Kiss, Marry, Kill

Kiss, Marry, Kill, also known as Bang, Marry, Kill or Fuck, Marry, Kill, or with other synonyms or arrangements of the terms, is a social forced choice question and answer game. As one source describes it, "e have heard of the game "Kiss, Marry, Kill" in which people fantasize about which of the three choices they would exercise on someone". In the game, one person poses three names of people known to the other, either of people known in their personal lives or of celebrities. The other person then has to decide which of the three they would kiss, which one they would marry, and which one they would kill.
A 2009 Wonkette piece described it as "the popular children's schoolyard game of 'Fuck, Marry, Kill'", and suggested that the "rules" of the game included an understanding that the player can not have sex with the person they marry, and that the person they do choose to have sex with, they can only have sex with one time. The game has existed for decades, and has found its way into popular culture. For example, an article in The Onion captioned a photograph in a parody piece with "Sen. Clinton scans the Senate floor, passing the time with a quick game of 'Fuck, Marry, Kill'".
In a 2007 episode of the sitcom 30 Rock titled "Up All Night", characters in the show playing the game with reference to one another discover feelings which shape their relationships. A 2012 single by Nikki Williams was named "Kill, Fuck, Marry". The 2017 film has a scene in which two girls in Peter Parker's high school play the game with reference to Thor, Iron Man, and the Hulk. In April 2018, singer J Balvin received criticism for his responses when induced to play the game during an interview, when he suggested in response to the question that singer Rihanna would not be a good person to marry.