Laguna del Sauce

Laguna del Sauce is the largest water body in the Maldonado Department of Uruguay. It is located west of Punta del Este.


The lagoon covers and is long and wide. The stream Arroyo Pan de Azucar discharges into the southwest of the lagoon, while the streams Arroyo del Sauce and Arroyo Mallorquina discharge in its north and northwest. A stream called Arroyo Potrero at the south end of the lagoon empties the water into the Río de la Plata at of the beach of Chihuahua.


Any kind of non-motor powered water sports are allowed in the lagoon, such as wind surfing.


The Capitan Corbeta CA Curbelo International Airport is in the southwest coast of the lagoon, just east of the lake resort La Capuera. To the southeast is the "Club del Lago Golf" course, to the south of which is the Arboretum Lussich. In the east coast of the lagoon is the park "Parque Jacarandá", the location and resort "Las Cumbres", the hills Sierra de la Ballena, Cerro Caballero, Cerro de la Cruz and the location "Abra del Pedromo", with a statue of San Francisco on the hill Cerro de Francés. On the west coast of the lagoon are the hills Cerro Sanguinetti and Cerro Las Mojinetes.