Krzysztofory Palace Museum

In 1965, jurisdiction over the Krzysztofory Palace was transferred to the Historical Museum of the City of Kraków. The Krzysztofory Palace is the headquarters of the Museum.
The current exhibition at Krzysztofory Palace is "Cyberteka − Kraków − Time and Space". It presents the spatial and urban development of Krakow from pre-incorporation times from 1909−1915 when the project of Great Kraków was executed. Organized as part of the "Krzysztofory Once again – The Complete Museum", the project is the presentation venue for the achievements in the digital reconstruction of the Kraków settlement and agglomeration as well as for the program of digitizing the museum collections. As an introduction to a new permanent exhibition entitled "Krakow From the Beginning Without an End" and also as an autonomous repository of knowledge about Krakow, it shows how education and promotion of national heritage influences culture.