Kremlin (fortification)

A kremlin or kreml is a major fortified central complex found in historic Russian cities. This word is often used to refer to the most famous, the Moscow Kremlin, or metonymically to the government that is based there. The word is of Russian and Slavic origin. The word may share the same root as kremen. Some kremlins in Russia are called detinets, as for example the Novgorod Detinets.

Selected Russian cities with kremlins

World Heritage Sites

, sometimes called a kremlin
After the disintegrations of the Kievan Rus, the Russian Empire and the USSR, some fortresses considered Kremlin-type, remained beyond the borders of modern Russia. Some are listed below:
The same structure in Ukraine is called dytynets. The term has been in use since the 11th century. The term kremlin first appeared in 14th century in Russian territories, where it replaced dytynets.
Many Russian monasteries have been built in a fortress-like style similar to that of a kremlin. For a partial list, see :Category:Monasteries in Russia|Monasteries in Russia.