Kresh language

Kresh, also known as Kresh-Ndogo and Gbaya-Ndogo, is a Central Sudanic language of South Sudan and the prestige variety of the Kresh languages.
Naomi Baki, a native Kresh speaker who became a French citizen in 2015, has released an autobiography in 2013 in which she describes her Kresh Gbaya environment in Raga County.


The Kresh languages are not mutually intelligible. 'Kresh' is what the people are called by their neighbors; they call themselves Gbaya, an ambiguous name in English, shared with many of the unrelated Gbaya languages.


A 2013 survey reported that ethnic Kresh reside in Dar Seid Bandas and Kata Bomas, Ringi Payam, Raja County, South Sudan.