Kiyokawa, Kanagawa

Kiyokawa is a village located in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. As of June 2012, the village had an estimated population of 3,359, and a population density of 47.1 persons per km2. The total area is 71.29 km2.


Kiyokawa is located in the foothills of northwestern Kanagawa Prefecture. Much of the village is in the Tanzawa Mountains.

Surrounding municipalities

Kiyokawa Village was established on September 30, 1956 through the merger of former Susugaya and Miyagase villages. The completion of the Miyagase Dam in 1965 submerged much of former Miyagase Village, forcing the relocation of its inhabitants to other locations within Kiyokawa Village and neighboring Aikawa Town.


Kiyokawa has no connections with the Japanese national highway or railway systems. Access is by Kanagawa Prefectural Routes 60, 64, 70 or 514.

Noted people from Kiyokawa