Kyaikhtiyo Wildlife Sanctuary
Kyaikhtiyo Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected area in Myanmar stretching over. It covers evergreen and mixed deciduous forests an elevation of in Kyaikto Township. It was established in 2001 to conserve the biodiversity around the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, a famous pilgrimage site in Mon State.
It is managed by the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division.Biodiversity
The Indo-Pacific gecko occurs in the sanctuary.
In 2001, the bent-toed gecko Cyrtodactylus aequalis was discovered in the sanctuary and described as a new species in 2003.
Key wildlife species are leopard, serow, red goral.
Sambar deer, Indian muntjac, gaur, wild boar are also said to occur in the sanctuary.Threats
Kyaikhtiyo Wildlife Sanctuary is threatened by illegal logging, harvesting of fire wood and hunting of wildlife for subsistence.