
Landex – 'Land Based Colleges Aspiring to Excellence' – is a subscriber organisation with 39 member Colleges and Universities in the United Kingdom. To qualify for membership, the provider must deliver significant volumes of land-based education and training in at least six occupational areas.
Landex was formed in 2006 from its predecessor organisation, Napaeo, which was founded in 1950.
Landex Colleges and Universities in England collectively provide over 80% of long specialist land-based further and higher education qualifications, together with a wide range of 14-16, apprenticeship and cost-recovery programmes. Courses delivered by most Landex providers are underpinned by substantial farming and other business enterprises.
Landex is governed by a Board of 14 elected Principals and Vice-Chancellors, who agree the organisation's strategic objectives and priorities on behalf of the membership. A number of sub-committees, each chaired by a Board member and populated by specialists from within the sector, inform the Board's decision making:
The staff team is led by Chief Executive, Chris Moody.
Landex's primary functions are to secure continuous improvement in all its members through peer review, support and CPD; and to promote the interests of members and their various client groups.


The organisation's activities include:
Landex owns with the University of Northampton, a joint venture company to develop interactive learning materials to support the delivery of land-based programmes both in the UK and overseas.
Between 2014 and 2016,Landex sponsored and funded the development of a National Land Based College as an organisation to help co-ordinate the delivery of continuous professional development for those working in land based industries.


Full members