Krishna Kalle

Krishna Kalle was an Indian playback singer in Marathi, Hindi, and Kannada films.


Kalle's family was from Karwar, Uttara Kannada. She was born and grew up in Kanpur, where her father was employed. At the age of 16, she began singing over the Kanpur station of All India Radio and at stage performances in Uttar Pradesh, the state where Kanpur is located.


When Kalle came to Mumbai to visit relatives, the singer Arun Date happened to hear her sing. Impressed, he introduced her to music director Yashwant Deo, who was then employed at the Bombay station of AIR. Deo composed a Marathi song that Kalle recorded, man pisaat majhe. The song proved popular and started her journey as a Marathi singer. The next two songs she recorded, parikathetil raajakumaaraa and uuTh sha.nkaraa soD samaadhii, also were very well received. From 1960 onwards, she began broadcasting regularly over AIR as an 'A' graded artist.
She was also active in the film industry for about a decade from 1960s to the 1970s. She sang around 200 Bollywood songs, 100 Marathi movie songs, 2 Kannada film songs, and 100 bhajans, ghazals, and devotional songs.


She died on 15 March 2015 after a brief illness in Mumbai, aged 74. She had been hospitalized about a month earlier following a stroke, and had been released from the hospital eight days prior to her death.


  1. सोचता हूँ के तुम्हें मैंने कहीं देखा है
  2. चक्कर चलाये घनचक्कर.

    Famous Songs in Marathi

  3. परिकथेतील राजकुमारा
  4. मन पिसाट माझे अडले रे
  5. मैनाराणी चतुर शहाणी
  6. गोडगोजिरी लाज लाजरी
  7. कामापुरता मामा
  8. ऊठ शंकरा, सोड समाधी

    Kannada songs

  9. "ಒಂದೊಂದಾಗಿ ಜಾರಿದರೆ"
  10. "ಜಯತೆ ಜಯತೆ"