Laika (EHR testing framework)

Laika is an open source Electronic Health Record testing framework which analyzes and reports on the interchangeability of EHR systems. This includes the testing for certification of EHR software products and networks. Laika is designed to verify the input and output of EHR data against the standards and criteria identified by the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology.
In June 2008, CCHIT began used Laika to automate EHR interchangeability testing, but by December 2011, the organization had suspended its use of Laika.

Interoperability packages

; Laika C32
; Laika ORU
; Laika XDS

Development collaboration

Laika is an active collaborative effort between CCHIT and The MITRE Corporation. CCHIT is leading the functional requirements definition of the Laika testing framework. MITRE is leading the technical software design and is prototyping the software service.
The Certification Commission is a private, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to accelerate adoption of health information technology in the United States. MITRE is a 501 not-for-profit corporation that manages three Federally Funded Research and Development Centers and works in partnership with the US government applying systems engineering and advanced technology to address issues of critical national importance in the USA.

Deployment in virtual environments

Laika has been deployed in virtual environments using, for example, the Amazon cloud environment. This allows centralized testing of multiple EHRs in segmented environments. It also allows portable implementations, so that field testing can be achieved.

Technical details

Laika is licensed under an Apache 2.0 open source license. Laika uses the Ruby on Rails framework, the Java programming language, the open source PostgreSQL database, and several Web 2.0 JavaScript libraries including Scriptaculous and Prototype.

Related software

In 2010, the core Laika software infrastructure, consisting of the Laika database and Rails controllers, was forked to support the open source popHealth project. The popHealth project was developed from resources provided by the Federal Health Architecture within the Office of the National Coordinator. popHealth integrates with a healthcare provider's electronic health record system to produce summary quality measures on the provider's patient population. The MITRE Corporation was also tasked as the technical lead team for the popHealth activity.


Laika is named after the dog and first living animal to enter earth orbit, paving the way for human space flight.