences Citation Index. In 2018, LARR's impact factor was 0.676, whereas its CiteScore was 0.74. Its 5-year impact factor was 0.685.