Konrad Hallgren

Konrad Otto Kristian Hallgren was a Swedish party chairman in Sweden's first fascist organization, Sveriges Fascistiska Kamporganisation.
He had previously worked as an NCO in the German army, and at first the SFKO was a fascist organization but more and more turned ideologically to nazism and changed its name into Fascist People's Party of Sweden and then Sveriges Nationalsocialistiska Folkparti. Other members of SFKO/SNFP was the Swedish army officer Sven Hedengren and the infamous Swedish nazi-leader and army corporal Sven-Olov Lindholm.
Hallgren told in 1931 about the Munckska kårens existence for the police and also about the weapons that the organization had gathered. Munckska Kåren was a group of anti-communist right wing extremists who feared a "bolshevist takeover" in Sweden and which had members from, among others, SFKO, and some officers from the Swedish army, and had secretly been stashing weapons illegally.
He later became an archivist working in Stockholm,