Kurobe Gorge

Kurobe Gorge is a canyon near Kurobe, Toyama Prefecture, Japan.
The Kurobe Dam in Kurobe Gorge is one of highlights of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. The area was designated the Chūbu-Sangaku National Park on December 4, 1934.



Shimonoroka, or lower corridor, is the central Kurobe Gorge.
Shimonoroka can be accessed by using the Nichiden hodo or Suihei hodo. These trails are very dangerous; they can be only 20–50 cm wide and lie 500 m above the riverbed. In October 2019, five people died on the trails.

File:Keyakidaira Station-3.jpg|Okukane Bridge
File:Okukane Mountain.JPG|Okukane Mountain
File:Kurobe-Gorge-railway-bridges-2019-Luka-Peternel.jpg|Kurobe Gorge in autumn


Kaminoroka means Higher corridor.


The gorge can be accessed by the Kurobe Gorge Railway.
